hey little guy

Chapter 20 Sweet

Chapter 20 Sweet (5)

There is such a legend in the carp group that every late spring, as long as you go upstream along the Yellow River and jump over the Dragon Gate, you have a chance to become a real dragon.

Little carp is a member of the group, and in the spring of another year, he followed the group of fish and watched one group after another jump over the dragon gate, but he dared not go forward for a long time.

"Why don't you try?" asked a black carp swimming up to him.

"My aptitude is not good." Little Carp said with inferiority, "There is definitely no way to do it."

Under the instigation of the black carp, the little carp still chose to jump forward.Although the ending did not go as expected, the two became friends and practiced together all day long.Ten years later, the black carp crossed the Longmen for the first time.

"How is it?" Little Carp rushed forward and asked, "Did you... feel any changes in your body?"

The black carp took a deep look at him and shook his head.

The little carp immediately became dejected.

"Your aptitude is so much higher than mine, but you still don't have a chance to turn into a dragon." He said dejectedly, "If it was me, I would definitely have no chance."

"Who said my aptitude is better than yours?" Black Carp choked.

"You work so much harder than me..."

"Doesn't that mean that my aptitude is poor?" Hei Liyu said, "I worked so hard, but the results I got are similar to what you do every day."

The little carp thought about it, but still hesitated.

"I don't have any chances anymore. I'm going all out, then I'll fail, and I'll be exhausted." Black Carp said solemnly, "You are my only friend. If you have a chance to become a dragon, tell me what it feels like... then I will die And no regrets."

The little carp stared at him blankly, and finally nodded.

Fifty years passed in a blink of an eye. These years, Xiao Liyu practiced day and night, but never went to Longmen until he was sure.

The little carp glanced at the black carp behind him, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the dragon gate.When he reached the edge, he jumped up and went straight through!

As the golden light overflowed, his body grew rapidly, his scales became hard, and powerful dragon claws protruded from his belly.In a blink of an eye, the golden dragon shape pierced through the clouds and went straight to the sky.

"I succeeded!" The little carp that had turned into a golden dragon roared, "I've really become a dragon!"

"Actually, you may not have a chance to transform into a dragon. I didn't know until I crossed this hurdle. It's really not that difficult." Little Carp turned around excitedly, then froze.

The black carp has become a black dragon at some point.

"Look, I told you that you could."


No one expected that in order to avoid the marriage contract arranged by the king, the usually submissive princess ran away from home.

She crossed half the country and came to the castle in the wilderness.There lived a great dragon, so powerful that the strongest warriors in the kingdom could not pass a round with him.

Probably because he was tired of living alone, the dragon took the princess in without asking any more questions.He began to transform into a human form and went to nearby cities to buy daily necessities for the princess. He gradually became more talkative, telling the princess stories about the outside world every day.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Only half a month later, the news of the princess living in the Dragon Castle spread to the palace.The king was furious and announced to the world that whoever could regain the princess would become a son-in-law and enjoy all the glory and wealth.

"Princess?" The person who unveiled the list laughed, "Who cares what she looks like. She is an only child, and after marrying her, she will be the king. Even if she is ugly, she can have as many concubines as she wants when she takes power?"

A few hours later, the person who unveiled the list was found in the grass on the edge of the city, unconscious.At the same time, the giant dragon completely gave up on persuading the princess to go home.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. In just a few days, the giant dragon dispatched batch after batch of so-called warriors, and finally they were accidentally cut by several swords.

"How did you get hurt all over?" the princess asked distressedly.

"A lot of people outside thought that I kidnapped you and wanted to rescue you back. This was a good thing, but they didn't listen to my explanation, and they started fighting when they came up. I fought them." The dragon smirked, " Sorry for delaying your return home."

The princess was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "I don't want to go back."

The giant dragon put away his smile: "Then don't go back."

A month passed quickly, and the castle was still not captured. Even later, even the nearby bandits and robbers joined the team to snipe the dragon, and the dragon suffered more and more injuries day by day.

In the early morning of this day, the army surrounded the castle. The dragon looked at the well-trained soldiers under the city wall with firm eyes and the determination to die.

"Are they all here to catch me?" The princess hid behind the dragon, her voice trembling.

"Don't be afraid," the dragon flapped its wings and jumped, "With me here, no one can catch you."

The general stood in front of the dragon, but he didn't draw out his sword as the dragon imagined.

He cleared his throat and raised his voice: "The king decreed that the notice be retracted, all dragon slayers be expelled, and the wounded be comforted."

"Also, although Your Majesty is a bit stricter, I still hope that Her Majesty the Princess will be happy." He smiled and winked at the dragon, "Although there has never been such a precedent, there may be nothing wrong with having a dragon as the successor... it is good."

【Sword marks】

The border war became more and more tense, and the man was drafted into the army and became a recruit.

Before leaving, he left a suicide note and wrote a letter to the childhood sweetheart girl next door.He who wanted to confess his love to the girl after a while had no chance at this time.He stuffed the letter through the door of the girl's house, turned and left.

Halfway there, the man heard someone calling his name.He turned around and found the panting girl, who had lost one of her shoes, and the soles of her feet were scratched by stones and covered in blood.

"I'll wait for you to come back and marry me!" the girl shouted.

The man opened his mouth, wanting to say something like "find a good family, don't be delayed by yourself", but in the end he just nodded.

The war was cruel, and the man was wounded in the first battle. If his comrades hadn't tried their best to protect him, he might have passed away long ago.In the next ten years, he wandered on the verge of life and death again and again.Death's scythe stuck to his throat countless times, but he was lucky enough to pass by it countless times.

The enemy army was gradually retreating, and the ranks of men were getting higher and higher, and finally took the top spot in the army.

When the sun rose that day, the drums of war roared.The men led the troops straight into the enemy's hinterland.The moment the enemy general's head was cut off, the enemy soldier's sword stabbed straight at the man.

The soldier beside the man jumped up and stood in front of the man.The sharp sword pierced through his chest and stabbed the man again, but there was only a little impact left.

The man was covered and left, and the enemy troops who lost their command lost their positions and were beaten to pieces.

With the victory of the war, the frontier has settled down.The man searched the battlefield for a long time, but couldn't find the body of the soldier who rescued him, so he cried bitterly and erected a monument as a memorial.

A man gets a high salary and a high position, and returns to his hometown in good clothes.On the day he returned home, he pushed aside the welcoming crowd and ran straight to the girl's house.Time has left traces on the girl's face, and faint wrinkles are engraved on the corners of her eyes.When she heard footsteps, she raised her head, with a slight surprise in her eyes.

The man proposes to the girl.

On the night of the bridal chamber, when the man wanted to untie the girl's lace, he was suddenly caught by the hand.

"Don't think I'm ugly." The girl's cheeks were flushed.

The man smiled and said, "How could that be?"

The girl withdrew her hand, the man continued to move, and then gave a sudden pause.

On the girl's chest, there was a sword mark that had just healed, and further down, there were old wounds left in countless battles.


"What are you doing?" The young man leaned carelessly against the door frame of the tavern, "After drinking, you want to leave without paying?"

The few people who hadn't left the tavern saw the young man and couldn't help shivering.They who just said they wanted to pay on credit hastily took out the money and handed it to the young man, without daring to say anything, they walked away in despair.

The young man weighed the money in his hand, walked to the counter, and said, "This is the money for the drinks of those people just now."

"Those people are hooligans, and this one is not a good thing." Behind the young man, a drinker reminded the people around him in a low voice, "Boss, you have to be careful that this person deceives your daughter."

The young man's ears moved, he turned around, slapped the table heavily, and snorted coldly, "Those who are also worthy of being called hooligans?"

"Hooligans want to rob civilian girls." The young man turned his head and said to the girl with a playful smile, "Isn't it?"

The drinker shrank his head in fright, but the girl burst out laughing.

"You just take it as an honor." The girl smiled, and turned her face hard again, "Don't make a lot of noise in my shop and disturb other customers drinking."

The reputation of the young man in the town is not good. Although he does not bully the market, he idles around all day long, does not respect anyone, and does not obey anyone's discipline.And his father was a famous general who guarded the frontier, and he was kind to others. In comparison, it naturally showed his stubbornness.

But the girl never looked down on him like the others.She can always tell the various advantages of the young man and persuade him to be kind to others.Although the young man never listened to persuasion, he also knew how to reciprocate. Over the past few years, he has helped the girl solve many problems both openly and secretly.

It was late at night, and after most of the guests left, the girl unexpectedly found that the young man who usually left early stayed at the end.

"I'm going to join the army," said the young man.

The girl showed a smile: "Why, figured it out? Are you ready to change your ways?"

The young man said in a low voice, "I may not come back. In a battle a few days ago, my father was injured. He is old and needs someone to take over."

The girl was startled, but just smiled and blessed.

Time flies, three years passed in the blink of an eye.In the past three years, the border war has been stalemate, and the enemy even occupied the small town. For a while, all residents lived in dire straits.

Until one day ago, a surprise soldier descended from the sky and recovered the town.Amidst the laughter, the residents of the town found that almost everyone in this army with super combat effectiveness was loose and free.

"How did this group of people do it?" Someone in the tavern was puzzled, "This group of hooligans is no better than the group of hooligans before."

"Hmph, is this worthy of being called a hooligan?"

The girl raised her head abruptly when she heard the sound, and the stubble-faced young man took a bunch of wild flowers and said with a playful smile, "Hooligans want to rob civilian girls."

【Mountain demon】

The old man at the mouth of the town has lived here for decades.

A long time ago, there was a legend of a mountain demon in the town.It is said that those mountain monsters are ugly, like to catch children, suck brains and blood, and throw their corpses into the wilderness.During that time, almost everyone in the town was in danger, and people kept moving away.Later, there were only a few dozen people left in the town, which originally had hundreds of households.

Until the arrival of that hero.

He was originally a soldier who joined the army. He returned to his hometown after making great achievements in battle, but he learned the news that his sister was missing.Distraught, he single-handedly went up the mountain, and killed dozens of mountain monsters with a hatchet until they became terrified and fled.After that, the town finally revived.

But that was decades ago.The residents of the town came one after another, and left one after another. Those who witnessed the battle with their own eyes had either died of old age or left their hometowns long ago.

However, as time went on, the talk that the trolls still existed somehow got re-spawned.Maybe it's just a lie to scare children, or maybe it's a frightening reality-the adults say that the hero is dead, and the mountain monster is dormant outside the town.Whenever there is a child who never comes home late at night, he will be watched by him.

Many people think that the old man living at the mouth of the town is a member of the mountain demon.This is actually not unreasonable, whether it is the uneven scars all over his body, or that slightly distorted smile, they are all in line with people's imagination of the legendary mountain monster.

Only the young man does not believe in this evil.

"They all say you are a mountain demon, but I don't believe it, I think you are a good person." The young man put down the wine pot in fear, and continued, "I saw you drinking before, and I thought you might like this, so... just ……At once……"

His scalp was numb from the old man's sinister gaze, he swallowed, and finally continued: "I brought you a jug of good wine."

After a long time, the boy did not hear the old man speak.Feeling more and more guilty, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, bowed tremblingly, and then ran away in a hurry.

Back home, the boy became more and more depressed when he thought about it, and he scolded himself for being an idiot.After blaming himself, the sun had already set, and he came back to the hut in the moonlight with apology in his arms.

Under the moonlight, the ferocious face of the old man suddenly appeared in front of the young man.

"Mountain demon!!!" The young man screamed in fright, and ran away.

The old man watched the boy run away and laughed heartily.He flicked his sleeves to cover the newly added wound on his wrist. While kicking the body of the mountain demon into the newly dug pit, he unscrewed the wine jug that the boy brought in the afternoon, and took a swig.

"It's a good seedling worth cultivating." The old man smiled.

"How come I can't control my legs when I think of the mountain demon. I believe he is a good man." Sitting at home, the young man blamed himself again, and muttered regretfully, "Bring a bottle of good wine to apologize tomorrow... this time You must not run away again!"

【childlike innocence】

"Your Majesty, it's time for you to take a shower and change your clothes." Shang Shu knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "In seven days, it will be your first divination time, when..."

"Mister, why are you kneeling again?" The young man who had just ascended the throne frowned, interrupting what Shang Shu had said.He trotted forward, holding Shang Shu's arm, trying to help him up.

Shang Shu was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this is not proper etiquette."

"What etiquette!" The young man snorted, "I am the king, so the etiquette is naturally determined by me. You are an elder, and I said you don't have to kneel in front of me, so you don't have to kneel."

As he spoke, the young man put in more effort, and finally helped Shang Shu up.

"This disrespect, how can I face the spirit of the former king... Sigh!"

The Shangshu sighed heavily, and said uneasy: "When the sacrifice is held seven days later, the king must not come to help me again, you must agree."

"Okay." The boy curled his lips, "Pedantic!"

Seeing the young man's nonchalant expression, Shang Shu had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, secretly praying that the sacrifice would be completed safely in a few days.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. In the palace, dozens of ministers knelt on one knee, and the music played harmoniously.

"This is the cub of Xuanwu captured from the Yangtze River. Please choose the hexagram, Your Majesty."

"What about after the selection?" the boy asked.

The fortune teller responded with a smile: "After the selection, it will be the work of the subordinates, and the king does not need to worry about it."

"I asked what happened after the selection?!" The young man's voice became severe, and when the fortune-teller was terrified, he finally realized that the young man in front of him, who was not as young as the weak crown, was actually the overlord.

"After slaughtering, roast it with an ever-burning candle until the shell of the tortoise is cracked, and then the hexagrams can be seen."

The young man tilted his head, then smiled slyly, took the jade cauldron containing several young turtles, and fell directly to the ground.

The Shangshu next to the boy was so startled that his eyes almost jumped out of his sockets, and he shouted: "My lord, divination is not like this!"

"The hexagram is complete, the weather is smooth, and the mountains and rivers are stable." The young man smiled and picked up the young turtle, ran out of the hall, and sent it into the moat connected to the Yangtze River, leaving only the ministers to look at each other.

When the monarchs of the surrounding countries heard about this, they all laughed at the stupidity of the young man, thinking that this was a good time to invade.In just over ten days, they formed a coalition force and raided the country.

The sudden torrential rain blocked the way for everyone to attack.

Over the next few years, every attack in the surrounding countries was thwarted by bad weather.The legend of Xuanwu phantom keeps appearing, and it has become the talk of everyone in this land.

The young man has been in power for 50 years, and the weather has been smooth and the mountains and rivers are stable.Until his death, he still had a childlike innocence.

[eight times]

The fire ignited the entire residential building.

When the girl woke up from her sleep, thick smoke had enveloped the entire house, and the pitch-black smoke blocked the firelight, making it difficult to see the escape route outside.She could only feel the roiling heat waves continuously burning her skin, squeezing out traces of moisture from it.

The man next to the girl covered her mouth and nose with a wet towel, and then hugged her horizontally.

"We'll be fine," he reassured, his eyes hardening.

Then, the man bent down and took the last breath of clean air deeply into his lungs.He kicked the door open, and fled outside as fast as he could in his life.

When they rushed to the third floor, raging flames had already sealed the door of the apartment.He sighed, lowered his head and kissed the girl's forehead, and then smashed the glass with his fist.

The man jumped and fell engulfed in thick smoke.

The girl attended the man's funeral.In order to keep him safe, the man suffered more than ten fractures and extensive severe burns all over his body, and died that night.At the funeral, the girl didn't shed a single tear, she just stared blankly at the man's photo without saying a word.

After that day, the girl quit her job and returned to her home.She lay in bed all day long, staring blankly at the ceiling.

In order to make her happy, her parents bought a kitten from a pet store.However, no matter how the kitten acted like a baby, the girl's state remained unchanged.

The psychiatrist said that she locked her heart in a cage, and only she could unlock the lock that locked the cage.Although her parents and friends were helpless, they had no choice but to watch her lose weight day by day.

But no one thought that the girl would climb to the rooftop that day.

"If there is an afterlife, I hope we can meet again." She leaned forward while thinking, and then jumped off the roof.The cat that was playing at the door looked at her falling body, let out a mournful cry, and rushed out frantically.Then before the girl fell to the ground, he jumped under her body.

In a trance, the girl saw the figure of the man again.

When I woke up again, it was already evening two days later.The girl looked at her mother in front of the hospital bed, and said softly, "Mom...I want to drink porridge."

It was the first time she had spoken in months, and her voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

"Mom, I seemed to see him that day, and he said, let me live well."

On the head of the bed, the kitten with its front legs bandaged shrank into her embrace.

"Although everything is inconvenient, your lifespan is short, and you have to eat disgusting things like rats... But... reincarnated in this body, I can save you eight more times."

(End of this chapter)

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