Chapter 114

The journey was uneventful, and Wei Rong'er's mood became more and more cheerful as she got closer to the capital, but Lin Siran understood that when she returned to the capital, this rare peaceful time would come to an end.

The Lin family in the capital city is Mrs. Lin's domain. Even though Mrs. Lin tried her best to cultivate her own power and take away the power of the Lin family's back house, Mrs. Lin still firmly controls the power of the Lin family.

Except for Mrs. Lin's Songshou Hall, Mrs. Lin can get her hands everywhere, and Lin Sizran's yard is still under Mrs. Lin's control. This is what Lin Sizran feels most uneasy about.

Therefore, Lin Siran suggested that Mrs. Lin arrange Wei Rong'er to live in Songshou Hall first, and then live separately after she and Lin Xiaoqian get married.

Mrs. Lin naturally understood what Lin Siran meant. Mrs. Lin would not let it go. She also had the responsibility to protect Wei Rong'er and not let her be persecuted by Mrs. Lin.

Although Wei Rong'er wanted to live with Lin Sizan very much, she was not used to it when she first arrived here, and she felt that it was better for Lin Sian to get along with her.

But Lin Siran persuaded her to live with Mrs. Lin, saying: "Cousin, you go to live in Songshoutang. Firstly, it will be safe, and secondly, you will be able to get closer to grandma. I will leave the Lin family sooner or later. You and grandma will be together later." Will get along day and night, the better the relationship, the better for your future."

Wei Rong'er looked at Lin Siran and was very moved, and said: "You always think of me in every way, and you are not afraid of your jokes. These days, I feel more and more like I can't do without you. Without you by my side, my heart will be broken." Hanging in the air, unable to go up or down."

"You just left the familiar environment, so it's normal to feel uneasy. Once you gain a firm foothold in the Lin family, everything will be fine. Aunt Biao, you have to take good care of yourself and be careful in everything." Lin Siran instructed.

Wei Rong'er nodded and said, "Yes, I will."

After the two had finished their intimate conversation, Wei Rong'er went to Songshou Hall. Mrs. Lin had already arranged a place for her and assigned two girls to serve her.

It wasn't until the next day that Wei Rong'er met Hui Xin face to face. Seeing Hui Xin's already firm belly, she knew that she was Hui Xin, the housewife Lin Sizan had mentioned.

But Huixin still doesn't know that this new Miss Wei will soon become Lin Xiaoqian's equal wife.

Mrs. Lin didn't give much introduction either. From her point of view, Wei Rong'er and Hui Xin had nothing to do with each other. They lived under the same roof for the time being. Although there were opportunities to meet each other, Hui Xin wanted to raise her baby with peace of mind and didn't need to worry about other things. I don't care about the weddings and funerals of the master's family.

But soon Huixin realized that something was wrong, because Lin Xiaoqian came to Songshoutang more and more diligently, and each time she came, she stayed much longer than before, and occasionally she could see Lin Xiaoqian and Wei Ronger talking together alone .

Huixin waited for Lin Siran to come, quietly called her into the room, and asked her: "Miss, who is Miss Wei?"

"Don't you know? It's my grandmother's niece, my father's cousin." Lin Siran deliberately didn't mention anything else.

Hui Xin is so smart, so she knew it was impossible to be so innocent, so she whispered: "I have seen several times, Master and her talking alone, although I don't know what they said, but they seem very close."

Lin Siran smiled, and said: "It's not intentional to hide anything from you, it's just that you're pregnant now, I'm afraid you'll feel uncomfortable after hearing that, my cousin is going to marry my father as an ordinary wife!"

"What?" Hui Xin was extremely surprised, "How could Madam agree?"

Lin Sizan said: "There is nothing she can do if she doesn't agree. This is what my father promised, and my grandmother also nodded in agreement. I'm afraid you don't know that you have been staying in Songshoutang. Marriage has already started in the mansion. Dad doesn't seem to plan to do it." Wronged cousin, you want to have a serious banquet!"

"I really can't believe that Madam can keep quiet? Because of me, she can't wait to tear off the roof of the Lin family. Now that the master is going to marry a common wife, he will be equal to her. How can she Can you stop making trouble?" Huixin was a little puzzled.

Lin Siran patted Huixin's hand, and said: "You, don't worry about those things, it has nothing to do with you, you can take care of the baby and give birth to the child properly, and you don't want to treat your cousin What's wrong with it, in a sense, you two should be on the same side, you know what I mean?"

Huixin looked at Lin Siran's eyes and immediately understood that it wasn't that Mrs. Lin didn't mind and didn't make a fuss, but that she had no choice but to bear it temporarily.But Wei Rong'er is bound to become a thorn in Mrs. Lin's side.

Since both were hated by Mrs. Lin, she and Wei Rong'er should naturally be in the same camp.

Huixin looked at Lin Sizan's side face, and was a little puzzled. Was Lin Sizran's careful arrangement of Wei Rong'er's appearance?Huixin has always felt that Lin Siran is very unpredictable, and it is difficult to think of her with a 15-year-old girl. Sometimes she feels that Lin Siran is clearly a middle-aged woman who has gone through vicissitudes of life under this young and immature skin. people.

That deepness and sophistication really shouldn't be what one should have at this age.

But maybe, he was also forced to be helpless?After all, being born in such a family, even living a good life has become a qualification that must be striven for with all efforts.

After Mrs. Lin returned to the Lin Mansion, she fell ill. It is said that the place where the eye was injured was inflamed and festered, and blood continued to flow out. The pain was so painful that she couldn't rest day and night.

Lin Siran had to say that if he did too many evil things, he would really suffer retribution.

But she was relieved, because Mrs. Lin couldn't take care of herself, so she and Wei Rong'er didn't have to live in fear all day long.

After the new year, when spring begins, she will enter the palace.

It seems that her future life is not under her control. She must do her best to arrange everything in the Lin family to ensure that she can control the situation in the Lin family even if she is not in the Lin family. How could she be willing to let the Lin family Madam continue to enjoy it?
For the enemy, she must kill them all. If they are given any chance to breathe, they will leave endless troubles for themselves.

Because I left the capital for a while, I got an invitation from Huo Min right after I came back.

The two still made an appointment to meet in Suiyuan. As soon as Huo Min saw Lin Sizan, he couldn't wait to ask her about her situation.

"I haven't had a chance to see you since we separated last time. I heard that you have also been selected as a female picker? Does that mean that you don't have to marry Prince Helan again?" Huo Min asked with concern.

Lin Sizan nodded and said: "Yes, thanks to your help, I wanted to tell you earlier, but many things came together, and I went back to the hometown with my family to worship the ancestors, so it was delayed."

"It doesn't matter, it would be the best if the matter can be resolved smoothly. I have also been selected as a picker, and we can meet each other often in the palace, hehe..." Huo Min said happily, as if entering the palace to choose a picker is the most fortunate thing The most important thing is that Lin Siran and Lin Siran can meet each other often.

Lin Siran also smiled, and said: "But there are many rules in the palace, and you must be cautious in every word and action. With your carefree temper, will your mother feel relieved to let you enter the palace?"

"My mother is worried, so I'm going to just go through the motions. When the time comes, please let me go out of the palace to marry myself. I know myself too well, and I can't stand the red tape of the royal family." Huo Min laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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