Chapter 209 Want to cover up
Everyone was taken aback. Mr. Qingxuan frowned displeasedly, and asked, "Don't make such a loud noise, it will scare the geese."

Lin Qianyu hurriedly apologized, and said, "Sir, I was excited at the moment, please don't take offense, I remembered who owned that copper coin!"

"Whose?" Qing Xuan asked.

"It's Sui'er's, Sui'er... I saw you wearing it on your hand, is it yours?" Lin Qianyu asked.

Sui'er hadn't worn that copper coin for a long time, and said: "I did have one before, but I lost it for a long time, and I haven't brought it back today. Second Miss, please don't wrong anyone."

"Lost it? It's such a coincidence, I'm afraid it was lost here?" Princess Shushen asked coldly.

"Sui'er really didn't wear this today, I can testify!" Qing Ying also said, "I've been with Sui'er all this time."

"But my girl saw her running to the backyard with her own eyes. If the copper coin is hers, it proves that she has entered the fence. It is such a coincidence that the goose accidentally ate the pea yellow that the princess likes. No matter how you look at this matter, it is difficult to understand." It has nothing to do with you!" Princess Shushen was aggressive.

Mr. Qingxuan also frowned, today's incident is really strange, the goose ate poisonous things, it must be related to this group of people, but she still has no idea who did it.

Lin Siran gently stroked the big goose's body, and then said: "Goose, goose, it would be great if you could talk, so that you can know who is trying to harm you, and you can stay here without any harm. No one offended anyone, suffered this crime for no reason, and almost lost his life, it's really pitiful."

"Pretentious!" Princess Shushen said disdainfully.

"Sui'er does have copper coins and red strings, and I tied them with my own hands. She also liked to wear them on her wrists." Lin Siran stood up and said to Mr. Qingxuan.

"So, do you admit that this copper coin belongs to Sui Er?" Lin Qianyu asked hastily, "I've seen her wear it too."

"Well, I only said that Sui Er has it, and I didn't say that it belongs to Sui Er. Besides, even if it belongs to Sui Er, she has a silver bracelet from the princess on her wrist today, so it is impossible for her to wear the red string again." Lin Sizan pulled up Sui'er's wrist to show everyone, "Because it was a gift from the princess, Sui'er cherishes it very much and wears it all the time."

"Wearing a silver bracelet, you can also wear a red string without conflicting. Besides...she may not be wearing it on her wrist, but she may have put it somewhere on her body. In a panic, she left it on the ground. I don't care. I know." Lin Qianyu said.

Lin Sizan asked Asi: "Can you show me the copper coins?"

"Okay." Asi had a good impression of Lin Sizan, and he quickly gave it to Lin Sizan.

Lin Sizan glanced at the red rope, it was indeed Sui'er's property, that is to say, Lin Qianyu got Sui'er's stuff at some point and just seized the opportunity to frame it.

Lin Qianyu smiled and asked: "Since sister said she tied the knot by herself, she should be able to recognize it. Is this Sui'er's thing?"

"It's Sui'er's." Lin Siran admitted frankly, "But..."

"But what? You admitted that it belonged to the girl next to you, so you can't deny it now?" Princess Shushen said aggressively, "Sir, you can't just let them go like this, it's too bad, to even lay down on a few geese Poisonous hands!"

Mr. Qingxuan frowned, and looked at Lin Siran, somewhat incomprehensible.

Lin Siran also knew that Mr. Qingxuan didn't want to believe that it was her and Sui'er who did it.

"If Sui'er entered here and wanted to poison, there was no footprint left here, which means that Sui'er had carefully covered up her footprints. Since she has carefully covered up her footprints, why didn't she even notice that she dropped something?" Lin Siran asked.

"What's so strange about it? The thing was covered under the grass. It's normal for her not to see it. She was panicked. How could she be so careful?" Lin Qianyu argued plausibly.

Lin Sizan asked: "Axi discovered this copper coin just after digging through several layers of grass, didn't he?"

Ash nodded and said, "Yes."

"If it is something that fell randomly, it should be on the grass. Even if a few grasses are accidentally blown up by the wind and cover up the red rope, it will not be so tightly covered. When we look at it at a glance, there is nothing there. Isn’t it weird that you have to rummage to find out?” Lin Siran sneered, “It’s really like trying to cover up.”

"Yes, in this way, it doesn't look like it was dropped by accident, but hidden on purpose." Asi nodded.

Princess Shushen frowned, and secretly glanced at Lin Qianyu.

Annoyance also flashed in Lin Qianyu's eyes, she was afraid that someone would come early, discover this thing, and take it away, and then there would be no way to identify Sui'er.

"I remember, sister, you came to the backyard first, right? Sui'er came here later. In fact, my sister also has a chance to do something, right?" Lin Siran asked with a half-smile.

Lin Qianyu immediately denied it, saying: "I didn't do anything, besides, I didn't have any snacks."

In order to avoid being suspected, she threw away all the paper bags containing snacks, and there must be no way to find evidence from her.

"Is there any, who knows?" Lin Sizan snorted, "Actually, big geese have very good noses. If someone comes close to them, they will definitely be able to smell each other's body. Why don't we let the big geese find it by themselves?" Who is the murderer?"

Mr. Qingxuan asked puzzledly: "Can the big goose find the murderer?"

"Axi, please bring me another basin of warm water, I need it." Lin Siran begged.

Asi glanced at Mr. Qingxuan, and Mr. Qingxuan nodded.

"What kind of tricks are you going to play again? Don't play tricks in front of your husband, we don't have time to mess around with you!" Princess Shushen reprimanded unceremoniously.

"Why should the princess be in a hurry, isn't he going to find the murderer? The big goose will definitely tell us who is the murderer." Lin Siran pretended to be mysterious and authentic.

Princess Shushen snorted, and said: "Who knows if you are playing tricks on purpose to avoid responsibility? You are a very cunning woman, sir, don't be fooled by her."

"Don't you think Mr. is stupid, can't see who is playing tricks? How dare I mess around in front of Mr.?" Lin Siran pushed back.

Princess Shushen was very annoyed, and said: "Now the evidence is in your hands, it is clearly your girl who poisoned, and you also brought the pea yellow."

"Pea yellow... By the way, princess, you, Tracy, bring our snack box." Lin Siran said.

Trish went in a hurry, and after a while, she brought a snack box, which also had a little crumbs in it.

"The food you eat must not be poisonous, what's there to see!" Princess Shushen rolled her eyes.

Lin Siran handed the box to Mr. Qingxuan, and said, "Sir, smell it."

Mr. Qingxuan sniffed it, nodded, and said, "Well, it smells good."

Lin Siran handed it to Princess Shushen again, and said, "Don't you want to smell it?"

"I don't want it, don't pea yellows all taste the same, what's so good about it?" Princess Shushen dismissed it.

Lin Siran was not reluctant, and soon Asi brought a basin of warm water.

"I put this pot of water in two bowls. Only Sui'er and my sister have been to this backyard. One of them must have poisoned the goose. Do you have any doubts about this?" Lin Siran asked.

"I didn't poison you!" Lin Qianyu stiffened her neck and firmly denied it.

(End of this chapter)

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