The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 216 Someone Pulled Me Into The Water

Chapter 216 Someone Pulled Me Into The Water

But she didn't have any evidence. At that time, she stepped on the stone road, but her feet slipped suddenly, but she stopped when she was still some distance from the lake, and she didn't fall, but a bird protruded from the water. With his hand, he dragged her down abruptly.

Hong Ying immediately jumped down to save her, but was dragged away and never got up again.

"Red cherry... is it gone?" Mrs. Lin asked.

Mother Chun nodded, and said with difficulty: "When I was rescued, it was already gone."

"Murder, this is murder!" Mrs. Lin gritted her teeth and said, "It's too vicious, she is too vicious!"

"Grandmother, don't get excited. Your body has just recovered. Don't get angry. Only when you are calm can you be safe." Lin Siran comforted Mrs. Lin.

" don't know, someone dragged me into the water, someone dragged me into the water!" How could Mrs. Lin not be excited?She was so frightened, death was so close at that moment, she was so frightened that she lost her soul.

Lin Siran was extremely calm, and said in a calming voice: "Grandmother, the matter has come to this point, and it is irreversible, but you have been ill these days, and there is no evidence. I can only bear with it temporarily, never tell the truth, instead I have to pretend I don't know anything!"

"How can that be done? How could Hong Ying die in vain? Old lady, you must not let the murderer go!" Qing Ying knelt down excitedly.

Lin Sizan understood Qing Ying's mood, and said: "Sister Hong Ying died, and grandma got seriously ill because of it. No one would want to. But since she dares to make a move, she must be confident. If we have no evidence, we will go To complain to my father will only be considered as a false accusation. Then she will cry and argue a few words, and my father will believe her. In this way, next time even if we have real evidence, my father will be biased towards her, so it is better to lie dormant and let her go. She let down her vigilance. If grandma wants to make a move, she must hit it with one blow, leaving her with no way out!"

Lin Siran's eyes became extremely sharp for a moment.

Mrs. Lin was not reconciled, and asked: "I have suffered such a big loss, does your father still dare to help that poisonous woman?"

"Father won't help anyone. In his heart, his wife and mother are very important. He doesn't want to hurt any of you, so he is also very embarrassed. Grandma, you can't expect your father to help you without knowing the truth." , to punish his wife who has been with him for many years." Lin Sizan reminded.

What's more, Lin Xiaoqian still has a deep affection for Mrs. Lin, or a deep dependence.

Lin Xiaoqian has come from nothing to today without Madam Lin's support and help. She has an absolute advantage in this point, because Madam Lin has contributed a lot to Lin Xiaoqian's success today.

She dared to disrespect her mother-in-law and covered the sky with one hand in the Lin family, didn't she rely on the affection of these years?
Mother Chun also persuaded: "Missy is right, old lady, you have to think about it clearly, do you want to make the house restless and make Master Shang Shu separate from your mother and child, or wait for the opportunity to completely subdue the person who harmed you? "

Mrs. Lin's face was tense, and she said: "Of course I want her to never recover. In the past, I have always tolerated her rudeness and thought of her natal family's kindness to Qian'er, but now she How dare you lay such a cruel hand on me, I will never forgive her!"

Lin Siran knew that Mrs. Lin was a woman with a strong character, otherwise she would not have been a widow for many years to raise her son. She has endured a lot of hardships and honed her character, which cannot be destroyed by a single conspiracy.

As long as Mrs. Lin's willpower supports her, if she continues to fight with Mrs. Lin, it's still unknown who will win the battle!

As soon as Mrs. Lin woke up, Lin Xiaoqian brought Mrs. Lin to the door to say hello.

Lin Xiaoqian was not unfilial, he felt distressed when he saw his mother was so emaciated due to an illness, and blamed himself: "My son is unfilial, he is busy with outside affairs every day, and he can't even serve the soup and medicine, please punish him!"

As he spoke, he knelt down in front of Mrs. Lin.

Mrs. Lin also rubbed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, knelt down and said: "My daughter-in-law has been lingering on the sick bed, and can't serve the old lady herself, please punish me!"

Mrs. Lin looked at Mrs. Lin's eyes, almost unable to hide her hatred.

Fortunately, Lin Sizan helped to smooth things over, saying: "Father is busy with official duties, and the eldest lady is sick, how can grandma blame me? My father brought me back here on purpose, isn't it just to do my filial piety to grandma? Fortunately, grandma is a lucky person, It’s finally over.”

Lin Xiaoqian had already ordered people to make preparations for the funeral. Firstly, he was very happy, and secondly, he was afraid that the old man would not be able to make it through. It was better to prepare in advance than to be in a hurry.

But I didn't expect that Mrs. Lin really got better after Lin Siran came back.

As a son, he is naturally happy.

"Danran has done a lot this time. If she hadn't been taking care of me, an old lady, I'm afraid I'd have to see your father!" Mrs. Lin's voice was still full of resentment.

Lin Xiaoqian said ashamedly: "Mother, don't say such a thing, you look like a long-lived person, and you will definitely live to be a hundred years old."

Mrs. Lin looked at Mrs. Lin with a smile that was not a smile, and then laughed at herself: "I want to live to be a hundred years old, so shouldn't I be disgusting?"

Mrs. Lin quickly said with a smile: "Where is the old lady, an old man is like a treasure. Even if you live to be two hundred years old, no one will dare to dislike you. That is the blessing of our children and grandchildren."

"Two hundred years old? I don't expect it. This time I can slow down, thanks to a good granddaughter!" Mrs. Lin took Lin Siran's hand again, "Speaking of which, there are two granddaughters and one grandson in the family. , or only Ranran is the most considerate!"

Lin Qianyu was idle at home, and did not say that she would come to serve Mrs. Lin.

Both Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoqian heard the voice of Mrs. Lin's words.

"Yu'er has never touched the spring water since she was a child, and she can't do the job of serving people at all. The daughter-in-law originally wanted her to serve her. The master was afraid that she would be clumsy and not good at serving, so he specifically asked the emperor to let her take care of her." Ranran came back to take care of you, old lady, don’t worry too much, Yu’er and Yuan’er are also filial, they have been copying the Lotus Sutra these days, and they made banners with their own hands and burned them in front of the Buddha, praying for you!”

Mrs. Lin was afraid that her two children would be accused of being unfilial, so she quickly explained.

Lin Xiaoqian also helped to smooth things over, saying: "Yes, the two children are also worried about your old body, and they chant scriptures and pray for blessings every day, and their hearts are sincere."

After Mrs. Lin was ill for a while, her mind became clearer, and she didn't believe in these foolish things at all. Copying scriptures was naturally much easier than taking care of her patient herself.

It is also uncertain who copied the scriptures.

"Then they really have a heart." Mrs. Lin closed her eyes after finishing speaking.

The atmosphere became stiff again in an instant.

Lin Siran smiled and said: "Actually, grandma has a little knot in her heart. She just woke up and said that she dreamed of her aunt and grandma, and she is not very happy at the moment. In addition, she has been ill for so long, and the second wife did not come to visit her." Once, grandma felt more and more sad, father...shouldn't the second lady be filial as well?"

As soon as Lin Siran finished speaking, Mrs. Lin opened her eyes and stared at Lin Xiaoqian.

(End of this chapter)

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