The first daughter is not bad, the prince does not love

Chapter 371 I especially cherish this life

Chapter 371 I especially cherish this life

Lin Siran said: "It is indeed a blind date, but I have no fate with Mr. Han, and we didn't like each other, so my father just let it go."

Lin Siran didn't say anything else, and it's useless to talk too much to Mrs. Lin.

After the restoration of the Su family, Mrs. Lin once again lost control of the Lin family. Lin Xiaoqian also had a lot of ties with Mrs. Lin because Mrs. Lin always criticized him a lot.

It can be said that the situation she had arranged in the Lin family was destroyed a lot.

When she came back this time, her most important task was to completely crush Mrs. Lin to death, so that she would never have a chance to come out and dance again.

As long as Mrs. Lin can still show off her power, she will definitely find a way to be a monster, hold her back, and try to set traps and traps for her.

Lin Siran knows better than anyone that she and Mrs. Lin are incompatible and irreconcilable.

One side must be completely defeated, otherwise no one will be able to live in peace.

"Grandmother, I plan to stay at home for a while, and I can come back to accompany you again, but I still have to go to Mrs. Luohua's residence to study every day." Lin Siran said with a smile.

Mrs. Lin immediately became happy, and asked: "Are you going to live at home? That's great, or you can just move to Songshoutang, it will be more convenient."

"I'm afraid I'll disturb your peace, so I'll go back to live with myself, but don't worry, I'll come to accompany you every day." Lin Sizan said with a smile.

"Alright, I heard that you have a lot of studies, so you should focus on it. Your time as a girl at home will not be too long. When your daughter grows up, she will eventually marry and become a wife. At that time, I want to calm down again. I don't have the energy and time to study anything." Mrs. Lin said with emotion, she is someone who has experienced it, so how could she not know.

Lin Siran's heart warmed slightly because of these words.

Mrs. Lin and her have experienced many ups and downs, and she has also chilled and complained about this old lady. I am afraid it will be difficult to establish a relationship without impurities and suspicions.

But at least her words are really for her sake, and they are the instructions and care that elders would have for younger generations.

It's hard to do this.

Lin Siran is not a hard-hearted person, she just wants to avoid being too soft-hearted, wearing a false mask, and getting along with people of different identities.

If someone treats her well, she can't wait to repay it with ten times the kindness.

But for Mrs. Lin, her feelings are extremely complicated, she dare not get too involved in her feelings, and it is inevitable that she will feel a little sympathetic because she sees her old and lonely.

"Well, I know." Lin Siran responded, maybe it's best to keep this kind of distance.

She knew that Mrs. Lin never meant to harm her, but she often chose to sacrifice her for the benefit of the family and Lin Xiaoqian, which really broke Lin Sizhan's heart.

Lin Siran doesn't need much, just needs a person who can firmly choose to stand by her side when faced with choices. If Mrs. Lin can do this, Lin Siran is also willing to do her best for her, even fight hard. life.

But Mrs. Lin is not like this. She only chooses to help her and care for her when Lin Sizan has no conflict with the Lin family and children and grandchildren who are important to her.

How could Lin Siran not be sad and disappointed?
Because in her life, she was destined to run counter to the interests of the Lin family and Lin Xiaoqian.

Because the Lin family owed her too much, she had to ask for it back.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Siran was actually relieved again. She and Mrs. Lin were destined not to be bound by the kind of affection between grandparents and grandchildren, so there was no need to force it.

"Ranran, you are a child with great fortune. You should cherish every opportunity. Life cannot be repeated. If you miss it, you will lose it." Mrs. Lin suddenly said earnestly.

Lin Siran was slightly taken aback.

Can life not be repeated?
Her life seemed to start all over again.

But she suddenly felt that even if she did it all over again, the hurt she had suffered would not disappear. She would always remember the pain she suffered after being betrayed, and she would always remember the resentment of knowing the truth before she died.

Even if she does it all over again, it will be another life, and she is not Lin Siran from her previous life.

"Why did grandma suddenly say such things? It's so profound." Lin Sizan asked jokingly.

Mrs. Lin said: "Recently, I feel more and more that I have done many things wrong in the past. When I recalled the past, I realized that there were better choices at that time. It didn't have to be that way, but it was too late. I don't want you to have such a Pity."

"I won't, I will cherish this life very much." Lin Siran said firmly.

"That's good, so you have great fortune." Mrs. Lin said, patting her hand.

Mother Chun nodded slightly, and said, "It seems that the old lady can go to fortune-telling in the future."

Mrs. Lin burst out laughing, and said: "You old man, you are making fun of me again."

Lin Sizan turned her head to look at Nanny Chun, and seeing that she was also smiling, she thought, could it be due to Nanny Chun that Mrs. Lin's attitude towards her has changed so much this time?

When Lin Siran heard about the fortune-telling, he took over the conversation and said, "Grandmother said that I have a great fortune, but some people say that I am a disaster star, and I want to invite a god-man to change my fate!"

"Huh?" Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Siran in surprise, "What's going on?"

Lin Siran then told Mrs. Lin that she was slandered as a disaster star, and Mrs. Lin planned to invite an expert to change her life.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin squeezed the Buddhist beads tightly, and said: "It's just nonsense, so many things happened to the Lin family, who is the culprit, others don't know, but she doesn't know? She still wants you to come It's unreasonable to be a scapegoat!"

"Old madam, don't get excited, don't you know madam yet? The matter of the second young lady has become her heart disease, but the life of the young lady is getting better and better. Can she not be jealous?" Mother Chun didn't have many surprises. .

"Then how could it be such a coincidence that Mr. Qingxuan and the princess are both sick?" Mrs. Lin asked, "This is not a trivial matter."

"The problem now is not about the sickness of the husband and the princess, but how to help the eldest miss take off the hat of this catastrophe, otherwise the young lady's future will be completely ruined." Chunyu said sharply.

Lin Siran said gratefully: "What the nanny said is true, but I don't know how to do it, if my father agrees to the lady's proposal, why don't we let them talk about this so-called expert? How can I keep things from being hidden, sooner or later, the hat of this catastrophe will be given to me."

Lin Siran looked at Mrs. Lin aggrievedly.

Mrs. Lin thought for a while, and said, "I have a good idea, Chun'er, do you remember Zen Master Zhizhen?"

"Of course I remember that Zen Master Zhizhen once opened a Taoist temple in the capital and taught Buddhism, which caused quite a stir. His Majesty wanted to make him a protector of the country, but he still refused. Not sure." Mother Chun said.

"As long as we find Zen Master Zhizhen and ask him to say a few words for us, then no one's words will be easy to use, and the words of the disaster star will be self-defeating." Mrs. Lin said.

(End of this chapter)

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