Chapter 383 The Grumpy Old Woman

"Hey...why are you like this?" Sui'er couldn't stand it any longer, "Our lady doesn't owe you anything, did you make a mistake in saving you?"

"Isn't it wrong? I deliberately wanted a poisonous snake to bite me, and I relied on the snake's venom to nourish my body. In the end, you detoxified me and caused me to be bitten once in vain. Although it's nothing serious, it still hurts." , and wasted my efforts." The old woman said solemnly.

Lin Siran couldn't tell whether what she said was true or not.

"You use snake venom to mend your body?" Qingying couldn't believe it, "How can there be such a way of mending in the world, are you not afraid of death?"

"Of course you haven't heard of it. You are ignorant and ignorant. Snake venom is a good thing. So, do you want to compensate me?" The old lady looked at Lin Siran, as if she was asking for debts as it should be.

Sui'er wanted to start scolding, but was stopped by Lin Sizan, and said: "Okay, since you have nothing to do and you are really hungry, I'll invite you to a restaurant."

"Miss..." Sui'er really didn't understand why Lin Siran was so talkative.

The old lady was happy, and said: "Hey, that's just right, let's go, I remember that the best restaurant in the capital is Guangyuelou, I ate there!"

Lin Siran thought to herself, she is quite good at picking places.

"Isn't it your first time to come to the capital?" Lin Siran asked, "You are not from the capital, are you?"

The old woman glanced at Lin Siran, and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you asking so much about? Shall I tell you the details of my ancestors' eighteen generations?"

Lin Siran was speechless.

What a grumpy old woman.

"Be careful what you say, isn't it too impolite?" Sui'er was eager to protect the Lord, she couldn't bear it anymore, and pointed at the old woman, "You want to do this again... Ouch"

Sui'er's hand suddenly seemed to be pricked by something, the pain was excruciating, and then the fingers swelled up, getting bigger and bigger, almost like carrots.

"It hurts..." Sui'er burst into tears from the pain.

Lin Siran was shocked, looked at the old woman, and asked, "Grandma, what did you do to Sui'er?"

"Little girl, there are no rules, it's very impolite to point fingers, don't you know? What's more, it's really rude to an old man like me, you should remember it well!"

Not only was the old woman not ashamed, but she scolded Sui'er ferociously.

Lin Siran was also a little angry, and said, "Mother-in-law, please hurry up and help Sui'er get well. She didn't do it on purpose, but she is just eager to protect the Lord. Why are you so serious?"

"Yo, are you angry too?" The old woman looked at Lin Sizan with a half-smile, "I thought you were really good-natured, but I didn't expect it to be so."

"Mother-in-law, please, if you are really angry, come at me at worst and don't hurt Sui'er." Lin Siran was so anxious that she couldn't bear Sui'er's crying at all.

Seeing Sui'er, the old woman wailed continuously.

He grabbed her hand and spat on it.

Sui'er was almost nauseated, but was surprised to find that the lump on her hand disappeared, the pain gradually eased, and finally disappeared, and her hand returned to its original appearance.

Lin Siran realized that the old woman in front of her was not an ordinary country woman, she should be a master of poison!

"Mother-in-law, you are amazing!" Although Lin Siran praised her, he was already vigilant in his heart, this old man was too dangerous.

No wonder she said that she only used snake venom to nourish her body. This old lady was not accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake, right?
"It's okay, hurry up, I'm hungry!" The old woman walked out the door willfully.

Sui'er looked at Lin Siran pitifully, and Lin Siran patted her on the shoulder and gave her a wry smile.

I took my old lady to Guangyue Building.

She went in first, and Xiao Er was about to come forward to bombard people, Lin Siran rushed over and said, "I want the private room on the second floor."

Only then did Xiao Er change her smiling face, and sent them to the second floor.

Lin Siran was worried that the old lady would just poison others if she was unhappy, after all, she seemed to have a perverse temperament and a bad temper.

The old woman sat down and said to Xiao Er: "First serve a pot of Yuqian Longjing, and then serve all your signature dishes, by the want meat, I don't like vegetarians!"

Xiao Er was shocked by the old woman's style, and subconsciously glanced at Lin Sian, after all, the old woman dressed like a beggar, not like a rich person.

Lin Siran nodded and said, "Just do as she says."

"Come on, wait a moment!" Xiao Er went out.

The old woman looked at the environment of the private room, nodded slightly, and said: "As expected of a restaurant in the capital, it's just different, classy, ​​and stylish!"

Qingying asked curiously: "Mother-in-law, who are you? How did you make Sui'er's hand look like that just now? How can it be cured after spitting?"

The old woman raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said, "It's just a trick, it's not worth mentioning."

"Grandma must not be a mortal." Lin Siran asserted, "It seems that I am indeed meddling today."

The old woman glanced at Lin Siran, smiled, and said, "Actually...not all, I didn't bring anti-venomous snake medicine with me, and I happened to be sleepy and sleeping on the side of the road, who knew there was a snake just waking up." , don’t open your eyes, and bit my wife’s foot!"

Sui'er was depressed again when she heard this, and asked: "Then you still..."

But seeing the old lady stare, Sui'er didn't dare to speak again, the memory of her swollen hands just now was still very clear, she didn't dare to offend this old lady who knew how to use poison.

Lin Siran was not angry, but nodded, and said: "Then it is destined, you are lucky, and you happened to meet us passing by."

"Hey? Aren't you angry?" The old woman was surprised instead. Normal people should be angry now, right?

Lin Siran shook his head and said: "You just want to have a good meal, this meal is nothing to me, there is nothing to be angry about."

"I blackmailed you on purpose, aren't you angry?" the old woman asked.

"Just do one good thing that day, and being angry is not good for your health, so I don't want to be angry." Lin Sizan smiled lightly, just at this time Xiao Er brought a pot of tea.

Lin Siran poured tea for the old woman herself.

"Longjing before Yu is delicious, you can try it." Lin Sizan said politely.

The old lady took a sip of tea, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Well, it really is good tea. Everything in the capital is really good."

Lin Siran continued for her.

Qingying wanted to pick up the teapot, but she didn't even give it.

"Mother-in-law, with your skills, how could you walk to the western suburbs alone? You must be coming to the capital, right? With your ability, you can't even hire a car." Lin Si Ran started asking questions like gossip.

The old woman said, "I've run out of money."

"Really? Your poison technique is so powerful, it's not difficult to get money, isn't it?" What's more, you are so good at blackmailing people, it must not be difficult, this is what Lin Siran dared not say.

The old woman didn't answer directly, and said, "Does it have anything to do with you whether I walk or take a carriage?"

"No." Lin Siran replied, "It's just chatting."

"Then let's talk about something else, let's talk about you, you haven't introduced yourself yet!" The old woman was not polite.

(End of this chapter)

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