Chapter 407
Lin Siran wanted to go out too, but was stopped by Li Xingjue.

"Miss Lin, it's really beyond my expectation. This speech is so wonderful that I have to applaud you. It's impressive that a little girl has such ambition and ambition!"

Li Xingjue was not angry or ridiculed, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Lin Siran approvingly.

This instead made Lin Siran jealous.

If he mocked her wantonly, or simply humiliated her, she didn't care at all, after all, he was the Li Xingjue in her impression, just an idiot.

But he chose to hide his true attitude, and praised her in such a calm and atmospheric way, which is really disturbing.

"In the past, I was blind. I didn't recognize Miss Lin as a piece of rough jade. I missed a great opportunity. I mistaken pearls for fish eyes, and I offended Miss Lin severely. Hiss..."

Li Xingjue took a breath, shook his head slowly, his face was full of remorse and regret.

"But I think, is it still too late? I should still have a chance to make up for my mistakes and make Ms. Lin change her opinion of me? If Ms. Lin is willing to give me a chance, I will do everything I can to prove... that I am right for you The lord I am looking forward to!"

Li Xingjue raised the corners of his mouth slightly, no hypocrisy or cunning could be seen from his face, he seemed to really appreciate Lin Siran, and sincerely hoped to resolve old grievances with her.

Lin Siran looked at his outstretched hand.

He didn't speak for a long time.

It was obviously impossible for her to believe Li Xingjue's words. No matter what he pretended to be, the things in his bones could not be changed just by saying.

He just learned to be smarter, knowing how to hide his true intentions, hoping to gain greater benefits for himself in this way.

But Lin Siran couldn't figure it out, what was there in him that was worth Li Xingjue's plotting?

Moreover, they are clearly enemies who are in the same situation. Is it necessary for him to lower his stance and come to make peace with her?

"Miss Lin, why are you hesitating? After several months of contemplation behind closed doors, I have figured out many things, and I am deeply annoyed at my recklessness and ignorance at the beginning. Maybe it's because I have lived so smoothly since I was a child. Whatever you want, you can get what you want, anyway, the emperor is partial to the father, and the concubine mother will compete for favor, and after a long time like that, people will indeed become arrogant and think that they are omnipotent!"

Li Xingjue sat down in front of the desk, his posture was casual, and he no longer had the previous high-ranking posture.

"In the beginning, I hated you and wished I could find someone to cut you into pieces. It's abominable for a little girl to make me fall so hard!"

"But then I gradually calmed down, and I found that... although the fall was miserable, it was timely, because I began to examine myself, and I also knew how vain everything I had was. As long as the emperor said a word, I will be beaten back to my original shape, no different from those unfavored princes."

"I am no longer arrogant and arrogant. I no longer feel that I am superior and can crush everything. If a person... wants to become truly strong, he needs the help of others. When I am arrogant, some people are helping me, but What they value is not me, but the benefits I can bring to them, and once I lose my value, they can quickly find someone to replace me."

Lin Siran looked at Li Xingjue and listened to him chattering about his own mental journey.

"Don't think I'm long-winded, these are my sincere words, and I have never had the opportunity to tell others, but after hearing what Miss Lin said today, I may be someone who can understand me, to be honest You said, I didn’t pay attention to any women in the past, women are just beautiful playthings to me, no different from the birds and cats I raise, including your beautiful sister.”

Li Xingjue smiled mockingly.

No matter what he said, Lin Siran just listened silently without saying a word.

"But today I found out that Miss Lin, you are different. You have talents and ideas that are not inferior to any man. You broke my stereotypes about women. Although until now, you still haven't thought about resolving the conflict with me. Allied. I'm not mad, you know why?"

Li Xingjue looked at Lin Siran with sincere eyes.

Lin Siran shook his head.

"You deserve to be respected. A person who cares about the world, whether he is a man or a woman, deserves to be respected. You already have rich clothes, good food, fame and fortune, but you can still see those sufferings, those wailing, such a person, even Even if you are not a companion, you should be respected. This is the truth my father taught me a long time ago, but I didn't understand it at that time."

"Because I haven't seen the real suffering, and I can't understand those sufferings. People are divided into three, six, and nine classes at birth. I was born as a prince, and I am noble, inviolable, and deserve to be worshiped and respected." But when I fell into the dust, I realized that the faces of those around me are so hypocritical, they don't respect me, they respect the title of King Fu, and the halo given to me by my father."

Lin Siran frowned slightly.

She almost thought that Li Xingjue, like her, came back from the dead and saw through life.

"I have undergone a complete change. Now I still want this world, but it is different from the past. I don't want to be a muddle-headed person anymore. I also have my ideals and aspirations!"

Li Xingjue's eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Miss Lin, maybe... would you like to come and build our ideal world with me?" Li Xingjue got up again, and stretched out his hand towards Lin Bianran. What a touching invitation this is?

Lin Siran was almost bewitched by him.

She almost moved her heart, thinking that the person in front of her was the Mingjun Holy Lord in her ideal.

But at the moment when she hadn't moved her footsteps, her head suddenly rang an alarm.

Is all this true?
Can people change their ingrained ideas from childhood to adulthood in just a few months?
She lived her whole life again, and some things still cannot be changed.

For example, her loyalty to her friends, the feelings in her heart, the people and things she loves, all she changed is to learn to distinguish the ones around her who are truly worthy of love, and to learn to better protect herself.

After thinking about it calmly, I saw that what was burning in Li Xingjue's eyes was not some ideal flame, but a deeper ambition and desire.

He's smarter and harder to deal with.

But he is still Li Xingjue, that selfish and unscrupulous His Royal Highness Fu Wang!
He didn't regret the harm he had done to Lin Siran, what he said was that he fell badly, he was very pitiful, and he saw the warmth and coldness of people and the coldness of the world.

But isn't he responsible for all of this?

He just realized cleverly that once he fell, the faces of those surrounding him would change instantly, so he couldn't trust people anymore.

So he also has to learn to change his face and use the way others like to win over some people again.

Lin Siran was the first object he chose.

(End of this chapter)

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