Chapter 420

Lin Ruran was as anxious as a headless chicken, and said: "I must have been implicated by me. Could it be the second prince? That's father knows about my brother's existence. The second prince may have deliberately arrested him to blackmail me. My brother... no, I have to go back to Lin's house, I want to ask Lin Xiaoqian for clarification!"

Lin Siran said that he was about to rush out.

"Wait a minute...the curfew is about to come, and accidents will happen if you run around." Qingxuan grabbed her, "Don't worry, if the second prince really took him away, then he will be fine for the time being, nothing more than wanting to Just use Shichu to threaten us, he will definitely raise conditions and dare not hurt Shichu."

"But..." Lin Siran was also in a daze, unable to calm down.

"Concern leads to chaos. Don't panic. Only calmness can save Shichu." Qingxuan persuaded, "And you rushed back to Lin's house so recklessly, can he admit it? If he doesn't admit it, he will be furious instead, which is not conducive to saving the world." people."

"I'd rather be your father and the second prince, if it wasn't for them, it would be troublesome." Qingxuan added.

She thought of the answer sheet that the emperor had seized today. If there was a ghost around the emperor, the content of that article might be leaked out. Some people are determined not to tolerate the existence of Yan Shichu.

Because in that article, not only criticized the evil deeds of the family, but also boldly proposed to the emperor how to get rid of the bad government, how to change it, how to restrict the power of the nobles of the family through laws, how to prevent them from continuing to occupy the land, and How to abolish the hereditary system and how to take advantage of the weaknesses of the family to break them from the inside.

For the aristocratic family, these radical ideas and methods are like a knife hanging over their heads.

If the emperor was changed, perhaps those people would not be afraid, but back then, His Majesty had already shown his blade to the nobles of the family, but at that time, His Majesty's strength was far from enough to shake the authority of the nobles of the family, so he was defeated.

Over the years, the emperor seems to have completely compromised. Not only did he love the second prince who was favored by the aristocratic family, but he never mentioned the issue of reform. Even the imperial examination he vigorously promoted was a mere formality. The spokesperson of the family, or be sent to a remote place, as an insignificant petty official, there is no way to form a power group to fight against the aristocratic family.

Even Qingxuan was disheartened and devoted himself to writing books and speaking, and no longer cared about the government and the current situation.

But today she knew that His Majesty never gave up the idea of ​​reform, he never gave up fighting against the aristocratic family, but he knew that the huge thing that had been accumulated for hundreds of years could not be overthrown by himself, so he had to endure it.

His Majesty also detained Yan Shichu's article in front of many people, maybe some people have doubts?So he made a move on Yan Shichu?

Will the response be so quick?

Your Majesty didn't choose Yan Shichu as the number one scholar just to protect him. Could it be that someone has seen through His Majesty's intentions?
These questions were circling in Qingxuan's mind, and she dared not tell Lin Siran for fear of making her even more frightened.

Hearing what Qingxuan muttered, Lin Siran felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and asked, "Mother, what do you mean? Would there be someone else if it wasn't them? I... I didn't have any enmity with anyone else! Even if there is any enmity , and few people know that it is my brother."

Qingxuan pressed Lin Siran's hand, and said: "Don't get excited, calm down, I will accompany you to the Huo Mansion, Huo's eldest son holds an important position in the Jiumen Admiral Yamen, they can help."

"That's right...the curfew is on, and only the people from the Nine Admiral's Yamen can help. Minmin will definitely help me." Lin Siran immediately agreed.

Qingxuan took Lin Siran and rode directly to the Huo Mansion.

Although it was abrupt, Qingxuan didn't care about it anymore. Fortunately, Mrs. Huo had a straightforward temper and was not unhappy to be disturbed.

When Qingxuan saw Mrs. Huo, he immediately apologized: "I'm really sorry to bother you so presumptuously. I hope Madam will not be offended."

Lin Siran also said: "Yes, ma'am, here is my apology for you!"

"Sir, you must have something important to visit at this time, right? It's okay to be straightforward." Mrs. Huo said straight to the point.

Before Lin Ruran could speak, Huo Min ran over from outside in a hurry and asked, "Ranran, I heard that you came to me in a hurry, what's the matter?"

Lin Siran rushed to meet him, grasped Huo Min's hand, and tremblingly said: "My brother was taken away... I don't know who it is, and I don't know who to ask for help this late at night. Knowing that you can talk to the nine admirals, I can only ask you and your wife for help."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Huo asked, "That's... the Mr. Yan who rented our house?"

"Yes, he is my elder brother." Lin Siran held back tears and said, "Please help Madam!"

After Lin Siran finished speaking, she knelt down to Mrs. Huo.

"Ranran, what are you doing?" Mrs. Huo hurried over to help her, and Huo Min also pulled her up, her face even uglier than Lin Sianran's.

The blood on Huo Min's face faded, and he asked tensely, "Is elder brother on duty today? I'll go find him!"

"Minmin..." Mrs. Huo grabbed her tightly, "What are you going to do, just send someone to find your brother."

"No, I want to go in person, I know my brother best...I have to go in person." Huo Min's body trembled slightly, tears glistened in his eyes, "Mother, don't stop me, I have to go. "

Lin Siran suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. Anyone who saw Huo Min's appearance could understand that she was abnormal.

Mrs. Huo's face is enough to explain everything.

"Minmin!" Mrs. Huo looked at Huo Min fixedly, "Are you crazy?"

"Mom!" Huo Min roared, "Now is not the time to talk about this, I'm going to find my brother to save him, if anything goes wrong with him, I will never forgive you!"

Mrs. Huo let go of Huo Min's arm as if she had been burned, her eyes were full of shock and injury.

Without any hesitation, Huo Min rushed out without any hesitation, and ran away on Lin Siran's horse, leaving only the servant at the door chasing after him at a loss.

After Lin Siran was stunned for a moment, she said to Mrs. Huo: "Madam, I'll go after her, and I'll explain to you after the incident. Minmin is so excited, I'm afraid something will happen to her."

After finishing speaking, Lin Siran nodded at Qingxuan and ran out.

She rode Qingxuan's horse and chased after Huo Min.

In the room, Mrs. Huo and Qingxuan looked at each other, not knowing what was going on or what to say.

Lin Siran didn't catch up with Huo Min until the door of the Jiumen admiral's office.

"Minmin, be careful."

Lin Siran watched her jump off the horse, staggered, almost fell, and could only shout out in fright.

Huo Min ignored her and rushed to the door, but was stopped by the guards.

"Get out of the way, don't you see who I am? I want to find my elder brother!" Huo Min's face was quite unkind, and his tone was also very irritable.

The two guards were newly transferred, they didn't know Huo Min, they insisted on blocking, and they reprimanded: "Where did you come from, this is the nine-door admiral's yamen, if you want to find brother, go home and look for it, don't come here Make trouble, there will be a curfew immediately, if you don’t go back, you will be arrested and sent to prison.”

(End of this chapter)

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