Chapter 445 She's Just a Girl
Li Xingxu took out a government notice and showed it to Lin Siran.

The above has already announced the death of Yan Shichu. Yan Shichu, a new Jinshi, was a remnant of the Huoyam Sect. He had ulterior motives and wanted to infiltrate the imperial court. His hard work was exposed and he died in an internal fire within the Huoyam Sect.

Lin Siran looked at the words on the notice.

She grabbed it and tore it to pieces.

"Bastard, it's all bastard talk, dare they treat my brother like this?"

"The notice was posted at the gate of the city, and everyone who passed by saw it. Everyone said that Yan Shichu, who was supposed to be the number one scholar, became a rebellious heretic overnight. Everyone spurned him, scolded him, and said that he deserved to die , say that he is sanctimonious, but in fact he is ambitious!"

"There is a lot of discussion outside, and no one will defend him. People are just digging up his leftovers, trying to send him to the [-]th level of hell, and he will never recover."

"It's just a Jinshi who is not yet in his early years. If it wasn't for someone secretly operating, who would pay attention to his affairs?"

Lin Siran covered her ears, not wanting to hear Li Xingxu's words.

It's too hard to take, it's so painful.

She would rather not hear such words, she would rather continue to believe that her brother is not dead, but that corpse is just a resemblance.

She isolates all sounds from the outside world, she doesn't want to care, she just wants to hide in her own world, waiting for a hope that is almost invisible.

Lin Siran was forced to a corner by Li Xingxu, she had nowhere to retreat, she fell down and sat down along the corner.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Jinnian suddenly appeared at the door.

He quickly turned the wheelchair over and pulled Li Xingxu away.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?" Lu Jinnian rarely showed such an angry expression.

Li Xingxu looked at him coldly, and asked, "Do I need to tell you what Gu wants to do?"

"I don't need to ask you what you are going to do, but you'd better stay away from Ranran!" Lu Jinnian showed no sign of weakness.

He stretched out his hand, trying to pull Lin Siran, but Lin Siran didn't respond to him.

"Ranran? You're so kind, why? She's been half-dead for three or four days, you know? If you really care, why is it a step slower than me?" Li Xingxu asked with a sneer.

Lu Jinnian was speechless for a moment.

"Your Highness, is it just to make things worse?" Lu Jinnian pointed at Lin Sizan, "She is already so sad, why do you have to force her? What's wrong with depression? Losing a dear one, do you still have to pretend to be strong? She's just a girl child!"

"What's wrong with girls? It's because they are girls that they have to live stronger. If they don't pin their hopes on others, they will collapse when encountering things, and their lives will be destroyed sooner or later. Because only You can rely on yourself!"

Li Xingxu and Lu Jinnian confront each other.

"His Royal Highness is too harsh. No one's heart is as hard as yours. Ranran doesn't need to be so strong. She can be weak, depressed, and sad. She will have someone to rely on!" Of course Lu Jinnian was referring to herself.

"Ha... Interesting, so Mr. Lu is planning to be her reliance? Then can you bring Yan Shichu back to her?" Li Xingxu asked, "Can you give her back a brother who is intact?"

Lu Jinnian glared at Li Xingxu angrily, and said, "You are making unreasonable words, I can rely on her, even if there is no Yan Shichu, there is still me!"

"That's really nice. How did I hear that the Lu family is choosing a wife for you recently? You forced Prime Minister Lu to go to the Lin family to imply that Lin Xiaoqian would marry Lin Siran. Why is there no more? Are you trying to give her hope and let her down? If you don't have enough responsibility, don't give anyone fearless hope, it's better to let her learn to be strong so that she can face all inevitable storms!"

Lu Jinnian clenched his fists tightly, his face pale.

"His Royal Highness, I respect you as the crown prince, so I tolerate a lot, but it doesn't mean that I will endure forever. It's not your turn to intervene in the matter between me and Ranran!"

"Would I want to intervene?"

Li Xingxu looked at Lu Jinnian provocatively.

Lu Jinnian gritted his teeth and said, "Is Your Highness declaring war on me?"

"Yes, it's not only a declaration of war, but also an oath of sovereignty. Lin Siran... I'm determined, and I won't let you!" Li Xingxu said so bluntly, without leaving any room for it.

Lu Jinnian, who had always been reserved and forbearing, looked at him in astonishment.

Li Xingxu didn't care about his gaze, the corners of his mouth curled up, his eyebrows and eyes raised.

"You..." Lu Jinnian didn't know what to say, he never had that kind of mental preparation, if someone provoked you face to face, openly, without any shyness, and said what you wanted to say but didn't dare to say, what should you do?

Lu Jinnian looked at Lin Siran. She was sitting in the corner, refusing to talk to the world, and she didn't even seem to hear the argument between him and Li Xingxu.

"Are you treating her well by forcing her like this?" Lu Jinnian asked, "You don't have the right to say such things. You don't care about Ranran's feelings at all."

"What about you? How can you do it for her? Let her continue to be depressed and feel sorry for herself?"

Li Xingxu didn't agree with Lu Jinnian's idea at all.

"That's not for her good, it's just to indulge her, like she's going to jump into the river, you didn't stop her, you just watched silently, she's drowning now, don't you reach out to save her?" Li Xingxu spoke plausibly.

Lu Jinnian shook his head and said, "It's not what you said at all. You're talking nonsense. If she drowns, I'll be desperate to save her. But now she's just immersed in the grief of losing a loved one. I just don't want to force her to. I just don't want to make her suffer more."

"I'm not as cruel as you. Knowing the truth will make her more painful, but she still has to face it. She is not that strong. She is only a 16-year-old girl. She has already faced enough cruel things. Why continue Sprinkle salt in her wounds?"

Lu Jinnian believes that if you really love someone, you should allow her to be weak, and allow her to escape pain. Everyone has the right to be weak. If the reality is too cruel, then don't face it. What's wrong?
"So... if you don't face it, can you pretend it didn't happen? If Lin Siran is a woman of this level, then she really doesn't deserve so many people worrying about her. This woman, she is not a flower you raise in your own garden, she is not an ordinary woman, no cruel blow can destroy her!"

Li Xingxu looked at Lin Siran, as if looking directly into the depths of her soul through her frail body.

Lu Jinnian didn't know how to refute. He didn't think the Lin Siran that Li Xingxu saw was the same person as he saw.

Lin Sizhan is obviously a weak, gentle, clear and clean woman like water. She is as beautiful as a crabapple flower under the moon. He doesn't even know how to describe her with beautiful words.

But in Lu Jinnian's eyes, was she actually a weed?

Is that a word to describe a beautiful woman?
But Lu Jinnian is absolutely unwilling to admit that Li Xingxu sees more and more truth than himself.

(End of this chapter)

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