Chapter 528 Seeing Too Clearly

Although Lin Siran knew that what Qingxuan said was reasonable, he still said: "If you can't be a husband and wife, it's better not to be friends. People who really like him can't retreat to the position of meeting a gentleman, I can't see through it."

"In this case, why reject him? I know that he has not given up on you, and still wants to fight for it." Qingxuan asked.

"I know he thinks, but I didn't realize until just now that he and I are not fellow travelers. We... can't understand each other. At first, I just thought it was caused by the difference in family status, but later I discovered that the family status is so different. This kind of thing is not the difference between rich and poor, but the difference in concept and thought.”

"When we were born, there was no difference between us, but growing up in different families, different environments, the upbringing we received and the ideas we were instilled are all very different."

"This kind of difference will cause us to never be able to get close to each other. Even if we are barely together, we will eventually be torn apart by this difference and suffer terribly."

Lin Siran sighed deeply.

"It may be this difference that causes us to be attracted to each other. I like his pure, clean, dust-free nobility. He may also be attracted to my tenacity and courage."

"My tenacity and courage are tempered by life. No one will be born with such qualities. The same is true for his nobility and purity. Even if his legs are disabled, he will still not be troubled by life. He has There are many servants who serve, and the bad heart will make him feel pain in his heart, but it will not cause him a difficult life."

"If it were my background, a disabled child might really not be able to grow up well. Even if he managed to grow up, he would be devastated by the hardships of life. It is impossible to retain such a pure and clear temperament."

Qingxuan just smiled wryly after listening to her sound analysis.

"Ranran, you live so transparently that I don't even know what you have experienced. You are still a child, but you have already seen through the vicissitudes of life and the vicissitudes of life. This is not what I would like to see. At an age like a flower, One should be full of enthusiasm and fantasies about the future, even unrealistic fantasies."

"But you don't even have half a cent. You are down-to-earth, step by step, and don't dare to make a wrong step. Living so cautiously, it seems that you have lost your edges and corners."

Qingxuan really couldn't bear it, even if she was abandoned by her father since she was a child, her mother died early, and she grew up in a deep palace, at Lin Siran's age, she still lived a lively and vigorous life, whether she caused trouble or suffered , without fear.

But Lin Ruan was different, she lived a little too carefully.

"Mother, I didn't lose my edges and corners, I just hid them well to prevent those edges and corners from bumping into myself and the people around me." Lin Siran said with a smile.

"Well, this is you, different from others, I feel sorry for you, but I also appreciate you, I like our real appearance, even if we are mature and stable beyond our age, we are also real, which is very good. "

Qingxuan was relieved.

As long as Lin Siran is good, why should she care, what has she experienced?

Back at the banquet, Lin Siran sat there obediently, without squinting, maybe this way he would save a little trouble.

The emperor came soon, accompanied by Concubine Hui and Concubine Zheng, both of whom were well-dressed and elegant.

Concubine Hui changed from her low-key and simple dress in the past, exuding a noble and inviolable edge.

Concubine Zheng also seemed to be elated. Although she was really old after being oppressed these days, she couldn't see any haggardness because of the heavy makeup at the moment.

The two set off the emperor to be much more ordinary, not at all like the Ninth Five-Year King standing at the pinnacle of power.

He had a gentle and harmless smile on his face, his fat belly was sticking out, and he was charmingly naive, waving at everyone.

There was a kneeling below, and the mountain shouted long live.

The emperor raised his hand with a smile, and said, "Everyone is flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After everyone was seated, the emperor said a few more words, and the banquet began.

Concubine Zheng served the emperor carefully, looking down from time to time.

Li Xingjue stepped forward, kneeling on the ground respectfully, with a look of sincerity and fear.

"My son paid homage to my father, my father, my son made a big mistake before, after being taught by my father, I have thought about it behind closed doors until now, I have learned from the pain, and I am determined to change my mistakes. After thinking about this period behind closed doors, my son did not dare to sit idle. In addition, I personally made a gift for my father to show my filial piety!"

Li Xingjue raised his head slightly, his face full of piety.

The emperor stroked his beard and asked, "Oh? What gift?"

Li Xingjue hurriedly ordered the presents to be brought up.

Seven or eight people carried a huge object covered with a huge red cloth, and walked over with difficulty but steadily.

Li Xingjue knelt and backed away, and waited for those people to put down the presents before saying to the emperor: "Father, my son dares to ask Father to uncover the red cloth himself."

The emperor asked with interest: "What is so grand?"

Concubine Zheng smiled cautiously and said: "Your Majesty, it's rare for you to be happy today, why don't you go down and have a look, it's also a kind of filial piety for the child."

"Okay, then I'll take a look for myself." The emperor walked down slowly.

Li Xingjue's eyes were full of excitement and anticipation, it was like offering a treasure.

Lin Ruran frowned slightly, what kind of treasure did Li Xingjue get with such a big fanfare?
If this really makes His Majesty happy, will he be restored to the throne?
Lin Siran was a little reconciled, and finally brought down Li Xingjue. She suffered such serious injuries for this. Could it be that it disappeared in just a few months?
She glanced at Li Xingxu subconsciously, not knowing how he felt.

Li Xingxu also took a look at Lin Siran at this time. The moment the two eyes met, Li Xingxu smiled at her, and then immediately tightened his face, as if the smile just now was just Lin Siran's illusion.

Lin Siran didn't know why, and then watched the emperor pull the red cloth vigorously, a huge stone statue revealed the true face of Lushan Mountain, wearing a golden crown and wearing a dragon robe, majestic and solemn, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other, It symbolizes "heaven and earth, I am the only one".

Just when everyone was about to marvel, a childish voice suddenly shouted: "Hey... the stone statue vomited blood!"

When everyone took a closer look, it was more than just vomiting blood, it was simply "bleeding from the seven orifices".

It's just that the blood flowed from the corner of the mouth first, then the eyes, then the nose, and then two ears also began to flow out red unknown liquid.

At night, the lights are dim, and if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to see clearly, but after someone shouted, as if they were reminded, everyone saw carefully and clearly.

Li Xingjue's face turned pale in an instant, and Concubine Zheng, who was following the emperor, must have been greatly stimulated, and she fainted directly on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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