Chapter 555 Congratulations

Lu Jinnian slowly closed his eyes, giving up all persistence and resistance.

The words he had said kept flashing through his mind, those promises to Lin Sizan were still in his ears, but they were going to be broken after all.

Only at this moment did he realize that in the face of reality, all the rhetoric was vulnerable.

It turns out that it is so difficult to love someone and persist in loving someone.

The emperor did not allow it, his father objected, and the whole world said "no" to him.

Shushen finally couldn't bear it any longer, came out from the inside, bursting into tears, and asked, "Why did you choose her? Why Li Fu? Why not me? Am I not as good as her?"

Li Fu didn't come out, she hid behind, secretly rejoicing, she knew that this victory was hard-won, she didn't want to see Lu Jinnian now, she wanted to go back to the princess mansion, and patiently waited for him to marry her .

Lin Siran seemed to have expected such an ending, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if nothing had happened.

It's just that the hand hidden under the sleeve was tightly clenched, and the nails almost dug into the flesh, so that he could restrain his emotions from being exposed.

Li Fu looked at Lin Siran, and finally asked: "I didn't expect such a result, I thought...he would still choose you."

Lin Siran didn't feel any jealousy or resentment towards Li Fu.

Instead, she stood up generously and said: "Congratulations to the princess, you finally got your wish. I hope you and Mr. Lu will have a good relationship for a hundred years and be united forever."

Li Fu looked at Lin Siran in surprise.

"You... congratulate me?"

Lin Siran nodded.

"Really?" Li Fu didn't seem to believe it.

"Sincerely." Lin Sizan said earnestly, even though her heart was aching at the moment, she still wished her and Lu Jinnian very sincerely.

Li Fu asked: "Don't you have any regrets? He insisted on marrying you just now, but he suddenly changed his mind. If he knew that you were here, maybe... maybe he would continue to stick to it."

"Will not."

Lin Siran shook his head, he had already recognized the reality.

"I knew his choice a long time ago, so I made it clear to him earlier and drew a clear line, because I knew that sooner or later he would face such a choice, and he would definitely not choose me in the end."

Lin Siran's smile was a little more melancholy and sad.

"Why?" Li Fu was puzzled, "You obviously like him very much, and he also likes you very much."

"Liking has nothing to do with marriage, and liking can't be eaten as food. There are many things in life, which are much more important than liking." Lin Sizan said, "It's the same for him, and it's the same for me. It's impossible for us. We have sacrificed too many people for each other, so we are destined not to come together."

"So a girl like the Princess, who bravely pursues what she loves and is willing to compromise for him, is really suitable for him." Lin Siran felt relieved at this moment.

The sadness and pain in my heart also gradually dissipated.

She thought, maybe it was because she didn't care about Lu Jinnian that much.

When I figured out that we are not the same way, I am no longer attached to each other.

Shushen was still crying outside.

Both Lu Jinnian and Lu Xiang were a little embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

The emperor said to Shushen: "Shushen, you are wrong. I have my words first. Once Mr. Lu makes a choice, no one is allowed to complain. You also agree. Why are you making trouble again now?"

"I..." Shushen burst into tears, "I just want to know why not me."

Lu Jinnian thought, it doesn't matter who it is if it's not Lin Siran, but the Lu family chose Li Fu, not him.

"It's because Princess Huayang is more powerful than my father, right?" Shushen looked at Lu Jinnian.

Lu Jinnian didn't answer, and there was no need to answer. In fact, Shushen understood the answer to this question, and so did the others.

"Li Fu, come out, you won, shouldn't you come out to see the fruits of your victory?" Shushen shouted inside, "Lin Siran, come out too, what are you doing hiding, is it Are you ashamed to meet people?"

Shushen exposed the two people who hadn't come out at once.

Lu Jinnian's face turned pale in an instant, and there was no trace of blood left.

He looked at the emperor with deep horror and pain in his eyes, and even a trace of resentment.

The emperor was indifferent, and said to the inside: "Since this is already the case, Afu, Ranran, you should come out too."

Lin Siran and Li Fu came out one after the other.

Lu Jinnian thought, he had never faced such a difficult and embarrassing situation in his life.

Lu Xiang was still calm, and he didn't show much surprise, his expression was as usual.

Li Fu blushed slightly.

Shushen looked at her and asked, "Are you proud? What is there to be proud of? He doesn't like you, but he wants to marry you because of Lu Xiang's pressure. You haven't won anything. A person who doesn't love What's so interesting about your Lu Jinnian?"

"Don't worry about it!" Li Fu snorted, "He doesn't like you either, don't you still want him to choose you?"

Shushen was exposed, she couldn't hold back her face, she was angry and ashamed, but she couldn't attack, she couldn't recover from her breath suddenly, and passed out directly.

Lin Siran happened to be beside her and gave her a hand.

The emperor hurriedly sent someone to help Shushen go to the imperial hospital.

Lin Siran took the initiative: "Then I'll send Princess Shushen there."

She just didn't want to stay here, which would only add to the embarrassment.

From the beginning to the end, her eyes never came into contact with Lu Jinnian, and she didn't want to see his embarrassment and embarrassment at this time.

It can be regarded as leaving the last dignity and decency for each other.

She turned her back and silently said "Treasure" to him in her heart.

Lu Jinnian watched her leaving back, his pale lips trembled slightly, he tried to open his mouth to say something, but he couldn't.

From the moment he decided to inherit the Lu family, has the current situation been doomed?
But what can he do?

He had to inherit the family business, he couldn't let the Lu family decline, he couldn't accept the Lu family falling into the hands of the stepmother's children, he could only carry this huge monster on his back, and keep moving forward.

The Lu family and Lin Siran had to choose one of the two, but in fact he had no choice.

The emperor also seemed to think that this scene should come to an end, so he announced cruelly: "President Lu and Mr. Lu, please come back too, Afu, you can go home with peace of mind, and tell your mother that the imperial decree of marriage will be delivered tomorrow." Go to the Princess Mansion and the Lu Mansion, and I will ask Qin Tianjian to count a good day for you and Mr. Lu to get married!"

Lu Jinnian looked at the emperor with blurred eyes, he didn't know if the emperor was very happy at this time.

Just because Lin Sizan resembles the person he once loved, so he doesn't allow anyone to touch or point at him?
If he wanted Lin Siran to be his concubine, why didn't he include her in the harem during the draft, let her out, and set her free?

The emperor didn't look at Lu Jinnian, but smiled and said to Lu Xiang: "Lu Xiang, congratulations, I will ask you for a glass of wedding wine when the time comes."

"Thank you for your majesty's grace. The veteran must prepare fine wine to welcome your majesty. It will be the honor of the Lu family." Lu Xiang also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

The emperor nodded and said, "Then kneel down!"

Lu Xiang pulled Lu Jinnian, who was already out of shape, to kneel down.

Then he dragged him out again.

Li Fu also went out with them.

(End of this chapter)

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