Chapter 566 Talking to Oneself
Li Xingxu felt distressed, and said: "Why are you so stupid? Let her torment you like this? No, you are not allowed to continue learning like this. If you can't detoxify one day, wouldn't you want to burn yourself to death?"

"That won't happen, my mother-in-law is always there, and she won't really watch me die, but I don't want to ask her for help, unless I really can't find a way to detoxify, but that means I admit defeat Ah, it’s really embarrassing to admit defeat after learning this level.”

Lin Siran has a very strong temper and does not allow herself to admit defeat easily.

Li Xingxu couldn't help twisting her face, and said: "Look at you, how thin you are now, is there any flesh on your little face? If you continue to torment like this, something will happen sooner or later, no, I You are not allowed to be so reckless, otherwise you will die before I marry you, so am I going to be a widow?"

"What... what are you talking about!" Lin Siran was not as thick-skinned as Li Xingxu, and he said all the words of "widowhood" before he even wrote a word.

"What I'm saying is the truth. Do you want me to be a widower at a young age? That's not possible. You give me enough time. Don't be so cruel to yourself. If you are cruel to yourself, you are cruel to me, and you are cruel to my future child Damn ruthless, what you said is really... If you break your body from tossing, is it possible for me to have a child in this life?"

The more Li Xingxu thought about it, the more worried he became.

Lin Siran rubbed his temples, feeling that he was noisy.

"Stop arguing, I want to sleep for a while, just for a while..." Lin Siran didn't bother to argue with him, "And... and even if I die, you can marry someone else, it won't delay your childbirth."

"Don't sleep, what are you talking about, you still want to sleep?" Li Xingxu picked her up and forced her to wake up.

"I'm really sleepy." Lin Siran muttered softly.

Li Xingxu felt that her appearance at this time was so cute that people couldn't bear to let go.

"I really can't do anything about you. I don't care. You must speak clearly when you wake up. You are not allowed to cheat. Why can I marry someone else? If I want to marry someone else, why waste so much time on you?"

Li Xingxu picked up Lin Siran and planned to put her back on the soft couch.

"I don't know if it was owed to you in the previous life. When I see you in this life, I feel so sorry for you. I can't help but want to do something for you, protect you, and prevent you from showing such a pitiful look."

Li Xingxu put Lin Siran down, and found that she had fallen asleep, probably not hearing what he said.

"When she's asleep, she's more gentle and cute. Usually, she's always cold, or she just barks her teeth and claws. She's not cute at all." Li Xingxu smiled and helped her cover her with a blanket.

"Lin Siran, I'm going to ask my father to marry you, okay? I don't want to wait any longer, I really want to take you away earlier, if I haven't seen you for a few days, I feel like I'm doing something I can't even get up, and I always think of you."

Li Xingxu said rather distressedly.

"It wasn't like this before, but since you said you were willing, this feeling immediately became urgent, a bit unbearable torment, wishing to bring you by my side every day, not allowing you to leave half a step, seeing you every day , I see you when I wake up in the morning, and I see you before I close my eyes at night."

"Do you have such a mood?"

"I don't think you have any. You are busy learning these things, and you probably don't have time to miss me."

"Little heartless, you clearly agreed to stay with me, but it seems that you are not affected at all, and you are very satisfied living alone."

"It should be because I like you much more than you like me?"

"Hey...Although I don't want to admit it, but I can't help it. I just like you very much."

"I like it more and more."

"You like me a little more, don't let me always work hard alone."

"But it doesn't matter if you don't like me enough, there is still a lifetime anyway."

"You will definitely have a day when you love me so much that you can't extricate yourself. After all, I am such a good man, and you will only meet this one in your life."

Thinking of this, Li Xingxu laughed happily again, and placed a light kiss on Lin Siran's forehead, as if he was afraid that if he made a big move, he would wake her up.

She slept so sweetly.

"Hee hee...shame, brother prince, shame!"

The sixth princess suddenly poked her head out of the window.


Li Xingxu didn't feel ashamed, instead he made a silent movement, telling the sixth princess not to shout loudly, so as not to alarm Lin Siran.

Li Xingxu went out, pulled the sixth princess away, and asked, "Why didn't you go to the study to study hard?"

"I came back to see Sister Lin after I finished reading. Brother Prince, you are such a thief. You secretly came to see Sister Lin and didn't let me know." The sixth princess was dissatisfied with being kept in the dark.

Li Xingxu asked with a smile: "Why do I need to let you know? You are a big kid."

"Hmph, I know if you don't let me know. You like Sister Lin. Sister Lin didn't like you before, but now she likes you again, so you can visit her secretly."

The Sixth Princess analyzed it perfectly.

"Brother Prince, do you want to marry Sister Lin as the princess?"

"You have a lot of questions. You know so much about a child? Who did you learn from?" Li Xingxu flicked the head of the sixth princess.

"Oh, it hurts so much! I'm not a child, I've grown up, okay? And you have to thank me, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have won your sister's heart so smoothly." The sixth princess believed that she had contributed a lot.

Li Xingxu raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Thank you? What did you do?"

The sixth princess shook her head triumphantly, and said: "Not only will I speak good words for you, but I will also tell Sister Lin that you like her. And oh... I purposely invited Aunt Shushen and Sister Afu to the palace, and let them The two fight, so that the father will intervene in their disputes, hehe... Otherwise, Mr. Lu will have a chance to win back sister Lin's heart."

Li Xingxu stared at the sixth princess dumbfounded.

"You designed it? You little girl, where do you have so many tricks?" Li Xingxu frowned.

"Brother Prince, are you unhappy?" The sixth princess asked aggrievedly, "I didn't do anything bad either. Sister Afu and Shushen both like Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu likes Sister Lin, and you like Sister Lin, I think Let Sister Lin marry the Prince's brother."

"So you deliberately played this kind of trick? If you let Mr. Lu choose Sister Lin because of this, wouldn't you do something bad?" Li Xingxu asked.

The Sixth Princess shook her head and said, "But he didn't choose Sister Lin."

"You, your thinking is too simple. Don't make your own decisions next time. It's about me and Sister Lin. You have to discuss with us. You can't do things yourself. If you do something bad with good intentions, you say we should blame you Should I praise you?" Li Xingxu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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