Chapter 1 Awakening
In an extremely dark world, there is a silver-white battleship standing here, surrounded by some meteorites and fragments, but there are more corpses, densely packed corpses.

"Ding! The energy has been restored, ready to wake up!" A cold electronic female voice came from the depths of the battleship, and then an ice coffin appeared.

Inside lay a woman with ice-blue long hair and fair skin like a banished fairy.

"Activate!" With the sound of the electronic female voice, the woman in the ice coffin opened her eyes without warning!
The ice coffin was also slowly opened, and the woman walked out of the ice coffin, a set of blue armor appeared on her body, and a blue cloak was behind the armor.

"Shengtian, how long has it been?" A hoarse male voice came from the woman's mouth.

"Reporting to the King, it has been nearly 1 years since the War of the Void." Shengtian, who is also an electric female voice, said.

"Is it 1 years? Hehe! Shengtian will wake them up too!" Woman, no!The man still spoke in that hoarse voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but the energy is scarce right now, at most you can wake up your guards." Sheng Tian said after a pause.

"What? Not enough energy, just absorb it from the universe!" Bai Mochen frowned impatiently.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, there is no energy to absorb in the current void universe. The great war 1 years ago left the universe without civilization and energy."

"Really? Then wake up the guards!" Bai Moyu nodded a little lonely.

"Yes, the power injection is activating, activating. Ten percent, 20.00%"

40.00%, 70.00%…

"Ding, successfully activated."

Fifty white lights appeared in front of Bai Moyu, and after the white lights disappeared, fifty angels in golden armor came into view.

Among them, there are both male and female angels, female angels basically wear short skirts, and male angels wear armor.

"Guard Chang Bai Yu, Bai Han sees the king." Two angels, a man and a woman, knelt down at the front and said.

"See my king." Immediately afterwards, the remaining holy angels also knelt down one after another.

"En! Get up!" Bai Mochen nodded and said: "Yu, Han, long time no see!"It has been 1 years!

"My lord, did we win?" the female angel named Bai Yu asked, and then all 50 people looked at Bai Moyu.

"Well, I won, but the price was terrible. Now, the entire void universe has no civilization except us." Bai Moyu closed his eyes in grief, and the situation of the others was similar.

"Okay, now is not the time to be sad. Now those void monsters are rampant in the void universe, we have to leave immediately." Bai Moyu said, and then he passed through the crowd and sat on an ice blue chair and said: Shengtian , start the battleship, the target, the known universe.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The battleship has been activated, and the dimension jump is expected to be ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, the dimension jump starts and is expected to arrive in 3 minutes.

After the battleship was started, it was only when the lights were turned on that they realized that everyone was in the control room, and the walls were all white and white instruments.

Under the leadership of the two chief guards, half of Bai Moyu's guards were on patrol, while the rest were in charge of driving the battleship.

Bai Moyu leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and began to think about how to obtain the energy of the battleship and the energy to awaken the legion.

You must know that although his God's Punishment Legion only has 8000 million angel warriors, these 8000 million angel warriors are enough to conquer thousands of civilizations.

But now energy is an issue?If this problem is not solved, everything else is empty talk.

correct!The energy crystals of the planets can be extracted, and Bai Moyu suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Although extracting the energy crystals of the planets would violate the law of the void in the past, who cares now?
Three minutes later, Bai Moyu and his party entered the edge of the known universe.

"My lord, I found a planet ahead." Bai Yu's voice sounded in the hall, awakening Bai Moyu.

"Yu, extract the energy crystal directly." Bai Mochen ordered.

"Yes! Your Majesty." Bai Yu didn't have much doubt or hesitation, and directly carried out the order.

"Your Majesty, the front belongs to the intermediate civilization, and the fleet with them has surrounded them just now." Bai Yu said: "My lord, do we need to slaughter them?"

"Yeah! Let's go together! Hurry up." Bai Mochen nodded, and directly agreed to Bai Yu's proposal, after all, they didn't kill this one.

Every member of the God's Punishment Legion looked bloodthirsty, spread the golden wings on their backs and flew forward, holding a long sword in each hand to start the feast of killing.

Naturally, Bai Moyu was not interested in appreciating these things. He scanned his body but found that something was wrong. The original tenth-generation god body became the third-generation god body because of the war. There was a huge gap.

The guards are basically the sixth-generation gods, while Bai Yu and Bai Han are the eighth-generation gods.

Bai Moyu's God's Punishment Legion is also divided into ranks from top to bottom: the four god wings, guardian angels, god-rank angels, holy-rank angels, king-rank angels, high-rank angels, middle-rank angels, and low-rank angels.

Except for the two chief guards who are guardian angels, most of the members of the guard are god-rank angels, and the rest are holy-rank angels.

The Four God Wings are the four administrators of the God's Punishment Legion except Bai Moyu, who are in charge of the God's Punishment Legion respectively.

And the guard team of 50 people was directly under Bai Moyu's management.

"Oh! I don't know how long it will take to return to the previous state!" Bai Mochen pinched his forehead with his hands and was very troubled. It took him 3 years to reach the tenth generation of divine body, which is unprecedented. No one came after, and then another 4 years, no less than hundreds of powerful civilizations were conquered, and the foundation of the holy angel family was laid.

In addition, the 1 years of the Void War and the [-] years of sleep, Bai Moyu will be [-] years old this year.

In the void universe, one hundred thousand years should belong to adolescence!This is why the major civilizations besieged the Holy Angel Clan regardless of face.

"My lord, you don't have to worry about it. If you extract the planet's energy crystals, you can recover within 3 years." Shengtian's voice sounded in the hall, giving Bai Moyu an extremely tempting suggestion.

For a long time, Bai Moyu denied Shengtian's proposal. Although he is not the embodiment of justice, the most basic principle of being an angel is: not to interfere with or destroy any planet with life.

Although he proposed to extract energy crystals as a source of energy just now, there is no way to do this.

The massacre of Bai Yu and others ended with the destruction of the planet. After they all came back, basically everyone's armor was covered with thick blood clots.

Bai Yu put a white spar in his hand on a platform, and the white energy crystal was gradually absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ding! The energy has been absorbed." Shengtian's ethereal voice still sounded again.

"Yu, Han, wash off all the blood on your body! Leave this to Shengtian." Bai Mochen looked at the two covered in blood and ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"As ordered."

"Shengtian, look for an uncivilized planet or nebula." Bai Moyu said after a long time after everyone withdrew.

"Yes, my king."

(End of this chapter)

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