Chapter 104
"Restart of the Era? Although I don't know what it is, just hearing the name makes me feel amazing." Ling Yu said from the side.

Bai Moyu nodded as he walked: indeed, it is said that it can restart a certain point of time, or a period of time, at a specific time.

"With the power of knowledge that our holy angel civilization now possesses, it is impossible to analyze the technology of Pan Gu civilization!"

After listening to Bai Moyu's words, everyone immediately felt that their thoughts had improved to a higher level.

"King, since Void is so powerful, why are the five Void Kings so weak? Aren't they the same race?" Another angel asked.

After hearing the angel's question, Bai Moyu paused immediately: No, they are void, but they are not void either.

After speaking, he started to walk forward again.

And his words made everyone puzzled.

What is vanity, but it is not vanity.


After some people walked for about 10 minutes, a bronze gate suddenly appeared in front of them, with a height of [-] meters!

Bai Moyu was slightly shocked when he saw the bronze gate, and then slowly walked forward to observe the bronze gate.

After Bai Mochen reached out to touch the bronze gate, he suddenly stepped forward and threw his fist at the gate!


A huge sound resounded throughout the entire underground.Layers of dust were stirred up on the ground!

When the dust dissipated, Bai Mochen saw the door that had endured a punch with all his strength.I was stunned for a moment.

Because the gate didn't suffer any damage at all, and it was still intact as before.

Then he tried two or three times in succession, but the result was still the same as the first time.

"What kind of substance is this? It has such a strong defensive power. I have never seen this kind of substance before in the void universe."

But just as he was contemplating, suddenly there was a roar of a beast from behind them.

In an instant, everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

Ling Yu was just about to take two people to check it out, but was stopped by Bai Moyu.

Bai Moyu shook his head at everyone, signaling not to move.

Afterwards, Bai Moyu spread his mental power to the surroundings.Almost instantly, the underground plan appeared in his mind, and two or three kilometers away from them, seven or eight red dots were moving rapidly towards them.

"Not good, there are several unknown energy sources moving towards us quickly, everyone is ready to fight."

"Yes! The other six holy angel fighters tightly hold the long swords in their hands."

"Ho... hoo!" A loud roar echoed throughout the underground palace.

In an instant, seven or eight huge salamanders appeared in front of their eyes.

Each salamander has green eyes the size of lanterns and sticks out its tongue.

"Preparing to analyze the current creature, analyzing it, ding! The target is a strange beast from ancient times, a giant salamander. The body is strong, and its weak point is in the center of the back. It is recommended to use a void weapon to kill it."

"Ancient alien species? A creature left over from the Pangu civilization?" After Bai Moyu pondered for two or three seconds, with a wave of his right hand, the weapons in the hands of the six holy angel warriors instantly changed into six weapons with the law of the void. arms.

Lingxin looked at the weapon in his hand and swallowed: this is a void weapon.

Not only her, even the others looked at Bai Moyu incredulously!
"Everyone listen to the giant salamander in front of the two-on-two target. His weak spot is in the middle of his back."

As soon as Bai Moyu finished speaking, he rushed forward, and the leader, a giant salamander, roared angrily after seeing someone rushing towards him, and then rushed forward as well.

A long, bright red tongue rushed towards Bai Moyu in an instant, and Bai Moyu made a 360-degree turn in the air to bypass it.Then, the God Slaughter Sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and the blade exuded a chilling air. At the moment when the tongue of the giant salamander did not retract, Bai Mochen cut off the bright red tongue with the sword in his hand.

Bright red blood gushed out like rain.

"Roar...!" The painful roar of the giant salamander echoed in the underground palace.

Several other giant salamanders frantically attacked the six holy angel fighters after seeing their leader injured.

Although their offense is very fierce, there is no pressure for the battle-tested Holy Angel fighters.In addition, they hold void weapons in their hands.

The six people cooperated extremely closely. With their close cooperation, the two giant salamanders were eliminated in an instant.

On Bai Moyu's side, the giant salamander kept attacking Bai Moyu with its iron claws.

Moreover, a huge flame sprayed towards Bai Moyu from the mouth of this giant salamander.

The temperature of the flames was tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, and everything he passed was turned into ashes.

"Cloud shield!" A gold and white shield appeared in his hand, yes, this is the shield of Angel Nebula, but after Bai Mochen's improvement, the shield's resistance has been greatly increased by a hundred times as much.

The huge flame instantly engulfed Bai Moyu.

The flame lasted for about ten seconds, and under this high-intensity light, everything around it was reduced to ashes.But when the flames dissipated, Bai Moyu stood standing on the spot with a golden and white cloud shield in his right hand holding the God Killing Sword.

"Heh, is this the strength of the ancient alien species? That's all."

After Bai Mochen retracted the cloud shield, he rushed towards the giant salamander with a sword in his right hand.

In an instant, Bai Moyu appeared on the back of the giant salamander, and along the way, the sword entered the body of the giant salamander.

"Roar..." The severe pain made it want to die, "I will die!" Bai Moyu split the giant salamander in half with his sword.


After the giant salamander fell to the ground, its body exploded instantly.Then, amidst the pieces of flesh and blood, a golden key lay on the ground, shining with a dazzling golden light.

At the same time, the other holy angel fighters also resolved the crisis at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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