Chapter 21

Soon after, a group of golden-winged angels came and took him out of the hall. After the man was taken out of the hall, Bai Mochen said with a smile: "The banquet continues, don't let some unhappy factors affect our emotions."

The envoys of civilization became more cautious after what happened tonight, for fear of accidentally offending the killing god.

The banquet lasted until very late, Bai Moyu said hello to Kaisha and the three of them, and then left.

Early the next morning, Bai Moyu was eating in his room. He peeled off a fiery red prawn that was the size of a man's fist with his hands, and bit the prawn meat with one bite.

"Hmm! Mo Tian's craftsmanship has improved! It tastes good!" Bai Mochen said with his eyes wide open.

Soon the four red shrimps on the plate were nothing but a pile of empty shells.

Bai Moyu wiped his mouth in reluctance, then got up and went to the Angel Hall.At this time, all the angels in the hall had arrived, and Keisha frowned when she saw that there was no one on the throne next to her.

She asked angrily: "Where did the King of Darkness go? Why hasn't he come yet?"
All the angels stared at each other, feeling extremely helpless. How could they only know the whereabouts of one king?

But just as she finished speaking, a tiny wormhole appeared on the throne, and Bai Moyu walked out of it.

It was only after Bai Moyu sat on the chair that he realized the strange atmosphere in the hall, at this moment he shivered suddenly.

"Why is Liangbing so cold today? Hey! Aren't you cold?" Bai Moyu poked Liangbing who was standing beside him.

Liang Bing looked at him with eyes like you were dead, and Bai Moyu saw all the angels lowered their heads and didn't dare to look up. Feeling some kind of icy breath, Bai Moyu suddenly froze.

"Little... Xiao Sha, don't be angry, I didn't come late on purpose, you listen to my explanation first." Bai Mochen said in a trembling voice.

After listening to this, Keisha forced herself to suppress her anger, and said with a smile: "Okay!"Then tell me what made you come so late?

"Breakfast is late." Bai Mochen said cautiously.


All the angels in the hall were collectively petrified, and the corners of Liang Bing's eyes twitched.

"King of Darkness! This is why you were late, do you believe that I killed you?" Keisha couldn't hold back the anger in her heart anymore, her eyes were burning, and a dark weapon appeared in her hand.

Bai Moyu's swordsman Kaisha wanted to get serious, and immediately shouted: "Xiaosha, please calm down first."There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with just after the war, aren't you right?Cold ice, Hexi!

Bai Mochen hurriedly asked the two people beside him for help, but in the end he snorted coldly: "You deserve it, you deserve it!"
"Hehe! Queen Kesha was originally under the command of the giant wolf civilization, and the Endor planet rebelled." Hexi said with a chuckle.

After listening to Hexi's words, Kaisha put down the weapon in her hand.

Bai Mochen gave He Xi a grateful look, and He Xi just nodded.

"Huh! Liuyue, go and put down the rebellion!" Keisha said after a while.

Liu Yue walked out from among the angels, nodded to Keisha and walked out, and then another angel came forward to report some trivial matters.

The whole morning passed quietly, and there were four Bai Moyu left in the hall.

Keisha left the throne, stood up, stretched her waist and said: Ha!it's finally over.

Bai Moyu looked at the three girls with a smile and said: Let's go!Go to my holy city!I'm going to cook by myself at noon today, how about it?
"Really?" Liang Bing said dubiously: You know how to cook?After speaking, she looked at him with disbelieving eyes.

"Hmph! Liang Bing, you know that for a senior foodie, cooking is just child's play!" Bai Mochen snorted arrogantly, suddenly Bai Mochen felt three surprised looks look at him.

Bai Mochen couldn't help but blush, suppressed the embarrassment in his heart and said: "Whether you want to go or not, you have to know that you only have one chance, and cherish it while you can."

"Hehehe, why wouldn't the Dark King cook in person? Liangbing, Hexi, let's go!"

Kaisha nodded to the two girls next to her, and Bai Moyu tore her hands apart, and a tiny wormhole appeared in front of them.

Keisha was a little surprised and said: Space technology?
Bai Moyu nodded, and walked in without looking back.The three of Kesha followed closely behind.

In a magnificent palace in the holy city, a micro wormhole suddenly appeared.

"Wow! Bai Moyu, your palace is much better than ours." Liang Bing said in surprise, suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly ran to the sofa.

Liang Bing picked up the half bag of snacks from the sofa, looked at Bai Moyu and said: No way!Why do you still eat this stuff?Tasty?
Bai Moyu smiled, and took out a few more bags of snacks and put them on the coffee table.

"Here! You guys put on the mat first! I'm going to cook." After Bai Mochen put down his things, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Keisha tore open a bag of snacks on the coffee table, took out a piece, tasted it in her mouth and said: Mmm!Not bad, the taste is very good.

"Really?" Liang Bing dubiously took a piece and put it in his mouth.

The next moment her expression was wonderful, her eyes lit up and she grabbed a handful from the snack bag and put it in her mouth.

He Xi looked at the two in disbelief, and then she observed the whole palace.The style of the palace is basically blue and white, adding a little coolness.

Ten minutes later, the smell of rice wafted to the living room, and Liang Bing sniffed it lazily with his nose, and the saliva dripped down from the corner of his mouth.

Liang Bing wiped his saliva with his hands and said: It smells so good!

Bai Moyu put a plate of dishes from the kitchen on the dining table. After there were twelve dishes, Bai Moyu filled another four bowls of rice. The grains of these rice were as tempting as the moon.

Bai Moyu picked up a red shrimp for Kaisha and put it in a bowl, and said: How about trying my handiwork?After speaking, he looked at Kesha expectantly.

Keisha removed the head and shell of the shrimp with her hands, and took a light bite. After the bite, she was stunned.

"Hmm! It's... so delicious." Keisha put the remaining shrimp meat into her mouth immediately after saying this.

After hearing such a high evaluation from Keisha, the two of Liang Bing each picked up one.

The expressions of the two were exactly the same as Keisha's, and they all admired Bai Moyu's superb craftsmanship.

Bai Mochen laughed and started to eat. After a while, he seemed to think of something.

He opened his mouth and said: After Kesha finishes eating later, I will give you the third-generation divine body technology. You are too weak now.

Keisha's eyes lit up after hearing the third-generation divine body technology and said: Really, it's great.

At this moment, Liang Bing muttered in a low voice: Humph!I think you are here to pick up Keisha!snort!Ma'am, I look good too!Why did he fall in love with her?

Although Liang Bing's voice is very small, who are these people here?Keisha's face instantly turned crimson, and Bai Moyu coughed a few times unnaturally.

(End of this chapter)

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