Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 4 Exile Hua Ye

Chapter 4 Exile Hua Ye

Bai Moyu sighed and said: Mo Tian, ​​have your skin become tight lately, do you want me to help you relax your muscles and bones.

Bai Moyu raised his fist and turned around as he spoke.

"Hehe! Wang, you don't know what his temper is." At this time, the female angel beside Mo Tian said.


Bai Moyu sighed helplessly, then turned to Kaisha and the others and said: Hello, Kaisha, my name is Bai Moyu and I am their king.

"Don't worry, I'm not hostile to you, I just want to know one thing?"

"What's the matter?" Keisha instantly relaxed when she heard Bai Moyu say that there was no hostility.

"I want to know where is Dinghei, the god of space?" Bai Moyu asked softly.

"Dinghei, you mean the main god of the Kamigawa civilization?"

"Hmm! Where is he?" Bai Mochen asked eagerly.

Seeing that Bai Moyu was so excited, Keisha said slowly: "Space God's whereabouts are uncertain, so I don't know, but, you can go with me to Super Seminary to ask the Space Principal."

"Okay, let's go now." Bai Mochen stood up and said.

"Your Excellency Bai Moyu, can you help us kill Hua Ye?"

Hua Ye on the side was stunned by Kesha's words, and then said with a grim face: Kesha, I want to kill you.

This scene caught Liang Bing, Di Hongkun, He Xi and the others off guard.

"Mo Tian, ​​stop him." Bai Mochen shouted, and a golden light immediately knocked Hua Ye away.

When Kaisha came over slowly, Bai Moyu was already standing beside her, protecting her behind her.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Hua Ye got up from the ground and spat out blood, his face pale.

"Mo Tian, ​​lead a team of holy angels and kill all the male angels brought by Hua Ye."

Bai Moyu ordered with a gloomy face, then turned around and said: Kesha, he left it to you.

"I..." Keisha bit her lip, stepped forward and said: Hua Ye, you will be expelled from the angel clan from now on, and exiled to the Galton galaxy.

"Ah!" Hua Ye screamed and fell into a coma. It turned out that Kaisha chopped off the wings behind Hua Ye with a sword.

"Hmph! Little girl, your punishment is too light! If it were me, I would definitely kill him with a sword." A brown-haired angel walked by Bai Moyu and snorted coldly.

"Hey! After all, he is also my family!" Keisha sighed.

"Sister, we finally won." Liang Bing walked to Kaisha with a look of joy on his face.

"Skyblade King, since we are fine, Lie Yangxing will go first." At this time, Di Hongkun walked up to Kaisha and said, and then said to Bai Moyu: Your Excellency, I am leaving.

"Yeah!!!" Bai Moyu nodded.

Lie Yangxing and his party turned into a ray of red light and flew into the sky.

"Mo Chen, it's done." At this moment, Mo Tian strode in from the door, and the originally golden armor turned red.

"Hehe! How fast!"

"That is, a group of scumbags, basically unilateral killing."

"That's because you are too strong. I don't know who was beaten in the Yaoyue galaxy and lost [-] soldiers."

As soon as Bai Mochen finished speaking, Mo Tian's face flushed, and when he was about to explain, Bai Mochen stopped him: "Okay, you have to change your arrogance, understand?"


"Okay, little Naisha, let's go!" Bai Moyu turned his head and walked out the door, but Kaisha and the others looked surprised, but most of them were Kaisha, who fell into petrification when they heard Bai Moyu's address.

"Why don't you leave?" Bai Mochen frowned and asked.

"Ah! No...it's nothing." Keisha blushed suddenly and spoke incoherently.

"Mo Tian, ​​I will leave it to you six first. I will go with them to that super seminary to find Teacher Dinghei."

Before leaving, Bai Moyu said to the four people behind him.

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Let's go, three little angels." Bai Mochen greeted the three of them, not looking like a king at all.

He does whatever he wants, and he never restrains himself.

"Teacher Ding Hei, I'm here to look for you." Bai Mochen thought in his heart, then he smiled and walked out in a great mood.

(End of this chapter)

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