Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 46 Dark System Version 5.0

Chapter 46 Dark System Version 5.0
"Sha~sha~sha" In the originally quiet hall, there were waves of flipping books.

With his left hand propped on his head, Bai Mochen gently flipped through the book with his right hand as if looking for something.

"Found it!" Bai Moyu called out.He took out a thin purple-gold card from the folder of the book.

Bai Moyu carefully put it in his hand and stared at it. This purple gold card was researched by the five of Bai Moyu before the final breakup.

Don't look at just such a small card, it is such a small card that contains all the technological crystallization of the five imperial civilizations.

In order to make such a small card, the five Bai Moyu spent 1 years researching and manufacturing it.Even Bai Moyu couldn't browse and check the contents here at any time.

"The treasure house of knowledge asks: Excuse me, who created the treasure house of knowledge?"

"Five Kings of the Void!" Bai Mochen said concisely.

"The answer is correct, it is connecting to the dark system, ready to transmit."

"Start the dark system, ready to connect to the treasure house! Connecting, connecting...Ding! The connection is successful. The transmission progress is one percent, two percent...... ten percent..."

Bai Mochen was slightly startled. Although he knew the great information in the treasure house of knowledge, he didn't expect that it would take such a long time for his own dark system to calculate it.

You must know that his dark system is the most powerful system in the void universe.The calculation group behind it is astonishingly large.

Fifteen minutes later, a prompt sound finally came from the brain, "Ding! The transmission is complete. The current system version is too low-level to carry a strong amount of knowledge. Request an upgrade."


""This update is expected to take 7 hours, please wait patiently. "

"Seven hours, this is too... long!"

Bai Moyu was a little speechless, and took out another book to read.Quietly waiting for the system upgrade.

After 7 hours, the system finally completed the update.

After checking the upgraded system, Bai Moyu complained in his heart: "I'm going! I've upgraded from version 3.5 to version 5.0, this is too stupid."

"Hmm! It's not bad. Let me take a look first!" Bai Moyu's eyes turned pure white.

For the next period of time, Bai Moyu was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and the high technology left by the other four great emperors really had a great impact on him.

In a certain garden of Angel Nebula, Bai Yun and Liang Bing are sitting on platinum chairs.Leisurely drinking tea.

"Hey! Yun'er, where is Bai Moyu? Do you know where he went?"

"Sister Bing, my brother must have gone to sister-in-law's place, right? You can ask sister-in-law."

"Cut! I asked just now, and Keisha has no news of him, who knows where he went to fool around."

Bai Yun paused suddenly, she heard a different emotion from Liang Bing's words just now.She blinked her big eyes, "Sister Bing, do you like brother!"

Liang Bing blushed immediately, and said angrily: "Who said I like him? Huh! They are all prettier than me." Although Liang Bing said that he didn't like him, in fact, he had already become flustered in his heart.

"Hee hee! Duplicity!" Bai Yun laughed.

"Fuck you!" Liang Bing cursed with a smile, then she stood up and patted her buttocks and said, "Xiao Yun'er, sister and I are leaving first. Let's talk to you later."

Looking at the cold ice going away, Bai Yun couldn't help feeling a little pity, and shook her head.

"Well! I finally finished reading it. I didn't expect the knowledge to be so huge. I'm really exhausted! Haha! Forget it, let's go back and catch up on sleep!"

After Bai Mochen finished speaking, he disappeared out of nowhere, at the same time as Bai Moyu went back to catch up on sleep.In the distant triangle civilization Fenglihen, Gong Bingye and the two came to a barren place.

"Feng Lihen is going to wake up the three of them! I think the three of them are already getting impatient!"

"Yes! From now on, my Void Clan will finally be on the stage of the universe again."

"Okay, enough nonsense. Get ready to wake up!" Feng Lihen waved his hand, and to his surprise, a huge hexagonal prism-shaped object appeared in front of him.And on this hexagonal prism-shaped object, there are five iron chains of different colors.Wrapped him tightly in secret.

"Hmph! Break it for me." Feng Lihen struck these iron chains, only to hear a crisp breaking sound, and one of the iron chains was cut off abruptly.

At this moment, the hexagonal prism-shaped object emits clouds of black gas from the inside of the iron chain.These gases also hit the iron chains wrapped around him.

"Gong Bingye and I smashed them together." In an instant a spear appeared in his hand.

"Destruction style!"

The fiery red dragon flew out from the tip of the gun, and hit the iron chain hard, making a crackling sound.And Gong Bingye, who was on the side, couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the big knife and chopped towards the iron chain.

"Crack." There was another crisp sound, and the three iron chains instantly turned into energy and disappeared into the world.

In just a few seconds, the original five iron chains now only have one ice blue iron chain left.

This iron chain is different from the other iron chains, his body exudes a faint light, unlike the previous four iron chains that are dim and dull.

An ice-blue phantom appeared in front of the two of them, and a long sword was transformed into the phantom in its hand, and it slashed at the two of them.


The ice-blue light is mixed with a cold and violent breath.Just at this moment, the cold breath enveloped the entire planet.Even the surface of the planet is covered with a thin layer of mist.

The rivers that originally flowed inside the planet were instantly frozen into glaciers.The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and even the sky was covered with fluttering snowflakes like catkins.

After seeing this scene, Feng Lihen and the other two couldn't help cursing inwardly, "Damn, what's going on? This is just a phantom, how can it generate such a large amount of energy?" after breath.The expressions of the two couldn't help becoming tense.

What the two of them didn't know was that just a moment before, Bai Moyu had just raised his strength to a new level.

And then the power of this phantom was instantly strengthened a lot.

When Feng Lihen attacked the other four iron chains before, because their bodies had already fallen, they didn't have much energy, so they could be smashed easily.

But this last one, Bai Moyu's was different.He has not yet fallen, how can the seal he set be untied easily.

Feng Lihen watched the icy blue phantom burst out with a fighting spirit, he licked his lips and hit the phantom directly.

And Gong Bingye who was beside him hastily followed, the strength of the two of them has not yet fully recovered to the peak state, Feng Lihen has only recovered to the eighth generation of divine body and he has only recovered to the seventh generation.

But judging from this to Xuying, his strength is definitely not inferior to the eighth generation.

 Only strength can crush everything——Quotations from Bai Moyu.

(End of this chapter)

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