Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 48 Space God's Decision

Chapter 48 Space God's Decision
The next day, Keisha sat by the window and looked out the window affectionately.She propped her chin with her hands in boredom and muttered in a low voice: "Smelly Bai Mochen, dead Bai Mochen has not come to see him for a few days. Humph! I'm so mad."

Keisha pursed her mouth angrily, and suddenly, just as she finished speaking, everything went dark in front of her eyes.

"Guess who I am?" the ethereal voice sounded.

Keisha's expression was a little panicked at first, but then she regained her composure after hearing the voice.She puffed her mouth and said angrily, "Hmph! Bai Moyu, take your hands off my eyes." Bai Moyu smiled and took his hands off Kaisha's eyes.

He sat down next to Kaisha, and said with a half-smile, "What? Are you angry? Is it because I haven't come to see you these days." Bai Moyu immediately guessed the reason for Kaisha's anger.

Kaisha raised her head a little arrogantly, it was exactly as Bai Moyu said.He was indeed angry because of Bai Moyu's ignorance of her these past few days.

"Okay Xiaosha, there's a reason why I didn't come to see you a few days ago, because I was researching a very important thing a few days ago, so I didn't have time to see you." After Bai Mochen chuckled a few times, He touched Keisha's head with his hand.

Then he patted his head again, as if he remembered something, and said, "Xiaosha, I will transmit the fifth-generation divine body technology to you, and you are ready to receive it." After speaking, a white light flooded into Kaisha's head .Caesar instantly felt something extra in his head.

After Bai Moyu finished teleporting, Caesar asked curiously, "Mochen, is this the way to upgrade the fifth-generation divine body? It can also heal quickly. This is simply immortal!" Keisha was jumping and jumping excitedly like a little girl at the moment.

"Xiaosha, you should hurry up and upgrade to the fifth-generation divine body now! I can rest assured only if you have strong strength."

"Hee hee! What are you worrying about? Don't forget my identity, I am the majestic King of Angels, Holy Kaisa! Besides, even if I have no power, don't you still have me? ?”

Looking at the arrogant Kesha at this moment, Bai Mochen couldn't help shaking his head a few times.His eyes became complicated, "Xiaosha, I also hope that I will always be by your side, but this time I will have to leave you for a while after all. My calamity has come." Of course, it is impossible for Bai Moyu to be in front of you Keisha said it in front of him, but he just said it quietly in his heart.

Just when Bai Moyu wanted to get to know Kesha further, Mo Tian's voice suddenly rang in Bai Moyu's head.

"My lord, we are in trouble."

Bai Mochen's eyes suddenly sank, and he asked in a deep voice, "What troubles do you encounter? Is there anything in the known universe that you can't solve?"

"No, Your Majesty. When we were searching for the Danube, we encountered warriors from the Kamigawa civilization. They said that our people trespassed on their domain, and now we are in a stalemate on the Danube."

"Does he know?"

"Your Majesty, if you look at the current situation, that person may have already allowed it."

After listening to Mo Tian's words, Bai Mochen instantly realized the seriousness of the situation.After seeing Bai Moyu, Kaisha shook her hand in front of him curiously after not speaking for a long time.

"Xiaosha, you should upgrade to the fifth-generation divine body first! I still have something to do, I will go out soon, and I will come back later."

After Kaisha heard the news that Bai Moyu was going out, her eyes instantly dimmed. She looked at Bai Moyu pitifully and said, "Mochen, can you not go out? Can you stay here with me more? ?” Looking at Kaisha’s begging eyes.Although Bai Moyu really wanted to stay, but according to the news from Mo Tian just now, if he chooses to stay today, the war between Shenhe and Angel will definitely break out tomorrow.

"Xiao Sha, I'm sorry, I have to leave first." After weighing the pros and cons of the two things, Bai Mochen finally chose to go to Shenhe to ask Ding Hei for clarification.

After speaking, he disappeared from Kesha's sight, leaving only the faint fragrance in the air.

"Mo Chen..." Keisha murmured in a low voice.

In a certain palace of the Kamigawa civilization, Dinghei was sitting alone on a chair with his eyes closed, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, the space behind him twisted, and Bai Moyu walked out of it angrily.

"Dinghei, don't you need to explain to the king? Why did the people stop me? The king needs a reasonable explanation."

Dinghei still didn't speak, just sat there with his eyes closed as before.After seeing Ding Hei's attitude, Bai Mochen said with gloomy eyes, "Here is your declaration of war against me? You know I didn't intend to..."

"What did you mean? What have you done these past few days? You must know better than me! Why can Bai Moyu see the shadow of your holy angel on every planet in the universe?"

Before Bai Moyu finished speaking, Ding Hei who was sitting on the chair suddenly opened his eyes and interrupted Bai Moyu's words.

"A few days ago, I discovered that the Void also came here, so I sent troops to look for their traces. I think you are also very clear, once the Void creatures come to the known universe, it will be a disaster for all life in the known universe."

Ding Hei smiled disdainfully when he heard this, and yelled at Bai Moyu: Void?Bai Moyu, do you really think that I will trust you again?Do you really think I don't know what you want to do?

The three rhetorical questions forced Bai Mochen to death, but just when Bai Mochen wanted to refute, Ding Hei went on to say, "Don't you want to control the known universe? Well, from today on, on behalf of Shenhe, I will report to you." Your Holy Angel Clan officially declares war." Ding Hei's resoluteness made Bai Moyu never expect that he had already thought about all kinds of consequences before he came.But that's the only thing I didn't think of.

Bai Moyu was silent and Ding Hei was silent at the same time, the whole room was silent, without the slightest sound.

finally!After a pause of 30 seconds, Bai Mochen shook his head helplessly and said, "Since a new war is going to break out, let's go to war." After speaking, Bai Mochen casually tore open a micro-wormhole and left Shenhe.

On the way back, he turned on the communication link to the three great wings in the holy city.

"Xuetong, Feixue, summon 50 troops and a new war is about to break out." When Bai Mochen said this, his voice visibly trembled.

"A new war? Alright my lord, I understand, I'll go now."

"Teacher, are you really going to force me like this? I didn't intend to get involved in the war of the universe, but now it seems that I have to get involved."

Just as Bai Moyu left Dinghei from Shenhe Civilization, he called Kieran, the god of time, to his office.

"Kieran summoned the army to prepare for the war against the Holy Angels." Ding Hei said decisively.

Kieran shook his head helplessly, he knew that a cosmic war was about to break out.Although he wanted to defend Bai Moyu a few more words.But after thinking that he heard the conversation between the two outside the door just now, he quietly dismissed this idea.

 If you dare to break her wings, then I will destroy your heaven. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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