Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 53 Shurima Joins the Battle

Chapter 53 Shurima Joins the Battle

A few days later, a large number of fleets appeared [-] light-years away from the main star of the Shenhe galaxy.

Bai Yu said lightly to Bai Moyu, "10 light years ahead of the king is the main star of the Shenhe civilization. When will we attack?"

In the past few days, Bai Moyu and his party went straight to the main star of the Shenhe civilization from the periphery. During this period, those civilizations that did not submit to the angel civilization or resisted them were basically wiped out during this period.

"Don't rush to attack, I want to see how long they can last."

"Yes! Your Majesty."

At the same time, the main planet of Kamigawa is in chaos, and they all demand to surrender like the angelic civilization. If they were asked to surrender before, they might dismiss it, but now they are very willing.

Did they know that just a few days ago, those civilizations that were unwilling to surrender to the angelic civilization had all been wiped out.

That's more than 3000 civilizations!

Ding Hei seemed to have aged a lot in Ding Hei's room at this moment, he who was originally in high spirits, now looked lifeless like an old man in his twilight years.

"It's over, I'm still defeated after all." Dinghei whispered, sitting on a chair with his head in his hands.

Suddenly a few minutes later, Dinghei stood up, and disappeared into the house the next moment.


Shurima Empire

"Your Majesty, as you expected, the main star of the Kamigawa civilization has been surrounded by angels. The Kamigawa civilization has lost this war." Nasus said.

Azir looked at the book in his hand for a long time before he said slowly, "If it's not what I expected, that old bastard Dinghey will come to me soon and try to drag me into trouble."

After listening to Azir's words, Nasus asked a little strangely, "Your Majesty, this is unlikely!" Just as Nasus finished speaking, the space in front of him moved a few times.

An old man with white hair came out.

"Space God—Dinglehei" Nasus couldn't help shouting after seeing the person coming.

"No way! Your Majesty is so powerful that he can predict it." Nasus said in his heart, and at the same time, his awe of Azir became even deeper.

Azir smiled slightly after seeing Dinghey, and said, "Hey! Why do you still have time to hang out with me, aren't you fighting with the angels? How is the battle going?" Azir still stared at the book.

Ding Hei said with a gloomy face, "How is the battle going? Don't you know?"

Azir said: "Hehe! Of course I know, so I have to admire you. Even though your main planet has been besieged, you still have time to fool around here."

After Ding Hei heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched, "Bastard, of course I know that my main star is surrounded. If I hadn't asked for something, I wouldn't bother to come to your place." Of course, he could only say these words silently in his heart. Said bluntly, now he still asks others to do things for him after all.

So he smiled and said, "Azir, what do you think his next goal will be after he wiped out my Kamigawa civilization? Do you think you have the power to fight him? Or do you think your army will Stronger than his army?"

"I don't know if it's strong or not, but what I know now is that your Kamigawa civilization is about to end."

"Hmph, ignorance. In the entire universe, only you and I have the power to fight him and we are the ones who join forces. Do you think he will let you go after he wipes out my Kamigawa civilization?" Ding Ge Black yelled.

Having said that, Azir was a little silent.

Indeed, in the entire known universe, only he and Dinghei could barely fight Bai Moyu when they teamed up.

Who will guarantee that Bai Moyu will not turn his goal to Shurima after the Kamigawa civilization is wiped out?
Seeing Azir was a little shaken, Dinghei said silently in his heart, "There is a play."

So he went on to say, "Don't you like him? As long as you and I defeat him together, I will have a way to seal his power."

"Really?" Azir put down the book in his hand at this moment and asked seriously.

"Well, how about thinking about it!"

"What about Dinghey after we defeat him, what about his army?"

At this moment, Ding Hei raised his head and laughed a few times, and said, "You don't have to worry about that, once Bai Moyu's power is sealed, their combat effectiveness will drop by several levels."

Azir was silent for a few minutes after listening.

"Okay, the emperor will trust you once. This time I only want him, and you can distribute the rest yourself." Azir said.

"Hahaha, okay, then send troops as soon as possible! Kamigawa won't last long. Once the main star of Kamigawa is breached, then all previous efforts will be in vain." Dinghei laughed a few times suddenly. After speaking, he disappeared here.

"Nasus gathers the army and heads to Kamigawa Prime immediately."

Nasus asked curiously, "Your Majesty, didn't you say that we are not going to fight? Now why......?" Nasus hesitated to speak.

Azir said: "Because he gave me a reason that I couldn't refuse." After speaking, Azir stepped out of the palace first.

Nasus scratched his head with his hands and repeated in his mouth: "The reason that His Majesty cannot refuse, what is the reason that His Majesty cannot refuse?" But curiosity is curiosity Nasus walked out after struggling for a while palace.

"Bai Moyu, you are my king's, you know? You are the first one in the universe who can make me fall in love. Since I met you, I have been thinking about you all the time, so this time I must get you." "

well!If Bai Mochen heard Azir's words, Bai Mochen would definitely make him feel what it means to say disaster comes from the mouth.

cough!Let's get back to the topic!

A few minutes later, Azir was sitting in the huge spaceship at the front, and behind this spaceship were thousands of spaceships.

They are slowly advancing towards the Kamigawa civilization. Azir in the Great Emperor said to Nasus below, "Start the wormhole shuttle and rush to the main star of Kamigawa in the fastest time."

Nasus bowed to Azir and said, "Yes, Your Majesty." Then he turned to the operator and said, "The ships are ready to start the wormhole shuttle to the target location, God Ask the Lord Star."

"Starting, wormhole shuttle."

"The ships are ready."






"Start the wormhole shuttle." After a mechanical voice sounded, the mighty fleet originally in the Shurima galaxy disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At the same time, Bai Moyu in the Judgment suddenly sneezed a few loudly.

Bai Yu and the other angels looked at Bai Moyu with amazed eyes.

In the end, Bai Yu couldn't help but asked curiously, "Your Majesty, don't you! Have a cold?"

After listening to Bai Mochen, he looked at Bai Yu with idiot eyes, rubbed his nose and said, "Fuck your cold, someone must be masturbating me behind my back? Hmph, if I catch him, I promise to skin him. "

"Pfft, hahahaha." After hearing this, Bai Yu laughed unscrupulously.

And Bai Moyu's arrogance also greeted the surprise of other angels, and then the entire command room burst into laughter.

 Hey, I don't know if it would be bad to cheat Azir like this?

(End of this chapter)

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