Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 58 The Terrifying Holy Angel Warrior

Chapter 58 The Terrifying Holy Angel Warrior

Keisha didn't say anything after hearing this.On the contrary, Liang Bing on the side said, Mo Chen, isn't it a little short for you to send eight soldiers?You must know that there are as many as a thousand people who are conducting the high-level Tianzu assessment this time.

Bai Mochen just smiled lightly at this, and then he waved his hands and said, "Liang Bing, since you don't believe it, then just watch! Aren't you always wanting to know the power of holy angels?" Bai Mochen narrowed his eyes as he spoke squinted.

Regarding what Liang Bing said just now, he didn't take it seriously at all. Every holy angel soldier's individual combat ability is very powerful, and he can basically defeat a hundred with one.

"Wow, are these the soldiers of His Majesty Tian An?"

"Hey! Why are the colors of their armor and wings different from ours?"

"The color is different, so what? Don't you think gold is beautiful?"

When the angel fighters of a kind of assessment saw the eight holy angel fighters, they started talking among themselves.

The leader, a holy angel captain, stretched out his right hand and made an offensive gesture to the angel warrior on the opposite side.

"Sister Tian, ​​are the eight of them trying to single out all of us? We need thousands of people, can the eight of them handle it?"

"Tsk, girl, this is provoking you, and you actually speak for her." Another angel knocked on the head of the previous angel resentfully.

"Hmph, are you looking down on us? Even though you are His Majesty's fighters, you are too presumptuous!"

"Sisters, let's all go up together and teach them a little lesson."


In an instant, thousands of angel fighters surrounded all eight holy angel fighters.

"Suppress the strength to the third-generation divine body, remember, be gentle when something happens later." A cold female voice came from the golden helmet.

"Yes!" Several other holy angel fighters nodded.

"Okay, get ready to fight." As they said that, the eight of them drew out the golden long swords hanging from their waists together.

Eight people rushed into the crowd in an instant, knocking out more than a dozen angels almost in a few breaths.

The battle on the arena was in full swing, and many people's eyes were brightened just after the opening.

A man with bull horns on his head said to the people beside him, "I'm going, holy angel fighters are too strong! Only eight people can suppress thousands of angel fighters. No wonder the king of darkness is only Only relying on the army of 50 holy angels, the surrender of Kamikawa will make the Shurima civilization withdraw from the stage of the universe. In the future, our bull demon civilization must not conflict with the angel civilization."

Not only these foreign envoys, but Kaisha, Liangbing, Hexi, Bai Yun, and Yutong were even more shocked when they saw that eight holy angel fighters could completely suppress thousands of angel fighters.
"Eight people completely suppressed thousands of angel fighters. Isn't this fighting power a bit scary? It would be great if our angel civilization also had such fighters!" Yutong said.

"It's no wonder he doesn't take the Kamigawa coalition army seriously. A legion with this kind of combat power is enough to sweep the entire known universe. If he wants to be king, perhaps there is really no civilization in the known universe that can stop him." Kesha thought to herself.

After Bai Yun saw the strength of the holy angels, she thought to herself, "Wow, they are so powerful! Later, I will ask my brother to train my Tianyun Army." Now her Tianyun Army, although In the Angel Nebula, it is one of the four war god legions, but compared with Bai Moyu's Holy Angel Legion, it is more than a little worse.

Angel Nebula's four war god legions, they are respectively, the Archangel Legion led by the Holy Kaisha, the Silver Crane Legion of Hexi, the Apocalypse Legion of Liangbing, and the Tianyun Legion of Bai Yun.

These four legions can be said to be the top combat power in the Angel Legion, and the four war god legions respectively guard the last four lines of defense of the Angel Nebula.

And now Keisha was wondering if she needed to consider handing over the task of training the Angel Legion to Bai Moyu.

A few minutes later, under the shocked eyes of everyone, the eight holy angel fighters had already retracted their long swords to their waists.And there are thousands of angel warriors lying on the ground.

"This...is it over?" Liu Yue spit out these five words after a long time.

"It's over, Liuyue has only passed for a few minutes?" Yutong asked blankly, as if she hadn't come out of the shock.

"5 minutes, my God! What kind of monsters are His Majesty the Dark King's subordinates! Eight people beat thousands of people, and it only took 5 minutes to solve it, my God! This is too abnormal."

Amidst the exclamation of everyone, the leader, Captain Saint Angel, saluted Bai Moyu and then returned behind him.

"The game is over, all those who can stand up now stand up." The guardian angel said?

After the guardian angel finished speaking, only two hundred or so of the thousand people who had fallen before stood up.And the rest of the blame for not standing up is for elimination.

Soon a team of angels came up and carried the unconscious angel warrior down.Looking at the angel sisters who were carried down, an angel warrior who was holding his stomach and standing halfway thought to himself, "Oh my god, what a bunch of monsters! They are all the same as us, and they are all third-level gods. But why is their combat power so abnormal? ?"hiss!It really hurts me to death, it's not good to kick, but I want to kick my stomach.

"Brother, can you help me train my Tianyun army." At this moment, Bai Yun's voice rang in Bai Mochen's ear.In the next second, Bai Yun appeared beside him in an instant.

She hugged Bai Moyu's left arm and said coquettishly, "Brother, just help me train!"

Just when Bai Moyu was about to speak, he suddenly felt a burst of icy chill coming from behind him.

He followed this feeling and saw Keisha looking at him with murderous eyes.At the same time, he also smelled a sour smell in the air.

"Hey! Kesha, little girl, what are you thinking? Yun'er is my younger sister, why is she jealous, alas, women are jealous of anything!" Bai Mochen sighed in his heart.

He reached out and touched Bai Yun's head and said, okay, I'll ask Bai Yu to help you train your army later.

But talk to Kesha!Do your three legions need me to help you train?
After Liang Bing had seen the powerful individual combat ability of the holy angel soldiers, she immediately had the idea of ​​asking Bai Mochen to train her army. She was about to say it, but she didn't expect Bai Mochen to say it first, so She nodded quickly in agreement.

He Xi on the side thanked Bai Moyu.And Keisha said coldly, um!Yes, I will hand over the Archangel Legion to you.

"Well, let's all gather at the Tianyun Army camp tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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