Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 6 Arriving at the Super Seminary

Chapter 6 Arriving at the Super Seminary
Because the headquarters of the Super Seminary is located in the remote Rogge galaxy, the three of them flew for two days and nights before arriving at the Super Seminary.

"Ha! It's finally here, I'm so exhausted." Bai Mochen walked out of the cabin to stretch, and the two who came out together were speechless when they saw Bai Moyu like this.

Bai Moyu hardly got up in these two days and nights, except for sleeping.

When the three of them arrived, it was at the time when the Super Seminary was in class, and many students from other planets walked inside talking and laughing.

There were also some who looked at them curiously, Bai Mochen raised his footsteps and walked inside, but was stopped by a guard as soon as he reached the door.

"Sorry, you are not a college student, so you cannot enter." The guard said with a serious face.

"Cough! I'm here to find the space god, you go and inform me." Bai Mochen shrugged and said.

"I'm sorry, Principal Dinghey is discussing important matters with the vice-principal of Space God." The guard continued to say sullenly.

"Hee hee, it seems that some people can't do it!" This is what Liang Bing, who was standing behind Bai Moyu, stepped forward to tease.

The two successive bumps made Bai Mochen's face darken.

"Hehe!" Bai Mochen sneered twice.

The next scene was basically beyond the expectations of Liang Bing and others.

"Ding Hei, I, Bai Moyu, will die soon when I come to visit." Bai Moyu's voice resounded above the Super Seminary, attracting countless people to look at Bai Moyu.

At this time, the guard had a big mouth, and he stammered to Bai Moyu: You're cool.

"Hmph!" Bai Mochen turned his head and snorted coldly.

And some other students who were going to the college also stopped, and among these people, there were some tutors.

All of them looked at Bai Moyu with their mouths wide open, with pity in their eyes.

At this time, Kieran and Dinghey, who were discussing things in a conference room in the Super Seminary, also heard this sound.

"Presumptuous!" Kieran roared, "I'll go out and solve it."

"Wait, let me go out with you!" Dinghei stopped Kieran and stood up from his seat.

"Principal, I'll just settle this matter, I don't need you."

"No, I have to go this time, because the person who came this time is unusual! He is the king of that universe." Dinghei walked out under Kieran's puzzled eyes, although Kieran didn't know Dinghei Saying something, but still followed.

Soon the two appeared in front of the gate, and the instructors and students who were watching saw that the two principals came out together, and saluted.

"Hello, principal."


"Damn it! No, I really died." Liang Bing whispered next to Kesha, and the frightened Kesha quickly covered Liang Bing's mouth.

During this period, the Angel civilization could not be regarded as the top civilization of the universe, at most it could be regarded as an intermediate civilization, above them there were giant wolf civilization, demon civilization and other advanced civilizations, followed by Shurima civilization, Deno Civilization, and the top civilization Shenhe civilization.

"Hahahaha! What a farewell for 9 years! Lord of Darkness, long time no see!" Ding Hei walked up to Bai Moyu and said with a smile.

"That's right, teacher. I haven't seen you for 9 years. But when I came to visit you, you were turned away by your guards."

After Bai Moyu said this, everyone was stunned, including Kieran.

"Okay, let's go to class quickly!" Ding Hei said to the students and instructors who were watching.

"Yes, principal."

Afterwards, the people around slowly dispersed. The headmaster has spoken, do they still dare to stay here?
After everyone was gone, Bai Mochen rushed towards Ding Hei, hugged Ding Hei and said: Teacher, you miss me so much.

"Eh..." Liang Bing felt a flock of crows flying over his head at this moment.

"Hehe! I haven't seen you brat for 9 years, why is he still like this?" Ding Hei scolded Bai Moyu with a smile, then patted Bai Moyu's head and said: "Come on, let's go in and talk."

"Sister, what's the situation?" Liang Bing walked behind Kaisha and asked incomprehensibly, the painting changed too fast!

"Hehe!" Keisha shook her head, and then followed the three of them.

After a while, Bai Moyu sat on the sofa in Dinghei's principal's office, drank tea and said: Teacher, your place is not bad!
After looking around again, Ding Hei noticed the two Kaishas and said: I think you two should be the Heavenly Blade King Kaisha and the Apocalypse King Liangbing of the angelic civilization!

"Yes, Principal Dinghey." Keisha replied respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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