Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 61 The Dusty Past

Chapter 61 The Dusty Past

The four of Kesha looked at each other immediately, and finally Kesha asked.

"Mo Tian, ​​what did you just say? Can you tell us more about it?"

Mo Tian glanced at Kaisha and then at the others, and sighed helplessly, "Actually, this is not a big secret. Since you want to know today, let me tell you."

"Your Majesty was never like this. Wearing a military uniform. In fact, many years ago, he was not as decisive and ruthless as he is now. In fact, after going through those two things, he gradually became like this. "

When it came to this, Kaisha found that the same color flashed in the eyes of the four of Mo Tian.

"That's right, that's a sad look."

Mo Tian smiled wryly and continued, "There are twelve His Royal Highnesses in the Holy Angel Clan, and Your Majesty is the fourth His Royal Highness of the Holy Angel Nebula. Since our Holy Angel Clan mainly uses gold wings, the color of the wings of the King is naturally Became a different kind, and suffered bullying since childhood."

"So on the 100th year since the king was born, he was taken away by his elder brother who was a mother."

"Bai Mo is a name that made the void universe extremely fearful. When he was a thousand years old, he left the Holy Angels and went to the universe to establish his own civilization. When he was three thousand years old, he established the famous Emperor Dance civilization."

"He! He once swept the heavens and all races, he! He used his own power to form the Heaven's Punishment Legion, which was feared by all races. Wherever the Heaven's Punishment passed, there was no blade of grass, and blood flowed like rivers. He! He once swept the six kingdoms with invincibility. The Great Empire, slaughtered the ten restricted areas and slaughtered hundreds of millions of gods and demons, he! He once shook the universe, worshiped by all races, he! Created a new era that belongs to him."

"At that time, the king was not as strong as he is now. He was very weak. He was so weak that only three generations of divine body changes could destroy him."

"500 years later, the king returned to the family of holy angels after leaving the family of holy angels for 500 years. Immediately after the fall of the king of holy angels, the family of holy angels fell into a huge chaos."

"The king personally beheaded his brother in that battle and put himself on the throne."

"Ten thousand years later, for some reason, the king's elder brother suddenly massacred other civilizations like he went crazy, causing the entire universe to be on fire."

"In the end, the five great emperors headed by the king began to resist this riot. The war lasted for 2000 years. Both sides suffered heavy losses and their vitality was greatly damaged."

"Then in the final battle, the king killed his brother again."

At the same time, Bai Moyu, who was seriously injured on the bed, had a faint blue light emitting from his heart.

The light flickered, and gradually became brighter and brighter.

Bai Xuetong immediately shouted, "Mo Tian, ​​look quickly, there is a faint blue light emitting from the king's heart." After hearing Bai Xuetong's words, Mo Tian immediately walked over and frowned.

"This... this is... the heart of space. Oh my God! The king unexpectedly merged the heart of space with his own heart without authorization. This, this, this, this, this is not trying to die." Mo Tian shouted incoherently.

After Bai Yun saw Mo Tian's appearance, she couldn't help curling her lips and said, "Don't worry, since my brother dared to fuse the heart of space with her own heart, then there is his plan, so you can Don't meddle here." Just as Bai Yun finished speaking, the blue light instantly formed a protective shield, enclosing Bai Moyu inside.

At this moment, Mo Tian blushed and shouted, "My God! This... the heart of space actually protects the Lord automatically." Mo Tian looked at the blue protective cover with some excitement, and secretly guessed in his heart, "If it is like this , presumably it will not be long before the king will wake up, and his strength will even go further."

When thinking of this, Mo Tian greeted everyone and walked out.Don't bother Bai Moyu anymore.

in fantasy

At this moment, Bai Moyu was wrapped in a blue crystal, and the surrounding scene became dark again.

Devouring looked at the blue crystal that was in the way in front of him, and slapped it with a displeased heart.

However, there was no sound of the crystal breaking as she imagined, but a powerful force instantly knocked him out.

Blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and her face was extremely pale at the moment, "Heart of space, I didn't expect him to fuse the heart of space, no, I have to go back and tell them about this." The Great Emperor of Devouring disappeared unwillingly. In front of Bai Moyu.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom."

The only sound left in the entire space was the regular beating of the heart.

At this moment, the entire space seems to have only that one voice.

At this time, Bai Moyu seemed to feel something in the blue crystal, and his expression gradually relaxed, not as ferocious as before.

"Ding! Absorbing energy, the energy source is unknown, it is absorbing......"

After a long time, that crisp voice sounded again.

"The absorption is complete, and the body is being remodeled. The transformation is starting now, and the estimated completion time is three days."

Time passed minute by minute, and the blue crystal that covered Bai Moyu's body before gradually disappeared in the past few days.

After a long time, the voice sounded again, "Ding Ding! The body transformation is complete, and the brain development rate has increased to 90.00% eight."

"Hmm! My head hurts, where is it? This is Xiaosha's bedroom." After looking around at the surrounding environment, Bai Mochen instantly knew where he was now.

After waking up, he began to examine his body, and he was surprised to find that all the functions of his body had increased a lot.

The most obvious is the degree of development of the brain. His brain development rate was only about 80% before, but now it has increased to 90.00% in an instant, and it is close to 100%.

After all, Bai Moyu is also the king of holy angels!After thinking over and over again, he finally came to a conclusion.

That is, when he was seriously injured, his body was completely integrated with the heart of space, so the powerful energy contained in the heart of space was naturally used by him.That's why there will be a qualitative leap in all indicators of my body's functions.

After Bai Moyu thought about everything again, he finally couldn't help but sigh.

Exclaimed, alas!You say to improve, so let's improve!Why only other bodily functions, not the level of the divine body?
Bai Mochen sighed with a depressed face.

"Mo Tian!"

Bai Mochen shouted towards the outside of the door.It didn't take long for Mo Tian and others to push open the door and walk in.

"My lord, are you awake?"

"Hmm! Hey! Little Naisha is here too! Are you concerned about this king?" Bai Moyu joked saucyly after discovering Kaisha behind Mo Tian.

"Little Naisha! Oh! It turns out that sister-in-law still has such a title." Bai Yun suddenly had an expression of enlightenment, and muttered to herself.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect a man-in-law to have such a title. Hey, it's really not easy!" He Xi gave Bai Moyu a boost from the side!

"You...Bai Moyu...you"

Kesha pointed at Bai Moyu for a long time and didn't know what to say, so she could only keep talking about you.

(End of this chapter)

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