Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 64 Lieyang Civilization

Chapter 64 Lieyang Civilization
Because the interstellar jump was not used this time, the angels arrived at the Lieyang civilization after a day.

The civilizations who came to the wedding this time are all high-level civilizations and top-level civilizations.Because there are still three or four days before the wedding, after Lieyang civilization released the news, most civilizations began to prepare gifts.

The Lieyang civilization does not occupy a nebula alone like the Angel Nebula, the Lieyang civilization is only on an asteroid.

sun star

In a certain hall, Di Hongkun said to a young man behind him with a smile on his face, "Jiechen, your wedding will be in three or four days, and there will definitely be many civilizations participating by then, so go to that You must pay attention to your own image when you are in the middle of the night, do you know that?"

Di Juechen nodded and said, Father, I understand.

Di Hongkun walked forward and said, "For your wedding this time, I also sent invitations to Angel Civilization." Di Juechen couldn't help being stunned when he heard his father say that he had also sent invitations to Angel Civilization.

"Father, you sent them invitations. Will they come? Although I have never been to Angel Civilization, I often hear people say that Angel Civilization's angels are generally very arrogant, and they don't even bother to participate in such boring things."

Di Hongkun shook his head and sighed, "Whether they come or not is their business. After all, today's angelic civilization is not the original angelic civilization. Alas, the original four top-level civilizations are now only us Lie Yang and De Nuo are gone." After hearing these words, Di Juechen just frowned, not knowing what to say.

While the two were silent, suddenly a soldier outside the hall ran in and said, "Your Majesty, Angel Civilization, Kaisha, the King of Angels, is here."

"What? What is she here for? Who else is traveling with her?" Di Hongkun frowned and asked.

The soldier paused for a moment and then said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, there is also the Sky Dark King, the Sacred Left Wing, the head of the Tian Yun Army, and 12 angel warriors."

"Father, they probably came to the wedding!"

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, Di Juechen who was beside him spoke.

After listening to his son's words, Di Hongkun was silent for a while.Then he strode out of the hall.

At the same time, at the anchorage of the spaceship, Liang Bing looked around curiously, and at the same time, some Lieyang people around them were also looking at them.

"The Lieyang civilization belongs to the Tiandao civilization and is located in the Tiandao galaxy. The Lieyang people have an extremely powerful ability to control light energy and are good at driving star energy."

"Hahahaha, the King of Angels is here, I'm sorry to welcome you."

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from a distance.

Bai Moyu and the others looked up, only to see Di Hongkun rushing over at an extremely fast speed.

"Queen Keisha and His Majesty the Dark King, I'm so rude."

Kesha smiled politely after listening, while Bai Moyu just nodded.

After Di Hongkun looked at the more and more onlookers around him, he said to Bai Moyu and the others, "This is not a place to talk, please follow me." After finishing speaking, he flew towards the distance.And Bai Moyu and the others also spread their wings and followed.

After 3 minutes, everyone came to a magnificent palace.


Bai Mochen nodded to Di Hongkun, and then walked in.

Di Hongkun watched all the angels go in and followed them.

The interior of the palace is extremely luxurious, with glittering gold everywhere.Even for Kaisha, after seeing such a luxurious palace, Liang Bing had many little stars in her eyes.

Di Hongkun couldn't help smiling proudly when he saw Kaisha and the others in such a state.But when he looked at Bai Mochen, he was surprised to find that there was no strange feeling in Bai Mochen's eyes, it could even be said that his eyes were as calm as water, not even a single wave stirred up.

Perhaps this palace is extremely luxurious for Kesha and the others!But to Bai Moyu, it's not worth mentioning at all, it's like a passing cloud.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Bai Yun exclaimed.

Bai Moyu couldn't help stroking his forehead with his hand, then he turned his head and asked, "Your Majesty Lieyang King, I wonder if your Lieyang civilization has any special attractions?"

"Attractions? Your Majesty the Darkness King, do you want it?" Di Hongkun asked tentatively.

Bai Mochen laughed lightly, and said with a teasing tone in his tone, "What? Others come to your Lieyang Civilization, so don't you allow others to visit?" Di Hongkun smiled and said after hearing Bai Mochen's words.

"No, no, that's not true, the visitor is a guest!"

"Kesha, are you going out for a walk?" Bai Moyu asked.

Keisha shook her head and said, "No, I won't go, you go by yourself."

"Brother, I'm not going either."

"...I'll go...I'll go!" Liang Bing eagerly raised his hands beside him, but after Bai Mochen asked Kaisha and the two of them, he said directly to Di Hongkun, "If they don't go, then I will Go, let's go."

"Hey! Old lady Bai Moyu, I'm going too. If you don't take my old lady with you today, I won't... finish with you, old lady!"

Before Liang Bing finished speaking, Bai Mochen and Di Hongkun left the palace, and Liang Bing stomped his feet angrily.

She snorted coldly, "Hmph! If you don't go, don't go, what's the big deal." Liang Bing pouted her mouth, looking very attractive.

Seeing Liang Bing's expression, Kaisha couldn't help but gently covered her lips with her hand, and started to laugh.

Even Bai Yun secretly covered her mouth and smiled.

"Hmph! Laugh, what's so funny." Liang Bing shouted.

"Pfft! Hahahaha, I can't do it, I can't do it. Let me rest for a while, if I keep laughing, my stomach will hurt." Bai Yun said pretendingly, clutching her stomach.

"Sister Bing, do you know why my brother didn't take you?"

"Why? How does my mother know why? I didn't mess with him, so why don't you take me."

"Sister Bing, because you are too skinny, you can cause trouble too much."

After Bai Yun finished speaking, Kesha on the side exclaimed, "My bosom friend! Yun'er, you don't know how fierce she is."

Liang Bing has not come out of Bai Yun's words at this moment, Pi?What's wrong with her?

"She was nothing more than instigating a certain middle civilization war before, blowing up the research branch of the old angelic civilization, and burning a hole in Tianji Wang Hexi's skirt... But these are not skins!"

Liang Bing just wanted to ask himself where he was, but he was surprised to find that there was no one around.

"Damn! This group of bitches left without saying hello to me, and Yun'er, they learned from Kaisha." Liang Bing muttered.


In the evening, the setting sun in the western sky sprinkled a layer of crimson tulle lightly, enveloping the sky, the earth, the rivers, the mountains, the vegetation, and the trees in a brilliant light. The drifting clouds cast graceful shadows on the river, and the wind blowing slowly Over time, dancing with water plants, reed shadows and twilight songs, the magnificence and charm ooze out of the sparkling light.

A piece of white sail gently broke through the veil, light like a piece of white feather cruising between the sky and the earth, and swiftly flying across the river like a white arrow.

By the riverside, someone was hurrying on his way, and when he raised his head, he couldn't help but be bewitched by the magnificent sunset and the river view. He stopped and looked at the white sail.Gradually approaching, an icy-blue figure on the bow of the boat stands tall in the crimson glow, which is extraordinarily vivid but not disobedient, the gorgeous colors all over the sky and the river seem to be born for him, like a misty red mist The green jade bamboo standing upright in Lingyun in the middle adds a sense of elegance to the gorgeousness, and the picturesque twilight is vivid and beautiful in an instant, making people addicted to it.

And in this incomparably beautiful scenery, a slender and melodious piano sound came out slowly, adding some charm to the scenery in front of him.

Bai Moyu stood tall in the middle of the river, slowly playing the blue guqin in front of him with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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