Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 70 Kamigawa Destruction

Chapter 70 Kamigawa Destruction

"Protect the Empress!"

Suddenly, the four of Mo Tian immediately summoned their weapons and surrounded Kaisha.

Afterwards, a group of fully armed holy angel soldiers rushed in immediately, staring at the Devouring Spirit.

At this moment, the entire hall was silent, Devouring casually picked up a fruit and took a few bites and said: Mo Tian, ​​do you think you can stop me with just a few of you?Devourer looked at Mo Tian and the others with a half-smile.

Mo Tian looked at her coldly, "You can give it a try."

"Who are you?" Keisha, who had been surrounded for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Devourer couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Kesha's words.

"Me? Of course he is the Great Dark Emperor, the King of Holy Angels—Bai Moyu's enemy, and a sworn enemy!"

"Dark Emperor! Why does my brother have such a strange title?"

"King of Holy Angels, what is that?" Liang Bing asked!

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. It's time to carry out my mission." Devouring suddenly chuckled!She grabbed her right hand in the air, and a dark red warrior's sword appeared beside her.

"Go!" More than a dozen holy angel fighters rushed up, but when they were one meter away from the Devourer, the Devourer suddenly moved.


More than a dozen holy angel fighters were instantly cut down to the ground.

"It's your turn." Soul Devourer stabbed Kaisha with the sword, and a strong sense of crisis came to his heart.

"Clang!" The sound of swords colliding resounded throughout the hall, and Mo Tian blocked the attack with some difficulty.

Devouring chuckled lightly, and increased the strength of his subordinates a little more, "Crack!" I saw many lines appearing on the body of the long sword used by Mo Tian.

"Mo Tian, ​​get out of the way!" Bai Xuetong reminded from the side.

Mo Tian didn't react quickly, but the next moment, a strong tingling sensation distorted his appearance.

His body stepped back with an incredulous expression on his face.

"This... this is a void weapon." Bai Xuetong saw the origin of the dagger at a glance.

After the other two heard her words, they immediately surrounded her.

Immediately afterwards, when everyone was looking at Mo Tian, ​​Ling Devourer suddenly appeared beside Kaisha, and put a hand on her shoulder.

He said softly, "Just come with me."

"Not good!" Mo Tian's heart suddenly beat violently.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you.Before I came to this planet, I planted a bomb that could destroy this star. If you look at the time now, there should be more than 20 seconds before it will explode. I wish you good luck.

After finishing speaking, she opened a void door in front of her, and walked in with Kaisha.

"Bomb! Not good, everyone hasten to leave. At this moment, Mo Tian completely ignored the injuries on his body. He quickly opened a new passage in front of him and swallowed everyone in."

At this moment, outside the Shenhe star, a blue light flashed, and everyone appeared here.


Shenwen Xing exploded in an instant. At this time, it was as colorful as fireworks, and the intense heat rushed towards everyone.

The whole explosion lasted about 30 seconds, until after the explosion.The originally blue Shenhe star had turned into nothingness. After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being silent.

Kieran saw Kamigawa that had turned into nothingness, and knelt down in pain.

"He is sorry for Dinghei's entrustment, and he is sorry for the hundreds of millions of people of Shenhe."

Kamigawa will become a civilization that appears in the book, and the Kamigawa civilization that also led the universe for 10,000+ years will disappear.

Just when everyone was silent about the disappearance of Kamigawa, many warships suddenly appeared.

These battleships are the previous Holy Angel battleships and Angel battleships.

At this moment, a female saint angel warrior came out of the battleship, flew to Mo Tian's side, and said loudly, "Master Shenyi, the holy city has been attacked by the void, and the king has already fought with the other four kings of the void to the Milky Way galaxy!" .”

"What? Milky Way galaxy?" Mo Tian said in a panic.

"It's broken, they want to use the Sky Blade King to threaten the King!"

...[space division line]...

Milky way galaxy, B250 star!

Explosions sounded in the silent space.

In a certain starry sky, Bai Moyu stood with his God-killing hand in his hand.The armor on his body was more or less worn out, but compared to the embarrassment of Feng Lihen and the others, he was much better.

"Bai Moyu, do you really think you are invincible?" Gong Bingye roared.

"Hmph!" Bai Mochen snorted coldly.

At this moment, Feng Lihen and the others' fear of Bai Moyu rose to another level.He originally thought that four against one would be a draw even if they didn't win, but what they didn't expect was that they were being beaten all the time.

Bai Moyu raised the sword in his hand, just when he was about to attack again.There were some fluctuations in the distant space.

A woman wearing a crimson armor came out from inside, and beside her was Kaisha who was knocked unconscious.

At this moment, Bai Moyu became angry, and he shouted: Bastard, you have the ability to come at me.

Bai Mochen's words made Devouring Ling smile, yes, it seems that Bai Mochen really cares about this woman.

"King of Darkness, I didn't expect you to be able to move Fan's heart."

Feng Lihen walked over and took Kaisha to a distance of 100 meters from Bai Moyu, and the other four people also followed in case of accidents.

Bai Moyu was afraid of hurting Kaisha so he didn't rush forward, he gritted his teeth and asked: "What do you want to do?"
"Hehe, Bai Moyu put down his weapon, otherwise, I'll strangle her to death." Feng Lihen put his hand on Kaisha's snow-white jade neck, and with his force, Kaisha's face turned pale.

"Okay!" Bai Mochen took back Killing God, and at the same time took back the armor on his body.

"Destroy your legs, kneel down and beg me." Feng Lihen's words made the faces of the other four people look interesting!
"You are delusional."

After Feng Lihen listened, he smiled sinisterly and said: Really?Then he stabbed Kesha's thigh with a sword.

"Bastard, you have the ability to come at me, what is it to bully a woman?"

"Sister!" Suddenly a familiar voice came from a distance, Bai Mochen looked back, it was Liang Bing and the others.

After seeing these people, Feng Lihen's eyes became gloomy, and he said in a loud voice this time: "I cripple my legs, kneel down and beg me, or I will kill her!" Feng Lihen stabbed her again. go up.

"Sister!" Liang Bing cried out.

"Damn it, it's too shameless to use a woman as a shield." Di Hongkun scolded.

"Hurry up, or I'll kill her." Feng Lihen said again.

"Wait a minute, I promise you." Bai Mochen's words filled the faces of Di Hongkun and the others in the distance with disbelief.

Bai Mochen hit his legs with both fists, and a sharp pain caused Bai Mochen to kneel down.


"elder brother!"


"Please let her go!" Bai Mochen begged.

Bai Moyu's request made Feng Lihen burst into laughter, and he threw Kaisha over.

Although Feng Lihen let Kaisha go, the matter was far from over.

A murderous aura shocked Bai Moyu's whole body, he quickly pulled Kaisha over and protected her behind him.


Feng Lihen's long sword pierced Bai Moyu's heart, and Bai Moyu sent Kaisha back through the worm gate.

"Your Majesty, Feng Lihen, you bastard!" Mo Tian shouted.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, Bai Mochen's eyes became dim, and he smiled at Bai Yun and the others and said: Goodbye, everyone!
"Feng Lihen, die with me too! Bai Moyu's body suddenly became extremely bright."

Feng Lihen flew back in a panic, but he wanted to expose himself.

Devouring Ling's complexion became extremely ugly at the moment, she said: "We can't get out, Bai Moyu has blocked this galaxy!"


Before they had time to react, a louder explosion sounded.Everything the explosion passed turned into nothingness.

However, at the moment when Bai Mochen fell, the four of Mo Tian all spat out a mouthful of blood.

"We, the holy angel warriors send you off to the king, send you off to the king!"

"Brother...brother is dead?" Bai Yun suddenly passed out in He Xi's arms.

In 70860 of the cosmic calendar, the Angel Nebula Sky Dark King fell, and the civilization of Shenhe disappeared. After that, the holy angel Motian announced that from now on, holy angels will no longer be born!The angel king Kaisha even regarded the three words holy angel, king of darkness—white moyu, and void as taboos.

(To be continued)
(End of this chapter)

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