Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 76 Mo Tian Arrives

Chapter 76 Mo Tian Arrives
On this day, in a certain cabin of the Juxia, Bai Moyu received a message from Motian.

"Your Majesty, I am already on the periphery of the earth."

Bai Moyu stood up and felt lazy, and said in a daze, yo, I'm back so soon.I thought I would have to wait another ten days.

"Wait a minute, I'll send you the location, you can come directly."

After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he disappeared into the cabin, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the top of a certain building.

He looked up at the cloudless sky, and then his eyes fixed somewhere in the sky.

When a golden light passed by, a tall figure appeared in front of him.

Bai Moyu looked at the person in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see! Mo Tian!"

But a black shadow rushed over and hugged Bai Moyu.

I saw Mo Tian crying like a child, Your Majesty!You have never contacted us for 3 years, we almost thought you had really fallen.

"Cough, let me go! Cough, cough." Because Mo Tian used too much force, Bai Mochen's face turned red from being strangled.

"Hee hee! I'm sorry!" After Mo Tian heard this, he let go of his hands in embarrassment.

Bai Moyu took a while to recover, and looked at Mo Tian with resentful eyes.

"Okay, have you found what I asked you to find for me?"

"Well! I found it somewhere in the void next to the original holy angel galaxy." After that, a handful of ice-blue ice wings and black-gold destruction appeared in Mo Tian's hands.

When the two long swords were handed over to Bai Mochen, Bai Mochen looked at the two long swords in his hands with complicated eyes.

"Ice Wing! The treasure of the Ice Clan in the past, it has the power to freeze everything."

"Destruction! The sword of the former god emperor Bai Mo once slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures and was stained with an unknown amount of blood. It can be said to be a veritable sword of death!"

Mo Tian couldn't help feeling dizzy looking at his master like this. In fact, when Bai Moyu found him and asked him to go back to the void universe and retrieve the two swords, he knew this would be the result.

One is his mother's Wang Jian and the other is his brother's Wang Jian!These two weapons are of extraordinary significance to him.

In addition to these two swords, there are two other peerless swords!
One is a god-killing sword that can kill everything, and the other is a star flash that represents hope and light.

Except for the God Killing Sword which is placed on Kaisha, the other three swords are now in Bai Moyu's arsenal.

"Mo Tian, ​​after I fell, it was right for you to announce that the holy angel civilization would not participate in the political affairs of the angel civilization. I agree."

"Wang, you are joking. I am just thinking about our holy angel family. I don't want the holy angel family to experience the scene 10,000+ years ago."

Mo Tian's words stunned him for an instant.

After a few seconds, Bai Moyu gave a wry smile: Yes!I don't want to go through that great change again, after all, too many people died.

"Your Majesty, don't you guys go back? Over the past 3 years, the Empress has missed you very much, don't you want to go back and have a look at her?"

"No, I can't move the Milky Way galaxy yet! I have a hunch that in the next 30 years the Milky Way will become the main battlefield of the space war."

"Mo Tian, ​​you don't need to tell them the news of my resurrection after you return to Angel Nebula."

After listening to Bai Moyu's words, Mo Tian asked a little puzzled: Why?Bai Mochen stroked Bingyi lightly with his hand, his eyes became serious.

But then he raised his head and said: No why?Because this is the order of the king.

Although Mo Tian was puzzled, because of Bai Mochen's order, he still had to put away his doubts.

"By the way, Your Majesty, just a few days ago, Her Majesty the Princess asked her people to give the Empress an arsenal. I heard from them that it seemed to be a forged one based on your arsenal."

"Oh! Yes, I just showed that little girl once, but I didn't expect to be able to imitate it. It's not easy!"

Bai Moyu was not angry because Bai Yun imitated his arsenal, instead, he praised with surprise.

You must know that his own arsenal has been researched for 6 to [-] years.

I didn't expect Bai Yun to imitate one in more than 3 years. I have to say that it is indeed much better than him.

"Well! I see, yes, send a team of soldiers to station on their planet."

"Ah! Oh, I see. My Majesty, I'm going first."

"Well! Let's go! I hope the next time the two of us are in reality, you can upgrade to the pinnacle of the ninth generation."

"Yes! I will."

After the two finished speaking, Mo Tian spread his wings and disappeared into the sky.

And Bai Moyu gently stroked Destruction, and fell into deep thought.


Divine Calendar 10201

Diwu civilization, the capital of gods.

"Xiaochen, big brother is going to Jianxin Civilization, will you go with me?"

Bai Mo stroked his younger brother's head, and said dotingly.

Bai Mochen raised his head and said with a smile, "Okay!Brother, you haven't come to accompany me for a long time.

Bai Mo said: "Brother, I'm here to apologize to you first, I have a lot of work recently so I can't get away.

"Hmph! Excuse me, you are the king, can anyone force you to do something you don't want to do?"

Bai Mo touched his younger brother's head and sighed, alas!Do you really think being king is easy?If you want to wear a crown, you must carry its weight.

"What do you mean! Hmph, my brother talks words that I don't understand all day long, it's so annoying."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk, let's go. I will take this opportunity to go shopping with you."

"Okay! I'm going to the Heavenly Food Civilization!"

"Okay! You little greedy cat, is the food there really that delicious? It makes you like it so much."

"Huh! Brother, have you ever eaten it? It's delicious, but it's too far away from us, and it takes a long time to go back and forth every time?"

Hearing his younger brother's complaint, Bai Mo's eyes suddenly turned.I don't know what to think.

He bowed his head and said to Bai Moyu: "Then brother, let the eclipse civilization belong to you alone, okay?"You can go whenever you want, and let them cook what you want, how about it?
Bai Moyu was a little startled by Bai Mo's words.He hesitated for a moment and said: Brother, do you want to send troops to attack them again?No, I don't want to, I don't want to let so many people die because of my own selfish interests.They are all innocent.If you really want to send troops, then I would rather not eat.

"Hahahaha!" Bai Mo couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing what his younger brother said.

"Xiaochen, don't be angry. I was wrong just now. It's okay. I didn't say to send troops to attack them. I didn't ask for your opinion just now. If you disagree, I won't send troops."

"Okay, you said it! As long as I don't agree, you can't do it." Bai Mochen looked at Bai Mo firmly!

Bai Mo was also amused by his younger brother at this moment, and said without hesitation: All right, all right, as long as you don't let me do it, I promise not to do it, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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