Chapter 78
"Hmph! Leave me alone!" Bai Mo said coldly.

"Hey! Big brother, are you jealous? I think you won't do it." However, before Bai Moyu finished speaking, Bai Mo had already disappeared.

"Cut!!!!" Bai Mochen shrugged his shoulders and flew away into an extremely dark universe.

The years are rushing, time is like passing by!Thousands of years passed quietly.

Emperor Dance Civilization!

"Bai Mo, are you crazy? Forging a magic sword with hundreds of millions of souls, it is a life."

"Bai Mochen, don't be here at all. It's an honor for hundreds of millions of souls to forge a supreme weapon for me." Bai Mo yelled at Bai Mochen with a gloomy face.

"Come here, take the Fifth Highness down. Don't let him out without my order."

After Bai Mo finished speaking, two soldiers came up and held Bai Moyu down.

No matter how hard Bai Moyu struggled, it was useless.

"Your Highness Fifth, I would like to advise you, don't do anything wrong with the king. In today's universe, the king is the highest authority in the universe, no matter who it is, you must obey it."

One of the soldiers turned his head and walked away after speaking to Bai Moyu.

Only Bai Mochen was left in the room alone, and Bai Mochen leaned against the wall in a little disappointment.He wanted to stop it, but to no avail.

How could he be compared with Bai Mo's eighth-generation divine body?

Bai Moyu was locked in the room, and here is a unique space.There is no time difference, no sun, moon and stars, only the endless darkness.

He didn't know how long he had spent here, ten years, 20 years, or even 100 years.

until one day.

The long-sealed door was suddenly opened, and gentle and dazzling light penetrated into the room.Bai Moyu's eyes couldn't help but squint, because he hasn't seen the light for a long time, so his eyes are a little uncomfortable.

"Fifth brother, are you there?" While speaking, a little boy with long golden hair walked in.

"Eighth brother, why are you here? Did something happen?" Bai Mochen asked in a hoarse voice.

After Bai Xuan heard his fifth brother's voice, he ran over quickly.He hugged Bai Moyu tightly.

"Fifth brother, I finally found you, fifth brother, something happened to the queen mother." Bai Xuan hugged Bai Mochen and burst into tears.

"Something happened!" Bai Mochen patted his younger brother lightly, and asked, what happened to the queen mother?
After sorting out his emotions, Bai Xuan said that his mother was seriously injured by that bastard Bai Mo.

When Bai Moyu heard the news, his mind went blank, and the next moment it was like a bomb exploded in his mind, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"What?" Bai Mochen quickly spread his wings and flew out.Even Bai Xuan beside him didn't care.

Along the way, Bai Moyu continuously opened micro-wormholes to travel through.

three days later

Bai Moyu reached the Holy Angel Nebula as he wished, but just as he stepped into the Holy Angel Nebula, the sound of drums resounded throughout the sky, and a dazzling light shot straight into the sky. The sky and the earth changed drastically, and everything screamed.

"Bah!" Bai Mochen fell to his knees on the ground in disbelief, tears ran down his cheeks and fell to the ground.

He seemed a little unbelievable, wiped away his tears, spread his wings, and flew towards the Holy Palace.

Seeing countless angels kneeling on the ground, Bai Moyu walked into the palace with bumps.At this moment, the palace is already full of angels, and in front of them is a pair of crystal coffins, in which lies a woman who is so beautiful that it suffocates her, and next to the woman there is always an elderly middle-aged man with absent-minded eyes looking at everything.

"Mother!" Bai Moyu's voice sounded, the middle-aged man looked at him, as if he wanted to say something, but fell silent again.Bai Moyu rushed forward and carried the woman out of the ice coffin.

Called, Queen Mother, wake up, Chen'er has come back to see you, wake up.No matter how Bai Moyu shouted, the woman still kept her eyes closed.

"Hahahaha, Queen Mother! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong." Bai Mochen suddenly laughed wildly at this moment, and then said sorry frantically.

The moment everyone looked up at Bai Moyu, they were all stunned, and saw that Bai Moyu's tears were no longer those clear tears, but blood tears that were as charming as datura flowers.

"My queen, I'm sorry! I've messed up your face, I'm sorry. Chen'er knows I'm wrong, you should have a good rest!" Bai Moyu's childish words resounded in the entire hall, causing many people to shed tears again. down.

However, a surprising scene appeared. After Bai Moyu put the woman back into the ice coffin, his whole body changed differently from before.

I saw that his hair changed from dazzling gold to cold ice blue, and even his wings changed from gold to ice blue.

"Chen'er!" The middle-aged man next to him cried out worriedly after seeing this scene.

"Hahahaha, Bai Mo, you kill my dearest relative, and I make an oath here, if you don't kill the god emperor Bai Mo, I hope that I will never die a good death forever, haunted by demons, and fall forever."

It was at this moment that he lost his former innocence, and his aura became fierce at this moment.

Endless killing intent emerged from him.

"Father God, my son please order to go to the forbidden area for 100 years! I hope Father God approves."

"Okay! You go, the future belongs to you young people, and it's time to abdicate as your father is old."

And when Bai Moyu's father finished saying this, all the angels below couldn't help being shocked. It seemed that Bai Moyu was going to try to be the next king of holy angels.

At the same time, Bai Moyu's words echoed throughout the universe.

Bai Mo, who was far away in the Diwu civilization, also heard this hissing sound at this moment.His hand that was writing didn't tremble a bit, and he gave a wry smile, what was supposed to come finally came.

"Yuntian, you are really calculating. You just framed me so easily. For Xiaochen, you are really unscrupulous!"

"Your Majesty, since you know this is a conspiracy, why do you want to?" A general hesitated to speak.

"No, even if I explain that I didn't kill my mother, how many people will believe my one-sided story?"


"This is the sorrow of being a king! Hahahahahaha, this is the king, do you understand?"

After Bai Mo finished speaking, he lowered his head again and wrote something on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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