Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 87 Chapter 88 The Arrival of the Angel

Chapter 87 Chapter 88 The Arrival of the Angel (3)
"Malicious intrusion, hum! This is the style of your holy angels." Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and then he held a long spear tightly in his hand.Be ready to go to war with the four at any time.

Mo Tian sneered and said: Hmph, do you think you can leave today alone?Leaving aside the four of us, there are tens of thousands of holy angel fighters in the Angel Nebula, do you think you can kill them all?

Xiao Yu hesitated after listening, yes!Even if he escaped from the hands of Mo Tian and the others, there are still tens of thousands of holy angel fighters in this Angel Nebula, even if it is exhausted, it will consume him to death.

When everyone was silent, He Xi suddenly came to Mo Tian's side, and put the king's life in his hand around his neck.With a cold tone, he said: Let him go.

Xiao Yu couldn't help being moved by this, but the next moment he became worried again.After all, Mo Tian is at the level of God Wing, so how could He Xi be his opponent?
"King Tianji, do you think you can kill me?" Mo Tian smiled mysteriously, and he appeared behind He Xi in an instant.


"Xiao Yu, you have only two choices today. One is to die, and the other is to fight against the void with us! You have ten seconds to think about it."

Ten, nine... four, three
"Okay, I promise you!"

"Hehe, then we will resign. We will send people to the Shadow Galaxy in a few days. I hope you will not forget what you said today."

"Hmph, once a word is spoken, it's hard to chase after it."

"Well, I like to talk to cheerful people."

Then, Mo Tian and the others quickly disappeared.


Styx of the Styx galaxy
A man in a black robe is flipping through a book in his hand.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Here she is!"

Yorick behind him looked at Carl suspiciously and said, "Master, who's here?"

Carl looked towards the door and said, "Here comes the angel!"

At this time, he walked out of the gate and looked at the sky. Angels were flying in the sky one by one, and their eyes were fixed on Karl, the god of death under him.

"I really don't know, Queen Keisha, what's the matter with you coming to my Styx galaxy?" Karl said calmly.

Keisha is sitting on a floating throne in the Angel Center.

She said coldly: "Death, Karl, I want to know what you told me before, Morgana is on the earth, but why I didn't find them."

Karl, the God of Death, thought for a while, and said with certainty: "Queen Keisha, I can tell you with certainty that Morgana is on Earth."

"Also, my Styx galaxy has not violated your justice and order, so why are you mobilizing so many people?"

The corner of Kesha's mouth curled up, and she said, "If you don't have it now, it doesn't mean that you will stay here in the future, Zhi Xin. If the other party does anything, justice will be carried out directly."

"Yes, Queen Keisha" looked at Queen Keisha excitedly.

"Queen Keisha, I don't think it's appropriate, I think Zhixin is too young!" Yan said from the side.

Kaisha looked at Yan and said: "As the right wing guard of the Angel Legion, even a scholar can't handle it, so how bad is the Angel Legion!"

Hearing what Keisha said, Hiko closed his mouth.

Zhi Xin looked at Yan, and there seemed to be something conveyed in his firm eyes.

"Okay! Return to Earth and prepare to search for Morgana! Exterminate..."

"Yes, Queen Keisha..." After speaking, all the angels flew away from the sky above Styx.

Zhi Xin was flying in the sky alone, and stared at Karl.

Karl looked at her and said, "Queen Keisha's right wing guard, Zhi Xin, should you come down and drink some water, aren't you tired from flying all the time?"

Zhi Xin looked at him vigilantly, and said, "Karl, God of Death, you'd better not play any tricks, otherwise the flame sword in my hand is just a decoration..."

Carl tugged at his robe, and said to Yorick behind him, "Give this angel messenger a glass of water." After speaking, he walked into his room.

Angel Zhixin, due to his extraordinary talent, strong combat ability, and calm mind like Yan, was appointed by Kaisha as the right-wing angel guard for more than 500 years. Like the left-wing angel guard Yan, he became Kaisha's right-hand man.

At this moment, the Angel Legion is on its way to Earth.

The Taotie General Command Room.

A group of warriors wearing mechanical armor were sitting in their positions, and a robot with huge wings behind him was sitting in the deepest part.

"The earth is now guarded by the gods. If you want to destroy the gods, you need the power of Morgana."

A commander said: "My lord, but Morgana doesn't cooperate with us. She always thinks that she is the greatest demon king in the universe."

"We just need to think that she is the queen." Taotie King said howling.

Another commander jokingly said: "We are thinking that a male king will get it! Haha~"

At this time, the other commanders also laughed.

"Don't think Morgana is so simple, she is an old friend of my god Karl, a god of the same era."

"Now... I will offer her until my god Karl bestows us with higher power." The Glutton King said in a mechanical voice.

"By the way, what happened to the Fenglei fighting the Bucks on Earth?"

At this time, a commander replied: "Fenglei and Buck met the so-called gods on Earth in Huaxiahe City on Earth, and they were stopped. The current progress is a bit slow."

At this time, King Taotie touched his mechanical face with his mechanical arm and said, "Tell you the rest of the fleet, go directly to the earth, and leave a small number of fleets to garrison Pluto."

"Yes, Your Majesty..." the commanders said.

"I really want to see this time I personally command, I really want to see, the gods on earth."

(End of this chapter)

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