Chapter 15
The Heat's defense strategy quickly worked.

It was the first time he faced Wade face to face, and Ye Feng was under a lot of pressure.

Although he often played against black players in the Drew League, it was the first time to face a talented player like Wade.

With a feint shot, Ye Feng still broke through resolutely.

It's a pity that Wade blocked the offensive line early. He is really fast, and the speed of 83 points still does not account for any advantage.

This way is blocked, Ye Feng immediately wanted to do a crossover.

But Wade immediately stuck up, and his strong upper limbs gave Ye Feng great pressure.

The hand trembled, and the begging was lost.

Wade took advantage of the situation and grabbed the basketball, dunking one-stop.

At 15:16, the Heat went ahead by 1 point, and Wade also scored his 13th point, but the first quarter was only halfway through.

If Wade continues to play like this throughout the game, the scoring is simply unimaginable.

"You see, there is still an essential difference between the No. 5 pick and the undrafted pick. When they really face each other, the gap will come out."

Mike Breen was like a wade blow tonight.

"However, with his speed, Ye should also be able to get a contract in the league, but his weight and strength will make this contract very small."

Fraser speaks fair.

In turn, the Cavaliers have the ball.

This round, Ye Feng just dribbled the ball across half court and handed it to Nixon.

Tried once before, he won't give Wade the ball for nothing.

The Cavaliers still use the same pick-and-roll tactics. The power forward pulls to the high pick-and-roll, and then runs back to the basket.

Kapono stood at the bottom corner of the three-point line, and Ye Feng ran without the ball.

But Wade followed too closely, Ye Feng had no chance to catch the ball in one round.

Fast forward to 24 seconds, Nixon forced a shot and missed.

In turn, Wade broke through the ball and assisted Coles to catch a dunk inside.

15: 18.

The Heat started to gain momentum, and the two dunks were very morale-boosting.

Brandon Malone called a timeout.

"Ye, after seeing Wade's performance, are you still sticking to last night's strategy?"

Brandon asked.

The others were at a loss, not understanding what the coach and Ye Feng were whispering.

"Of course!"

Ye Feng was very firm.

For the matter of winning Wade, Ye Feng had to try no matter what.

Even if you fail, it is better than admitting defeat.

"it is good!"

"Since that's the case, Nixon, you continue to fight Wade."

Brandon Malone explained.

In 2003, the league still did not allow zone defense, but the defensive scale was set very high.

As long as you don't make malicious or thug movements, it's okay to reach out.

Unlike later, defensive players may foul as long as they stretch out their hands.

Put James Harden in 2003, and he might not be as comfortable as later generations.

And Brandon's task for Nixon is to confront Wade physically without fouling.

Nixon was worried about being replaced, after all, he couldn't guard Wade at all.

But after hearing what the coach said, he felt relieved and became more daring.

Playing after the timeout, Ye Feng continued to run without the ball, and the range of running positions became wider and wider, almost occupying half of the court.

Once, Wade saw that Ye Feng was one meter away from the three-point line, and he didn't defend it. Ye Feng caught the ball open and it was a super long hollow three-pointer.

Now, Wade didn't dare not follow, and Ye Feng followed Ye Feng tightly throughout the first quarter.

At the end of the first quarter, Wade relied on his personal ability to crush the entire Cavaliers.

30: 38.

Wade scored 20 points alone, and he restrained Ye Feng on the defensive end. Ye Feng never got a good shot except for that three-pointer.

When he left the field, Nixon was already out of breath, more tired than usual after playing halftime.

Ye Feng sighed in his heart, this is Wade, the pressure on people is too great.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the two teams replaced the substitutes.

However, Ye Feng actually played again.

"Does Brandon want Ye to play the whole game and not let him rest?" Frazier asked.

Mike Breen smiled: "When Wade was on the court, Ye had no chance to score at all. Brandon may want him to take this opportunity to chase points."

"But this method is not rational. If you continue to play continuously, Ye will soon get tired, and the second half will be useless, and the Cavaliers will lose even worse."

Fraser disapproves of Brandon's tactics.

"So, an assistant coach is an assistant coach, too young!"

Mike Brin commented calmly.

On the bench, Brandon Malone clenched his fists when he heard these words.

"Ye, you must fight for your breath! You must succeed!"

Ye Feng did not disappoint him.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Ye Feng shot like crazy, making 4 of 3 three-pointers.

The Heat's two backup guards were not fast enough to prevent Ye Feng from running without the ball at all.

What's more, the Cavaliers teammates began to screen Ye Feng off the ball to create opportunities.

39:40, only 1 point left.

The Heat coach immediately called a timeout and replaced Wade.

In the entire Heat's back line, only Wade's speed can compare with Ye Feng's.

At this time, Wade had just rested for 2 minutes.

Seeing Wade play, Brandon made a gesture to Sean who came off the bench: continue to work hard.

In the whole game, no matter who defends Ye Feng, Ye Feng does not defend Wade anyway, let others fight Wade physically.

In this section, Wade is still brave.

Sean can bring some obstacles to Wade, but he can't prevent Wade.

On the defensive end, Wade was still able to defend against Ye Feng, leaving Ye Feng basically useless.

"No matter how Ye runs, he can't escape Wade's Five Fingers Mountain!"

Mike Breen even quipped.

At halftime, 54:66.

The Heat led by 12 points entering the second half.

Fight again at halftime.

The Heat sent four starters, only Wade did not play, after all, he has been fighting for 22 minutes.

The Cavaliers also had four starters, but Nixon was absent, and Ye Feng was still on the court without rest.

You know, Ye Feng played slowly in the first half, fighting for 24 minutes.

Relying on the speed that no one can keep up with, Ye Feng ran out of space, caught the ball, and shot.

The Cavaliers once again narrowed the score and played a 12:2 spurt.

66: 68.

"Tough Cavaliers! Tenacious Yeh!"

Fraser commented.

Mike Breen, who played Wade, was silent.

Seeing this, the coach of the Heat could only send Wade again.

At this time, Wade only rested for 3 minutes.

And Brandon immediately dispatched Nixon to pester Wade.

This time, Wade is still very strong, leading the team to firmly suppress the Cavaliers, but he seems to be not so fast, not so fierce.

79: 85.

Into the last quarter.

Ye Feng, continue playing.

Wade, on the other hand, was forced to play.

After all, only Wade in the Heat can keep up with Ye Feng's off-ball movement.

"Crazy, both sides are crazy, isn't Ye of the Cavaliers planning to rest this game? Wade isn't planning to rest either? If you run like this, you will die!"

Fraser barked at the very beginning.

In the first round, Nixon held the ball.

Wade entangled Ye Feng, Ye Feng started to run to the right, then turned around suddenly, and deceived Wade with a fake move.

Wade wanted to keep up, but just as he got up, he found his legs were weak and stopped.

And Ye Feng, who was open, received the ball, raised his knife and dropped it, and made a three-pointer.

82: 85.

"Wade, I can't run anymore."

Fraser said something amazing.

"Well, Nixon and Sean took turns fighting Wade, and Wade has to drive his teammates on the offensive end. He has played for 31 minutes, which is normal."

Mike Breen couldn't refute, he just made an excuse for Wade.

"However, Ye has been fighting for 36 minutes without a break."

Fraser reminded.


Mike Breen was silent.

In fact, at this time, Ye Feng was also very tired.

He is also human, and his style of play is unlimited running without the ball, running for 1 minute without getting tired, and running for 36 minutes, who can not be tired?
But he can't rest, this is his best chance to beat Wade.

He has an advantage.

As a Huaxia soldier, Ye Feng's strongest strength is endurance. After all, all Huaxia soldiers have run out.

What's more, Ye Feng still insists on the habit of running five kilometers with a load. This is the reason why his endurance is better than Wade's.

In fact, there is a more important point, Wade weighs forty pounds more than Ye Feng, and has a heavier burden.

Having said that, I have to talk about Wade's BUG.

Flash, 193 centimeters, 99.3 kilograms, with a weight of nearly 200 kilograms, can run so fast.

You must know that Jordan and Kobe, who are also 198 centimeters, are 4 catties and 14 catties lighter than him respectively, but Wade is still faster than them.

The 191cm Westbrook and Rose weigh nearly 30 pounds less than Wade, but they are also about the same speed as Wade.

Calling Wade the Flash is inaccurate, it should be called the Heavy Flash.

Facing such a superstar, Ye Feng never dared to take it lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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