I am super giant

Chapter 18 Doubt yourself

Chapter 18 Doubt yourself

Ye Feng stayed in Orlando, but other Cavaliers teammates left one after another.

Those who performed well began to wait for calls from the management, while those who performed poorly had to find a way out.

Before leaving, everyone gathered for a meal.

Because everyone was very young at that time, with little financial strength, and the restaurants they went to were very ordinary.

But everyone has a good relationship, talked a lot, and wished each other a good future.

Even Nixon and Ye Feng, who had the most conflicts in the team, had a glass of wine to wipe out their grievances.

Coach Brandon Malone secretly found Ye Feng and whispered something: The Cavaliers coaching staff is very satisfied with Ye Feng's performance, and the signing is basically a certainty.

Brandon Malone himself was also full of spring breeze, squeezing out Stephen Silas, and he succeeded in taking the position.

After waiting for everyone to leave, Ye Feng went back to the hotel alone, waiting for his cousin to arrive.

Ye Feng's cousin, Annie Ye, whose Chinese name is Ye Ni, is a Chinese-American mixed race, who just graduated from university this year.

(Ye Feng takes his mother's surname. After all, he was raised by his uncle far away, and his father can't find any relatives.)
Uncle originally wanted Ye Ni to study medicine and inherit the Chinese medicine clinic.

But Ye Ni grew up in the United States and had no love for Chinese medicine at all. She finally studied economics in college.For this reason, my uncle has been sullen for a long time.

However, Ye Feng and Ye Ni grew up together, and their relationship is better than siblings. Ye Ni wants to come to Orlando to play, Ye Feng naturally has to accompany her.

While there was still time, Ye Feng went to the hotel's gym, intending to do more strength training before the preseason.

His current strength is only 41 points, the base is low, and it is very easy to improve. It is not necessary to complete system tasks to obtain player data points.

The hotel's gym is very advanced and has everything you need.

At the beginning of Ye Feng's training, he only trained the core muscles, waist, back and thighs. After training these, the other parts will be more effective.

These are the Cavaliers team trainers taught him.

There is only Ye Feng in the whole gym, it is very quiet, and Ye Feng is also very satisfied.

But not long after, Ye Feng frowned.

"Derek, I said, get the hell out of here, I don't want to see you again!"

It was a girl who spoke, and her voice sounded familiar.

"Avril, please, give me another chance, and I will prove that I love you."

Then came a man's voice.

Immediately afterwards, the two rushed into the gym.

Across the equipment, the two didn't notice Ye Feng, but Ye Feng saw them.

Isn't this the little non-mainstream little girl I rescued the night I first arrived in Orlando, and the afro who abandoned her.

(Well, for Ye Feng who has lived in the army all his life, he only has these few adjectives.)
In fact, during this period of time, there is no non-mainstream statement in China.

Moreover, American teenagers pay attention to individuality. Hair dyeing, strange hairstyles, and wearing large hoodies are commonplace.

Allen Iverson has attracted countless fans with his cool dressing style.

Huaxia's teacher Guanxi has also won countless fans because of his dragging style of dressing. Even a big brand like Nike invites teacher Guanxi to be a designer.

It's just that Ye Feng was used to the rigor of the soldiers, so he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Give you a chance to abandon me again? You coward!"

Avril's face was full of sarcasm.

Derek's face turned black immediately, no man would want to admit that he was a coward, even if he really was.

"Avril, don't forget, who supported you. Without me, would you be as famous as you are today? Are you going to cross the river and tear down the bridge? Don't even think about it!"

Derek tore his face, and didn't say whether he loves you or not, only the interests are left.

"Hehe. Don't you know who supports whom? Half of your band's songs are written by me. Without me, where would you be today? As for me, I sing my own songs, spend my own money, and share with you Is there a relationship?"

Avril Lavigne was merciless and continued to sneer.

"Avril, are you sure you want to do this?"

A look of cruelty flashed in Derek's eyes.

"So what?"

Avril Lavigne was frightened, but did not flinch.

Since she was abandoned last time, she has seen the true face of Derek clearly.Now that Derek is stalking, it makes Avril even more disgusting.

This guy, maybe doesn't love himself at all, just loves his creative ability and wealth and fame.

She made up her mind to break up with Derek.

"Then don't blame me!"

Derek growled in a low voice, and rushed towards Avril.

But just when he was halfway out, he found that he was pulled from behind and couldn't move.

Avril Lavigne was frightened at first, but seeing the scene in front of her, she couldn't help laughing.

A giant of nearly 190 centimeters held Derek's vest with one hand.

Derek, who is only 160 centimeters long, flutters his four claws, but he can't move at all, just like a bastard being held down by the shell of a tortoise.

"Who are you? Don't mind your own business! Or I'll kill you."

Derek looked back, saw Ye Feng, and roared angrily.

He obviously didn't know Ye Feng, because he fled too hastily that night and didn't pay attention to Ye Feng's face.

"You want me to die?"

Ye Feng laughed, it was the first time in his two lives that he heard such crazy words.

In the past, it was always him who killed others.

"Then you die first!"

Ye Feng grabbed Derek's neck with one hand and lifted him up from the ground.


Being strangled by the neck, seeing Ye Feng's cold smile, Derek was terrified.

I want to beg for mercy, but I can't speak.

He kicked his legs hard and smashed Ye Feng's hand, but it was useless, Ye Feng's hand was like a big iron gate.

Slowly, Derek's face turned pale, his breathing became more and more difficult, and he felt like he was about to die.

"Don't kill him. He is a famous singer in Canada. If you kill him, something will happen."

Avril was impatient first, she held Ye Feng, wanting him to let go.

Ye Feng naturally wouldn't kill people, he's just a basketball player now, not a special soldier, and he has to pay a price for killing people.

But it is still necessary to scare Derek, otherwise this kind of person can't say that he will take revenge.

"Remember, next time, I won't show mercy!"

It wasn't until Derek was almost out of breath that Ye Feng let go, and threw Derek who had softened into noodles on the ground.

For things like killing people, Ye Feng doesn't have a good grasp of it, he can feel it clearly for a second more or less.

"Hurry up and go home, the next time something happens, I won't save you again!"

After this kind of thing happened, Ye Feng was not interested in exercising anymore, so he turned around and went back to his room.

But walking, Ye Feng found that Avril had been following him.

"Do you have anything else?"

Ye Feng's complexion is not good, for this kind of "non-mainstream" young lady, Ye Feng has a bad impression and is too lazy to talk to her.

Mainly because of the first meeting, in a dark alley, Ye Feng subconsciously felt that Avril was not a good girl.

How could a good girl go to that kind of place?

"You, you don't know me?"

Avril asked unhappily.

"Do I need to meet you?"

Ye Feng asked directly.


Avril Lavigne crashed. As the most popular singer in Europe and America, she felt like a failure for the first time.

"I'm Avril Lavigne!"

Avril told herself in her heart, otherwise she would doubt herself.

(End of this chapter)

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