I am super giant

Chapter 23 Despicable little moves, insidious veteran!

Chapter 23 Despicable little moves, insidious veteran!

Of course Mark didn't ask McGinnis to kill Ye Feng, he was a basketball coach, not a killer.

But what decides victory or defeat on the basketball court is not necessarily strength, it may also be a trick
The blue team beat the red team to a complete defeat. In fact, not only the players of the red team had a bad face, but Mark also had a bad face.

If he leads a group of main players and gets blown away by three rookies, he won't be able to hold his head up in front of Brandon in the future.

As for why it was aimed at Ye Feng?
It's very simple, James may be the boss of the team in the future, and Mark dare not target him.Kapono is a spot-up shooter with little value.

Of course Ye Feng is the most suitable person.

The second half begins with players from both teams playing.At this moment, Ye Feng still doesn't know that he has been targeted.

James broke through with the ball, was double-teamed by Ricky Davis and Boozer, and immediately passed the ball to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng held the ball in both hands, leaned against McGinnis with his back, and was about to turn around and break through, when he suddenly felt his waist was stabbed hard.


Ye Feng groaned in pain, his eyes narrowed due to the pain.

Taking advantage of this moment, McGinnis suddenly stretched out his hand, snatched the ball from Ye Feng's hand, and then quickly rushed to the blue team's half, scoring a one-stop layup.

The referee stretched out his hand to signal that two points are valid.

45: 39!

"Damn it, why did Ye get the ball so easily?"

"He's a defender, can't he even protect the ball?"

"Maybe it's just a mistake. He is a rookie after all, and mistakes are inevitable."

The fans in the stands couldn't see Ye Feng's small actions clearly. They would only think that Ye Feng made a mistake, and some people were dissatisfied immediately. Of course, a small number of people expressed their understanding.

And Ye Feng went directly to the referee.

"Didn't you see him foul? He did something that didn't belong on the basketball court. You should have blown the whistle."

The referee glanced at Ye Feng indifferently, and said blankly: "Go back to the game!"

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched, but he still resisted the urge to curse. Offending the referee will not lead to good results.

The blue team had the ball, and Ye Feng had just left halftime, when McInnis actually came over on his own initiative.

"Rookie, welcome to the NBA!"

He was also suppressed by Ye Feng for a quarter and a half, and finally raised his eyebrows, how could he not take the opportunity to mock Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't speak, he believed in actions more than words.

He's going to throw the ball over McInnis.

Taking the ball again, Ye Feng challenged McGinnis face to face this time.

With a feint, Ye Feng made a big breakthrough directly.

McGinnis had been prepared for a long time and blocked Ye Feng's breakthrough route.

Ye Feng didn't panic at all, he made a crossover, took the ball back through his crotch, and broke through from the other side instead.

The movement was smooth, like flowing water, McInnis wanted to defend again, but his feet could no longer keep up.

"Fast! It's like meeting Allen Iverson!"

"This rookie is not easy. He can not only shoot three-pointers, but also has good breakthrough ability."

There was an exclamation in the audience.

But at this moment, the fans suddenly realized that Ye Feng, who had already passed McGinnis, suddenly swayed and lost the ball again.

"Damn it! Why did you lose the ball again? If you can't break through, just wait for James to pass and shoot. This is the second time he has given the ball to the red team."

"At first I thought this Asian boy was not simple, but the result is too disappointing."

Amidst the discontent of the audience, McInnis sent the ball to the basket again.

45: 41!

This time, Ye Feng approached the referee again, and couldn't bear it anymore.

"Are you fucking blind? Can't see what he did?"

Ye Feng raised his right arm, and it can be clearly seen that Ye Feng's right arm has turned red.

Just when he was about to pass McGinnis just now, McGinnis secretly raised his elbow and directly pressed against Ye Feng.

If it wasn't for Ye Feng's quick reaction, he would have been thrown to the ground immediately.

"Go back to the game!"

The referee's eyes flickered, but he had no intention of whistling McInnis.

"Go back to your uncle!"

Ye Feng got angry and cursed in Chinese.

The referee couldn't understand, but he could tell the general meaning of Ye Feng's expression from his expression.

So beep~
"Technical foul, the red team makes two free throws and one throw!"

The referee signaled.

"My grass!"

Ye Feng exploded, and was about to hit the referee with his fist, but was held back by a big hand.

"Don't fight."

The person who held Ye Feng back was James.

"Pause! Pause!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the coach of the blue team, Brandon Malone, immediately called for a timeout.

Fortunately, just in time, the referee let go of the whistle that was put in his mouth again.

Otherwise, for the second technical foul, Ye Feng will be sent off directly and face a fine.

"Let's talk about it first."

James, who has always been known for his reason, and Kapono, who is good-tempered, took Ye Feng off the stage.

"Hey! Rookie, are you not ready to enter the NBA? Then please get out of the NBA and go back to your hometown in the East."

McGinnis was still provocative, he didn't know how to restrain himself, his face was full of complacency.

How dare a rookie fight against me?Now I know it's great.

Ye Feng's face twitched, but he didn't look back, he had already calmed down.

In my previous life, I was very calm, nothing could irritate me.But this life may have occupied someone else's body, and many times I can't control my emotions.

"Ye, you are too impulsive. You can't play in this state. Come down and rest."

Brandon stood on the edge of the bench and made a decision directly.

Ye Feng's face became ugly, the performance opportunity he finally won was wasted.

"Ollie, you are the veteran player with the most experience in the team, teach these rookies well. James, Kapono, listen carefully too."

Kevin Ollie, 32 years old, the only veteran player in the Cavaliers, has never participated in the draft, and entered the NBA through a short contract.


Not to mention James, even Ye Feng would not pay attention to him.

But when Ollie spoke, everyone in the blue team fell silent.

"In the past few years, I have defended Jordan, I have guarded Kobe, I have blocked Reggie Miller, and I have covered Allen Iverson."

"You rookies didn't know me before entering the NBA, but you must have heard the names of these people."

Of course, anyone who likes basketball must know these famous guys.

"You must think they are beautiful, right? In fact, you don't know. Every night, they fight out of all kinds of dirty, mean little moves and trash talk. You can't see it on the TV, but if you enter the locker room, you You can see that they are bruised and horrific. Especially Iverson, there is no part of his body that is not injured."

"Ye, McGinnis' little tricks make you feel bad, don't you? But compared with what happened to those few people, you are like on vacation. If you want to gain a foothold in the NBA, you have to learn to adapt to these little tricks and practice. Just steel and iron."

Ollie is like a great predecessor, guiding the three rookies and letting them gain a lot.

"An old man in a family is like a treasure!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

But at this moment, Oli suddenly narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous light.

"Of course, you can also use what you've learned and use it for your own use!"

Ollie said grimly.

After finishing speaking, Ollie licked his teeth, making the three newcomers tremble in their hearts.

"Damn it, this is the true face of the veteran, it looks like a cobra, it bites at any time, it's terrible!"

Sure enough, no one who can enter the NBA should be underestimated.

"I like it, though."

Looking at McGinnis' back, Ye Feng couldn't help but want to "tit for tat".

 ps: Thank you Mingmu sunshine for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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