I am super giant

Chapter 240 G2

Chapter 240 G2
Sure enough, the two teams played hearty offense from the very beginning.

"White Devil" Bibby and "Son of the Wind" Nash, as the field commanders of both sides, organized the offense smoothly.

Seriously speaking, Nash at this moment is definitely not as good as Bibby, after all, he has not yet gone to his own place of nirvana - the Phoenix Suns.

But Nash has both organization and offense, which is better than Bibby who keeps shooting in the middle.

On the Mavericks side, Nowitzki dominated the game, scoring 32 points, 13 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals and 5 blocks. This is definitely the core of the Mavericks.


On the king's side, there are more blooms.


This was a hearty offensive battle, which made the fans enjoy watching.

It's a pity that the Mavericks, which has five All-Star players, have gone through a season and still haven't run into their best condition.

The scene is more about the personal strength of the stars, lacking coordination and chemical response.

But there is no way. Walker, Jamison, and Nowitzki are all scoring-oriented players who need the ball. It is almost impossible to achieve an effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

In fact, in this Mavericks team, only Nowitzki can shoot as much as he wants, and everyone else has more or less sacrificed.

In the end, 116:105, the King's team cooperated to defeat the Mavericks' star stack.


Then the Hornets hit the Pistons.

"Big Beard" Davis and Jamal Magroyle challenged the Pistons' defensive team.

The momentum of the two teams is not at the same level.

In the second half of the regular season, the Hornets fell from the second straight line in the Eastern Conference and almost fell out of the top 8 sequence.

This also exposed the weakness of this Hornets team, this team is a team with beards.When the Beard is in good shape and playing well, the Hornets are strong.When the bearded man is not clear-headed and shoots indiscriminately, the Hornet is a mess.

On the contrary, after the Pistons got Rasheed Wallace, they were fully upgraded.The defensive end does not give the opponent a way out, and the offensive end has more options.

In the 26 games since Rashid joined, they have 20 wins and 6 losses, and almost no opponent has scored more than 80 points, which is simply appalling.

In the game, Billups' defense of Davis became the top priority of the game.

One calm, one passionate.One sinks into the team, one shines on its own.

There is no doubt that Billups' body is very strong in the No. 1 position, which caused great trouble to Davis, who relies on his body and technology for food.

Coupled with the coordinated operations of the other four, the bearded man was pressed to death.

Once the bearded man's touch is gone, this Hornets team is finished.

88:62, the Hornets became the team with the lowest score in this round.

So far, all 8 games in the first round are over.

Lakers 1:0 Rockets.

Kings 1:0 Mavericks.

Cavaliers 1:0 Heat.

Spurs 1:0 Grizzlies.

Pistons 1:0 Hornets.

Timberwolves 1:0 Nuggets.

Nets 1:0 Bucks.

Pacers 1:0 Knicks.

Although some things happened beyond the expectations of the fans during the game, there was almost no change in the big score.

Soon, the second round begins.

On April 4, Cavaliers vs. Heat, G21, the venue is still the American Airlines Center Arena in Miami.

As the winner of the previous round, the Cavaliers continued the tactics of the previous round, using Big Z as the core of the offense, and a group of shooters assisted it.

This is of course understandable, after all, this tactic was proved in the last game.

But the strange thing is that, as the loser, the Heat are also continuing the tactics of the previous game, double-teaming Big Z, almost unchanged.

This is not right.

You lost the last game, and you still don't want to change, how can you win?
Because of the suppression of tactics and strength, the game became no suspense for a while, and the Cavaliers won again, 2:0.

What is a little better is that the point difference in the loss is not that big, 98:107, and the Heat lost by 9 points.

Big Z played well and fully fulfilled the coach's tactical intentions. He played 45 minutes and scored 19 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 blocks, which can be said to be the key to the Cavaliers' victory.


The entire NBA league knows not to give Ye Feng an open shot.But in order to supplement the defense, Wade who was defending Ye Feng had to give up Ye Feng, which gave Ye Feng many opportunities.

After this game, the coaching staff actually received high praise.

In contrast, the "magic operator" Pat Riley has been questioned more and more, and more media jumped out to criticize him.

Even Ye Feng was thinking: Is Riley really old?

At the same time, the other eight games also ended one after another.

The Lakers beat the Rockets 98:84.

In this game, the Lakers finally showed their feeling, and the whole game was almost crushed.

How can fantasy F4 be underestimated?The strongest duo in the history of the league + the top five power forwards in history + the No. 1 superstar with the best defense in history is definitely not something that the Rockets can offend.

Big score Lakers 2:0 Rockets.


The Spurs defeated the Grizzlies 87:70.

Duncan remained silent, did not roar, did not scold, and easily taught Gasol to be a man.

Big score Spurs 2:0 Grizzlies.


Kings 83:79 Mavericks.

In this game, the Mavericks coach Don Nelson made great changes, allowing the players to devote most of their energy to defense.

Facts have proved that if you only fight on offense, the five All-Star Mavericks can't beat the King's team offense.

Old Nelson is worthy of being a famous coach, and the change in tactics directly affected the situation.

During the regular season, the offense was invincible, and the king, who ran like a cloud and flowing water, collapsed all of a sudden.

First of all, Peja, who scored 28 points in the last game, was the king's first scoring point.

But in this game, under the care of Finley and Walker in turn, he made 16 of 5 shots and 9 of 1 three-pointers. He made 31.3% of the field goals and 11.1% of his three-pointers. 13 points.

Needless to say, "regular season superstar" refers to people like Peja.

The regular season data exploded, and even entered the MVP candidate sequence.But once it came to the playoffs, when the opponent's defensive strength came up, Peja was useless, and his performance was not even as good as that of ordinary rotation players. After all, ordinary rotation players can't waste so many mobile phone opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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