Chapter 3
Two coaches stood on the sidelines, the Cavaliers' chief assistant coach Stephen Silas and the second assistant coach Brandon Malone.

"This yellow-skinned little man is very good. He is not excited in the face of Nixon's trash talk. He is very sophisticated. But this Nixon, has he really played in the NCAA?"

asked Brandon Malone.

In fact, Nixon is the most optimistic player of the two assistant coaches. After all, he comes from the NCAA, which is the largest talent pool in the NBA.

Both coaches had high hopes for Nixon, but the guy was late for training and acted like an idiot on the field.

"This guy may just underestimate the enemy. Don't worry, Nixon is worthy of our expectations."

Stephen Silas said, his face was a little ugly.

After all, Nixon was invited by him, if he didn't perform well, he would lose face.

"No matter what, Nixon's physical fitness is better than Ye. I look forward to his next performance."

Stephen Silas still believed in his own vision.

Brandon Malone curled his lips and remained silent. After all, he was Stephen's deputy, so he still had to give Stephen enough respect.

"However, if Ye can finish off Nixon, I don't know what expression Stephen will have."

Brandon thought darkly.

Although he is Stephen's deputy, there is competition between the two.

If Stephen steps down, he can take another step forward.

After thinking about it, Brandon still shook his head. After all, Ye Feng was yellow-skinned. Although Brandon hoped that he could beat Nixon, he himself didn't believe that Ye Feng had this ability.

On the field, Nixon found point guard Sean again.

"Brother, give me the ball!"

Sean looked at Nixon, hesitant.Nixon's behavior just now was like shit, and Sean didn't quite trust Nixon anymore.

"Hey! Brother, don't you believe me? I was just not serious just now. Do you think I will lose to a yellow man?"

Nixon shouted unhappily.

Hearing this, Sean still passed the ball to Nixon.

"the last time!"

But Sean still took a shot. He couldn't keep giving the ball to Nixon.

"Don't worry, hit a yellow-skinned monkey. As long as I get serious, I can beat him eighteen blocks."

Nixon got the ball and happily went towards Ye Feng.

"Boy, I'm going to be serious, prepare to eat ashes."

Nixon said with a grim face, then turned around and turned his back to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't speak, but his expression turned serious. Nixon is going to hit him back!

Whether it's speed or bounce, Ye Feng is worthy of Nixon.But he was afraid of physical confrontation. Nixon was twenty pounds heavier than Ye Feng, and his strength even reached 70 (Ye Feng 40).

Hitting back, this is completely abuse!

"Hey! Brandon, see. Nixon calmed down, he found a way to defeat Ye."

Off the court, Stephen said excitedly.

Brandon shook his head, he also thought that Ye Feng had lost.

On the court, Nixon's back was already attached to Ye Feng.Arching his back, he took Ye Fengding back a big step.

"Hahaha, Asian, you are too weak!"

Nixon shouted triumphantly.

"is it?"

Ye Feng also has a temper, he was teased by Nixon again and again, and finally became angry.

Twisting his neck, Ye Feng was more serious than ever, and put his forearms on Nixon's back. This is the standard posture for back attack.

However, Nixon bowed his back, and Ye Feng took another step back uncontrollably.

"Hahaha, haven't you eaten? You don't have any strength at all. Can you give me even a little resistance?"

Nixon shouted again.


Everyone on the field had predicted in their hearts that this yellow-skinned defender would be blown away by Nixon.

"Come again!"

However, on the quiet court, Ye Feng took the initiative to fight.

"Okay! You're looking for death, don't blame me."

Nixon was extremely excited, he just felt that all the unhappiness before had disappeared, and he could humiliate Ye Feng severely.

Thinking about it, Nixon used his back to remove the parietal leaf again.

But this time, Nixon suddenly found that he couldn't exert his strength at all.

what's the situation?
Nixon didn't believe in evil, and tried again, but still couldn't exert his strength.

Nixon couldn't figure it out. Ye Feng, who was behind him like a primary school student just now, couldn't stand it at all. It was strange.

In the entire stadium, only the centers of the two teams and two assistant coaches discovered the reason.

"Hey! Stephen, although Ye is thin and weak, he is very skilled in his skills. Usually only inside players can practice this kind of movement. I didn't expect Ye to be very familiar with it."

Brandon said.


Stephen felt ashamed.

"Hey! Nixon, you idiot. Didn't you notice that Ye's knee was pressing against your powerful leg? Hurry up and find a way, or you will never be able to push against Ye."

Stephen reprimanded loudly.

Brandon's expression changed: "Stephen, isn't it good for you?"

Stephen was too partial to the people he chose. He seemed to be reprimanding, but he was actually reminding him that this was obviously unfair!
"Brandon, you are joking. The responsibility of the coach is to teach the players. Am I doing something wrong?"

Stephen explained with a smile.

Wrong!Of course there are mistakes.

Since you know that the responsibility of the coach is to teach the players, why did you only teach Nixon and not Ye Feng at all?

It's not because Nixon was chosen by you, so you are biased, and you still say it so high-sounding.

Of course, Brandon just thought about it in his heart, and he didn't say it out loud, which would be embarrassing.

On the field.

Hearing Stephen's reminder, Nixon realized that Ye Feng's knee was on his calf.

"So that's it, boy, you know two tricks. Unfortunately, these alone can't stop me."

Nickerson said.

Ye Feng looked at Stephen on the sidelines and didn't say anything, but he was really upset.

This eccentricity is really too obvious.

But now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing is how to defend after Nixon reacts.

Sure enough, after knowing the situation, Nixon kept walking, breaking Ye Feng's head-on action in an instant.

With a push of the back, Ye Feng took a big step.

After hitting the top three times, Ye Feng took three big steps back, and Nixon took advantage of the opportunity to enter the middle distance.

"Boy, I want to give you something nice!"

At this time, Nixon suddenly laughed ferociously.The waist is bent, shrinking like a bow.

"not good!"

Ye Feng instantly understood Nixon's meaning, he wanted to push himself with all his strength, turn himself over, and make himself look ugly!

With a low growl, Nixon suddenly exerted force and slammed his entire back backward.

"Being hit by a dog and eating shit, I want to see what face you have left, hahaha!"

Nixon thought darkly.

But at this moment, Nixon found that there was no point of confrontation on his back, as if there was no one at all.

"It's over, I was cheated!"

Nixon felt a chill in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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