I am super giant

Chapter 67 Backward

Chapter 67 Backward
Before the start of the game, Paul called the five starters to the bench for a final call.

"We are stronger than the Wizards, so you don't need to be under pressure. As long as you play at a normal level, we can win. Go, boys, and beat back the invading enemy!"

After the five starters came on the field, Paul secretly glanced at the big boss Gooden Gander, and then looked away guiltily.

There are policies above and countermeasures below, and Paul has his own ideas.

At the same time, Huaxia, cctv5 studio.

"The game is about to start, and Ye Feng is still on the bench. We hope that the Cavaliers can win today, and we hope that Ye Feng can play earlier."

Zhang Weiping instructed.

The game officially begins.

Ilgauskas snatched the advantage on the jump ball, giving the Cavaliers their first chance on offense.

Advancing to the Wizards' half, McGinnis returned the ball to Ilgauskas after landing.

Big Z played singles with the ball and leaned against Kwame Brown, but felt that Brown's powerful strength was firmly against him.

After trying a few times, Big Z felt that his condition was not good (after all, he just finished playing back-to-back yesterday, which is especially exhausting for big players), so he passed it to Boozer on the other side.

"It seems that back to back has a great impact on the Cavaliers. If it is normal, Big Z will definitely fight by himself!"

Mike Breen's eyes are very sharp, and he can see the truth at a glance.

Boozer's state is much better, after all, young.He also has a tonnage advantage in singles against Laettner, and his big butt is against Laettner and he arches to the basket.

After entering the reasonable collision zone, Boozer squeezed Laettner away and forced a layup.

However, at this moment, a big black hand appeared and slapped Boozer's shot away.

Parallel champion Kwame Brown showed his defensive ability.

Don't look at the fans who call Kwame Brown the champion of parallel imports. Brown is just a bit unworthy of the position of the champion, but he still has strength.


Can be selected by Jordan as the first high school student champion in NBA history, Brown has a super high physical talent, and a super low ball quotient.

After more than two years of hesitation, Brown has also found his own position. He may not be able to become a superstar, but it is still no problem to survive in the NBA.

(In fact, many people say that Jordan missed Brown's life. Brown first entered the league, young and fragile, but he happened to meet the most paranoid Jordan.

If he made a slight mistake, Jordan would scold him, or just change the game and put him on the bench.

Over time, Brown became less and less confident, afraid of making mistakes, afraid to play, and gradually became useless.

Otherwise, with Brown's talent, even if it cannot be fully realized, it is at least the main force of the team. )
Arenas grabbed the basketball and immediately launched a fast break.

The five Cavaliers quickly retreated to seize the defensive position.

But before everyone settled down, Arenas threw the basketball one step beyond the three-point line.

The ball was still in the air, and Arenas had already started to return to defense, not caring whether the ball was scored or not.

Everyone in the knights was stunned, this action seemed familiar.

"Following three-pointers is Ye's favorite style of play. In addition, I remember that in the preseason, Ye Feng once shot and then returned to the defense. It was amazing at the time!"

Frazer said immediately.

Ye Feng sat at the bottom of the court, but smiled wryly.

This pretentious way of playing was originally created by Arenas.

In the 2006-2007 season, Arenas challenged the Jazz at home and scored 51 points.

At the last moment, when the Wizards fell behind, Arenas made the last three-pointer.

Before the ball was scored, Arenas turned around and raised his hands to celebrate the victory.

Subsequently, the ball scored, Arenas lore Jazz.

This shot is known as the most pretentious lore shot in NBA history, not one of them, and no refutation is accepted.

But Ye Feng is different from Arenas, Ye Feng is because of his confidence in his 100-point three-pointer, Arenas is really arrogant.

Goal scored, 3:0.

Arenas didn't even look back, just ran down the field with his head down.

The Cleveland fans were so silent they could barely speak, forgetting even the boos.

This coercive pretender can compete with the "King of Coercion" Phil Jackson!

The knights attack again.

Ilgauskas attacked resolutely under the coach's persuasion and attracted the Wizards' double-team. Big Z immediately passed the ball to the open Davis.

Davis catches and shoots.

However, did not enter.

Kwame Brown received the defensive rebound and the Wizards attacked.

Arenas charged all the way, non-stop, in front of McInnis's face is an emergency stop jumper.

Still in, 5:0.

"The general's desire to attack is extremely strong today!"

Mike Breen exclaimed.

Offensive and defensive transitions, the Cavaliers' offense failed to make an open shot.

Fortunately, James rushed to an offensive rebound, causing Kwame Brown to foul the basket and get two free throw opportunities.

James made two free throws.

5: 2.

The Wizards attack again.

Still Arenas.

This time, the Cavaliers did not dare to let Arenas vote.

McGinnis defended with all his strength, and Davis and James paid attention to supplementary defense at all times.

However, this contraction has given opportunities to other Wizards players. Arenas has a strong scoring ability, but he is a No. 1 position after all, so his passing ability goes without saying.

Arenas passed directly to Larry Hughes as soon as there was an opening.

Larry Hughes is known for his defense and breakthrough, but his shooting ability is very poor.

But after receiving this ball, Larry Hughes hit it steadily, and it was still a hollow ball.

8: 2.

The Cavaliers attacked, and Ilgauskas turned around and shot a jumper, but it was short.

At the critical moment, it was James who grabbed the offensive rebound and scored again.

8: 4.

The Cavaliers are still clinging to the score. It seems that the two teams are evenly matched. After all, the difference of 4 points is nothing.

"However, I want to say that the performance of the Cavaliers today is really unsatisfactory. Mike (Brin), you may be right, back to back has a great impact on the Cavaliers. Except for James, the rest of the Cavaliers are a bit out of shape."

Frazer said.

As an NBA star, Frazier's vision is still very accurate.

Not long after his words fell, the Wizards made adjustments.

Hayes followed James to death, and Larry Hughes intercepted at any time to prevent James from easily rushing into the paint.

Without James' impact, the last fig leaf of the Cavaliers will be gone, showing their weak state.

The frontcourt rebounds cannot be grabbed, and the backcourt rebounds cannot be protected.

Offense is always short, defense is always slow.

Eight minutes into the first quarter, at 8:24, the Wizards led by 18 points.

Paul called a timeout and called all five starters.

"After the timeout, Ye Feng should come out."

Cctv5, Zhang Weiping directed the prediction.

(End of this chapter)

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