I am super giant

Chapter 78 Provocation

Chapter 78 Provocation
After enjoying some compliments from the away game, Iverson turned his head and looked at Ye Feng face to face.

"Congratulations, rookie!"

After finishing speaking, Iverson turned and returned to defense.

Ye Feng was taken aback, congratulations, what do you mean?
Soon, the on-site commentator answered Ye Feng.

"This goal is destined to be among the top ten goals of today. It may also be included in Iverson's career highlights. Congratulations to the rookie of the Cavaliers. He will be remembered forever, although it is used as a background board."

"Hey, actually Yep defended pretty well. But so what? People will just remember Iverson played a good offense. Three times on the right, completely Iverson's style, no second Superstars do this kind of thing."

Listening to the explanations of the two narrators, Ye Feng's face was very ugly, and no one wanted to be the background board of shame.

Next, Iverson continued to play singles.

But he really didn't feel good tonight, break through, shoot, fail to score, break through again, shoot again
The absence of "Big Dog" Robinson has indeed had a great impact on the strength of the 76ers.

If the big dog is there, it can also share a lot of pressure for Iverson.

Now, Iverson can only carry it alone.

He rushed in with the basketball again and again, like a soldier holding a dynamite bag to blow up a bunker. Iverson fell down again and again, but stood up again and again.

Driven by him, the 76ers players seemed to be influenced.

Mark Jackson, Snow, McGee, Salmons, and Korver all stood up.

They rushed into the Cavaliers' penalty area time and time again, grabbed offensive rebounds, and created more opportunities for Iverson.

Korver also showed the potential of a super shooter. With the help of Iverson, he hit three three-pointers one after another, which made the scene exclaimed.

Soon, at 56:55, Iverson led the 76ers to successfully complete the overtake.

Paul called a timeout.

The focus is on arranging Korver's defense and not allowing him to get an open three-pointer.

As for defending Iverson, forget it, no one can guard him.

If Iverson can play, let him play.

Anyway, we only sent one man to mark, and never double-teamed, but strangled the other four players.

I don't believe that Iverson's hand feeling is so bad tonight, and he can beat a Cavaliers team by himself.

Paul made up his mind, but when he saw Ye Feng sitting on the bench, gasping for breath, his heart skipped a beat.

The biggest reason for Iverson's low shooting rate tonight is his bad touch, but you can't say that it has nothing to do with Ye Feng's active defense.

To be honest, although Ye Feng couldn't defend against Iverson, he still hindered Iverson enough. It greatly consumed Iverson's physical strength, so he did a good job of defending against him.

But looking at Ye Feng's current state, where can he defend?

(Defending a superstar like Iverson who relies on speed for food requires a lot of physical energy. You need to speed up at any time to ensure the highest speed, and you must stay focused at all times. A little negligence is a breakthrough.)
After thinking for a while, Paul sent McGinnis to let Ye Feng rest for a while.

"Iverson has been playing for a long time, and he must be tired too. It is impossible for anyone to play the whole game like this!"

Paul thought with luck.

Soon, Paul paid the price for his fluke.

Iverson really won't get tired and won't give up.

And McGinnis really can't keep up with Iverson.

Break through and score with a throw.

Break through, pull the bar and score a layup.

Steals, fast break points.

Iverson's shooting touch tonight was not good, but after reaching the basket, it was much easier.

One person scored 6 points in a row, and Iverson directly stunned the Cavaliers. It felt like one person overthrew the entire Cavaliers team.

64: 57.

The 76ers suddenly widened the gap.

Paul couldn't sit still and stood up directly.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of a dead ball, he sent Ye Feng up again.

However, Ye Feng, who had just rested for a minute, felt cold all over, feeling extremely tired, and could no longer resist the previous feeling.

Many people feel this way.When running, if you persist, you can still run.But once I stopped, I felt sore all over and couldn't run anymore.

Ye Feng is in this situation now.

If Paul hadn't let him rest just now, he could still hold on for a while.But once he rested, Ye Feng's state obviously declined.

Iverson scored another 2 points.

66:57, the score gap is close to double digits.

Paul's heart suddenly went cold.

The entire Cavaliers, fast enough guards, that is, McGinnis and Ye Feng.

These two people are dead, who can limit Iverson?
"Hey! Rookie, don't you want to play when you know you're going to be in the top ten? Give up, you can't defend me."

When Iverson retreated, he sneered at Ye Feng casually.

The veins on Ye Feng's forehead popped up, but he didn't say anything. He is not qualified to fight back against Iverson yet.

Offensive and defensive transition, the Cavaliers attack.

Seeing Ye Feng who was clearly out of shape, Iverson took two steps boldly.

James has quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately passed the ball over.

"I won't go in."

Iverson was surprised, but not panicked.

"Ye Feng's current state is so bad, the hit rate should also drop significantly."

Iverson predicted that his heart immediately relaxed a lot.

However, with a bang, the basketball went into the basket.

Ye Feng hit a hollow three-pointer. This was his first shot and also the first time he scored.

66: 60.

"Oh, it's been a long time since Ye Feng got such a good shooting opportunity. I almost forgot that he is the player who made the most three-pointers this season."

"Hey, Ye Feng has almost disappeared since some teams started to take special care of Ye Feng. But I have to say, I really can't underestimate him, this guy's open three-pointers are terrible!"

"Maybe Korver's performance stimulated him. They were both rookies in 03, but Korver has hit three three-pointers tonight."

The on-site commentary made a few jokes.

Ye Feng ignored the nonsense and just said a word to Iverson.

"I may not be able to guard you, but I can also score!"

"is it?"

Iverson's face suddenly turned cold.

In the next round, he swung Ye Feng's jump shot and hit a two-pointer.

68: 60.

Offensive and defensive conversion.

"Now, let me see how you score!"

How can Iverson tolerate a rookie to challenge him?

He clings to Ye Feng tightly, not giving Ye Feng room to shoot.

I don't know what James was thinking, but he actually passed the ball to Ye Feng who had no open space, and smiled and nodded to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't think too much, he made a fake shot and suddenly stepped forward to break through.

To prevent breakthroughs, you need to open up space, but at this moment, Iverson clings to Ye Feng in order to prevent Ye Feng from throwing blue, and there is no room for defensive breakthroughs at all.

Unexpectedly, Iverson was passed by Ye Feng in one step.

Displeased in his heart, Iverson strode forward, trying to catch up with Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng didn't give him a chance at all, he took a step to the other side and directly made a jump shot.

With a height difference of more than ten centimeters, Iverson is destined to be unable to stop Ye Feng.

A large two-pointer with one step inside the three-point line and a hollow hit.

68: 62.

"See? How did I score?"

Ye Feng asked indifferently.

"You? Hahaha!."

Iverson's face was livid, but after a few seconds, he suddenly burst out laughing.


It suddenly occurred to him that many years ago, he had provoked Jordan in the same way.

However, his own strength is much stronger than Ye Feng, so he is also more confident.

"Such a rookie is strong enough!"

Iverson himself is a character who will not give in, so he also likes such people.

However, this does not affect Iverson's plan to teach Ye Feng a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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