I am super giant

Chapter 80 Dell Curry

Chapter 80 Dell Curry
Knight here.

Ilgauskas scored 28 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks, and his performance was the best in the game.



In this game, Ye Feng played a full 35 minutes, setting a record for his playing time, but his score was still only in single digits.

The 76ers here.


After the game, there were some unfavorable voices against Ye Feng.

"Played 35 minutes and scored 5 points. This efficiency is really laughable!"

Of course, there are also those who protect Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng didn't score many points because he focused all his energy on defending Iverson. Didn't you see that Iverson's shooting percentage was very low tonight?"

"Hehe, Iverson's low shooting rate has something to do with Ye Feng? It's because Iverson himself doesn't feel good and is injured. What does it have to do with Ye Feng? Are you saying that Ye Feng can guard Jordan but can't guard him? Iverson?"

"Arguing, right? Could it be that Iverson's low shooting percentage has nothing to do with Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng didn't know about all this.

As soon as he returned to the apartment, Ye Feng was ready to receive the task reward.

But at this moment, the system told Ye Feng: "The mission failed!"

"I defended pretty well tonight, why did the mission fail?"

Ye Feng was puzzled.

However, the system remained indifferent and did not tell the reason, but only gave a line of reminders.

"The hidden mission failed. Give the host another chance. Please complete the mission in the game against the Wizards on November 11, otherwise the mission will be deemed a permanent failure and appropriate punishment will be given."

The system didn't say any punishment, leaving Ye Feng at a loss.

There is no way, Ye Feng can only think again by himself.

##Special reminder: This mission is a hidden mission, so there will be special rewards.

(The triggering condition of this hidden task: the host is in the rookie period, encounters the rookie wall, and is in confusion.)
## Task content: In the game against the 76ers, do what you should do.

## Task reward: 1 player data point + 1 special effect card.

##Final reminder: The damn rookie wall is not scary at all, if you can't get around it, smash it!
Looking back on the mission again, Ye Feng summed up two reasons for the failure.

First, the system determined that Ye Feng did not do what he was supposed to do.

Second, Ye Feng did not break the rookie wall.

But how to do it?The system did not give specific standards, which made Ye Feng very uncomfortable.

After thinking all night, Ye Feng didn't have any clue.

The next day, when Ye Feng was still having a headache, Zhang Mofu came.

"Boss, Dell Curry is coming soon, we should pick up the plane! If you have any troubles, you can ask him, after all, he is an old guy who has been in the NBA for 16 years."

One word awakened the dreamer, and Ye Feng woke up suddenly.

That's right, although you can't directly talk about the system with others, but ask some related content on the sidelines, an old guy like Dell Curry will definitely be very experienced.

Choosing Dell Curry is not just because he is Stephen Curry's father, but because Dell Curry has such strength.


He is not a superstar, but he has the reputation of "Sharp Shooter". He is the leading scorer in the history of the Charlotte Hornets and has won the honor of the best sixth man.

Of course, the most noteworthy thing is his career average of 40.2% three-pointers per game, and his peak 47.6% terrifying three-pointers.

His three-pointers are very stable. Since becoming the team's main force, his shooting percentage has almost always remained above 40%. This kind of stability is not available to other shooters.

Some people would say, why not invite a better shooter than old Curry to coach Ye Feng?After all, there are more excellent players in the NBA than Curry.

But the premise is that if Ye Feng invites those past superstars, they will be able to take a fancy to Ye Feng, the undrafted pick?Even if you can fancy it, the reward is not what Ye Feng can afford now.

"Welcome, Dale!"

Outside the lobby of Cleveland Airport, Ye Feng stretched out his hand to old Curry.

"Thank you, boss."

Dell Curry gave Ye Feng a bear hug directly.

"I have watched your game, you are very good, your future achievements are limitless, it is an honor to be your personal trainer."

Old Curry is pretty good at being a man, and he just praised Ye Feng when he came up, after all, Ye Feng will be his boss in the future.

Even if Ye Feng didn't want to hit the smiling person with his hand, he still smiled at Curry.

Then, Ye Feng began to look at the old Curry's figure.He is still more concerned about this.

The shooting coach needs to practice with the players frequently, not just stand on the sidelines and watch the show, just say a few words.

If old Curry had the same build as Coach Anxi in "Slam Dunk", Ye Feng would never dare to hire him.

Because with just a few shots, Coach Anxi will become Coach Anxi.

The old Curry is 193 cm, slightly taller than Ye Feng.I can't see the weight, but I don't seem to be gaining weight, and I still maintain a good figure.

It seems that during the one and a half years of retirement, the old Curry did not give up training, and still maintained strict living habits.

This is also the habit of most shooters. The living habits are very strict, and they will not be unscrupulous and presumptuous just because they retire.

This is the case for Ray Allen and Reggie Miller, and their figures have never lost their shape.

Zhang Mofu drove, and took Ye Feng and Lao Curry to the apartment first. It was not far from Ye Feng's apartment, which was rented by Zhang Mofu in advance for Lao Curry.

Old Curry didn't have much luggage. After all, he was the only one who left his wife and son in Charlotte.He came to the front station, and if he felt good, he would bring the whole family over.

It took only a little time for the three big men to pack up the apartment.

Then, Zhang Mofu was still driving, and the three of them went to a well-known local Chinese restaurant in Cleveland to welcome old Curry.

The meal was almost finished, Ye Feng was just about to say something to old Curry, when he was dragged by Zhang Mofu.

"Boss, it's Dell's first day here and he's been flying for a long time. Let him take a good rest for a few days first."

Zhang Mofu said in a low voice.

Ye Feng nodded embarrassingly, he was really reckless, he only thought about himself.

"No, since I have accepted this job, I can work anytime. Just tell the boss if you have anything to do."

Old Curry said.

(End of this chapter)

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