I am super giant

Chapter 82 Boozer Injured, Things Are Bad

Chapter 82 Boozer Injured, Things Are Bad
Of course, the two sides were only limited to verbal disputes and did not go any further.

Nearly 8 o'clock, the two teams returned to the player channel to prepare for the entrance ceremony.

At this moment, a surprised cry came from the commentary room.

"Wow, look who this is? He actually came to our commentary room."

"Let's welcome Charlie Rosen to the commentary room as a guest star."

Two commentators from FOX said together.

It turned out that they invited "Ye Hei" Charlie Rosen tonight.

Ye Feng frowned involuntarily, this FOX is making things difficult for him, is this the big gift that the FOX reporter said before the match?

Of course, the entrance ceremony will continue as usual.

The Cavaliers played first, and positions 5 to 1 are: Ilgauskas, Boozer, Darius, Davis, and James.

The Wizards, as the home team, played last. Positions 5 to 1 are: Kwame Brown, Laettner, Hayes, Hughes, Arenas.

Stackhouse is still unable to play, which is very detrimental to the Wizards.

Game start.

Kwame Brown wins the jump ball and the Wizards have the right to first down.

"General No. 0" Arenas advanced with the ball and quickly advanced to the frontcourt, only to find that the Cavaliers had already settled down. There was no chance to miss, so he could only stabilize the rhythm and play positional battles slowly.

James did not dare to neglect, and immediately guarded Arenas strictly.

Since winning the Most Improved Player honor last season, Arenas has improved faster and faster and has shown his superstar potential.

This season, in the past 10 games, Arenas scored an average of 20+5+5+2 per game, and his three-point shooting rate reached nearly 40%, with an average of nearly 3 hits per game. .Is the number one man of the Wizards.

Of course, as a point guard, Arenas does not pass the ball.

In the first round, he handed the ball to his teammates.It's just that, apart from Arenas and Hughes, the Wizards don't have a third independent offensive point.

After more than ten seconds passed, the teammates had no chance to play, and finally it was handed over to Arenas.

Looking at the timer, there are only 6 seconds left, and it is almost 24 seconds.

Arenas chose to go it alone.

After adjusting the rhythm, Arenas suddenly started.

James had expected it a long time ago, and he defended it very well. He tightly stuck Arenas' position, opened his hands, and did not give Arenas the slightest chance.

Seeing that the ball was going to be cold, Arenas made a sudden stop, leaned on James' chest, and pulled up to shoot a jumper.

James soared into the air, covering the sky with his two arms, blocking Arenas' shot, and his body was also close to Arenas, giving him a strong confrontation.

However, Arenas leaned back a lot and still threw the ball.

Then, with a bang, the basketball went into the basket.

2: 0!

The difficult emergency stop jump shot was still after the confrontation, but Arenas just made it.

After the goal, Arenas was very excited, clenched his fists and roared.

The Washington fans also cheered, cheering for the core of their team.

This ball is really beautiful!James has defended very well, but he can go in, what can you do?
James shook his head helplessly, and could only hope to find his way back in the next round.

Ye Feng sat on the court, watching the ball, his eyes were also full of light.

If I remember correctly, Arenas will start to make a leap this season and suddenly become a top scorer who can compete with Kobe and Carter.

In the No. 1 position, Arenas has an absolute physical advantage.

In the league at the moment, only "bearded" Baron Davis is stronger than him. Billups and Payton, two famous point guards, are also a bit behind Arenas.

Offensive and defensive conversion.

James attacked with the ball, and Arenas couldn't guard James even more, after all, there was a size gap.

Sitting and pushing in, James was like a bulldozer, making Arenas helpless.

Just when Hughes wanted to come up to help defend, James suddenly turned his back, bypassed Arenas from the other side, and quickly entered the inside of the Wizards' position.

When the distance was almost the same, James jumped up directly, with a signature Tomahawk-style dunk, and rushed to the basket.

But at this moment, a thick black line appeared in front of James, slapped the basketball, and even dribbled the ball to James.

Kwame Brown, the legendary parallel importer.

He actually took on the new generation of champion Lang James, and still used such a tough way, the Washington fans cheered and whistled again.

Facts have proved that Kwame Brown is not a qualified champion, but an excellent blue-collar.

His golf IQ is not high, but his physical talent is unquestionable, and when he makes the right choices, he is also very scary.

(The year Jordan left the Wizards, Brown played better and better. Do you think this is strange.)
Veteran Laettner took the basketball and passed it directly to Arenas for a fast break.

Arenas and Hughes cooperated, and finally Hughes scored an easy layup.

4: 0.

"Arenas and Brown are in very good condition. It seems that the Cavaliers are in trouble today."

This is not the key point. In fact, everyone in the Cavaliers is not playing badly. Although the Wizards are in a hot state, they barely maintain a weak lead.

Trouble occurred in the 4th minute of the start of the game. Boozer fell to the ground in a rebound, and then was crushed on the arm by Kwame Brown who fell to the ground at the same time, screaming in pain.

After the examination of the team doctor, the injury was not serious, but Boozer missed at least 2 to 3 weeks of the game.

(This is the NBA, there are injuries every day, and some people even directly reimburse a season, or an entire career.)
The referee also replayed the video of the game, and the screen showed that Kwame Brown did not foul intentionally, but an accident during the scramble.

Therefore, Brown did not foul and the game continued.

With Boozer off the field, Darius naturally went to the 4th position, James at the 3rd position, Davis at the 2nd position, and McGinnis as a substitute at the 1st position.

The score at the moment is 13:11, and the Wizards only lead by 2 points.

The game continues, the Wizards have the ball.

Arenas advanced to the frontcourt, observed the situation, and directly handed the ball to the veteran power forward Laettner at the 4th position.

Who is Leitner?
It is estimated that no one knows.

But Leitner is definitely not an unknown person, but a well-known person.

In 1992, the United States formed a basketball dream team with a roster of 12 players.Eleven of them are superstars from the NBA, and the other one is from Duke University of the NCAA, whose name is Laettner.

Moreover, Leitner squeezed out another college student candidate to be shortlisted.

The man who got squeezed out was called "Shaquille O'Neal" Shaquille O'Neal.

This incident alone is probably enough for Leitner to brag about for a lifetime.

Laettner's status in the NCAA is like Jordan's feeling in the NBA.

In his rookie season in the NBA, Laettner averaged 18.2 points, 8.7 rebounds, 2.8 assists, 1.3 steals and 1 block per game.

When Boozer was around, Laettner was still under pressure.

As soon as Boozer left and replaced with the slightly thinner Darius, Laettner immediately took an absolute advantage in terms of height, weight, experience, and skills.
Darius defended very aggressively.

However, some things cannot be compensated by being positive.

(End of this chapter)

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