Chapter 524 Are you willing?

The girl in the riding costume pouted and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he gave Xia Xinxin another stare.

Xia Xinxin stood upright, as if she couldn't see it.

Jun Zhenglin took a look at Xia Xinxin, and said calmly, "Since the concubine invited you to come, please take good care of the concubine, go back."


Xia Xinxin responded, bowed and stepped back.

I could also hear the girl in the riding costume pulling the prince to act coquettishly, "Brother Lin spoils the princess too much, even the servant of the princess is not willing to punish."

"That's my concubine, of course she should be pampered. Well, my king has brought you a red-brown pony, do you want to go and have a look?"

"It's up to you to see it, brother Lin, you can watch it with me."

The girl in the riding costume smiled happily and pulled the man away.

Xia Xinxin turned her head and took a look.

This king of Bei'an is also very interesting. While saying that he wants to spoil his own princess, he flirts with other girls at the same time.


He sneered, not wanting to wander around anymore, for fear of causing trouble again, he went back to his yard silently.

After returning to the courtyard and having dinner, someone from Wangfei's side came to invite her.

Xia Xinxin followed the little maid and entered the courtyard of Princess Bei'an again.

Princess Bei'an was still lying on the rocking chair, her dress and hairstyle hadn't changed, presumably she just woke up.

But after a good night's sleep, his complexion improved a little bit visible to the naked eye.

It was rare for Princess Bei'an not to feel a splitting headache. Although she didn't sleep for a long time, it relieved a large part of her fatigue.

She didn't expect that this young man really had two brushes, so this time, she finally looked at him seriously.

Xia Xinxin's posture was upright, standing like a frosted bamboo and cedar, not dodging or dodging, allowing the princess to look at her.

Princess Bei'an sized her up for a while, then smiled and said, "Although it's a little dark, but it looks good, and it can also treat insomnia. This princess wants to keep you in the palace, do you want to?"

Xia Xinxin immediately cupped her hands and said, "Caomin is willing, Caomin is very honored!"

"Well, come and sit down, and tell me well, what kind of unique treatment method do you have?"

Princess Bei'an pointed to the small stool in front of her.

Xia Xinxin sat down unceremoniously, and started talking nonsense seriously.

"I don't know what treatment method it is, it was passed down to me by my master, it should be regarded as an ancient aromatherapy method.

In fact, everyone has their own unique smell, some are sweet, some are sour, some are bitter, and some are spicy.

As for the princess, it belongs to the sweet taste.People who belong to the sweet taste think more and think more heavily. For this symptom, I will prepare a special apple fragrance.

This fragrance can drive away troubles and distract thoughts, and the princess will fall asleep easily after smelling it. "

"Oh yeah, what kind of special apple flavor?"

Princess Bei'an was aroused and asked curiously.

Xia Xinxin raised her little hand, shook it in front of Princess Bei'an, and said solemnly, "Have you heard it, Princess? It's the faint smell of apples."

Xia Xinxin just ate an apple, and there was still a faint apple fragrance on her fingers.

Princess Bei'an nodded, "It does have a faint smell of apples."

"Well, that's right, it is this fragrance that can promote the princess's sleep, but this fragrance is carefully prepared by my unique secret recipe, it is not a simple apple fragrance, a simple apple fragrance is useless.


(End of this chapter)

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