new lord of the rings

Chapter 357 Try Small Lineup Again!

Chapter 357 Try Small Lineup Again!
After the first quarter, the score between the two sides was 36:34, and the Blazers led by 2 points. The firepower of the Blazers' double guns was indeed very strong. After Zhang Xin left the field, Phoenix's firepower dropped slightly and was overtaken.

In the second quarter, the Blazers played Evan Turner, Allen Crabbe, Ed Davis, Meyers Leonard and Elfaruk Aminu.

The Suns have Zhang Xin, Eric Bledsoe, Brogdon, Brandon Knight and PJ Tucker. Earl Watson has a soft spot for this small lineup. After seeing the miraculous effects in the last game, The second session is out today.

Zhang Xin also agrees with Earl Watson's approach. At this stage, it is very necessary to give the small lineup time to run in as much as possible. In the absence of a strong center, it is necessary to have a strong small lineup, especially now. When the teams all have a small lineup to adapt to the trend, the Rockets' small lineup is about to take shape. Then this year, in addition to the Warriors, the Rockets, the Suns and the Cavaliers all have small lineups. It depends on who is more powerful.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Suns had the ball and Bledsoe had the ball. Now Zhang Xin doesn’t hold the ball very much. Rondo needs the ball, and young people also need the ball when they grow up. Zhang Xin focuses on scoring and organizing offense. The sorting offense is not to sort out with the ball, but to guide teammates to move through off-ball screens, and to attract teammates with instant passes to find open teammates. So don't look at Zhang Xin's explosive data now, but in fact his The holding time is not long.

Zhang Xin is now on top of the fifth position. He went up to help Bledsoe pick and roll. He blocked Crabbe as soon as he blocked and turned around. He went down the middle and Bledsoe passed the ball to Zhang Xin. A breakthrough inside attracted Aminu's help from the flank. Zhang Xin gave the ball to Tucker who was ambushing the bottom corner. Tucker hit a three-pointer with a knife and a three-pointer. The point is his sweet spot, and the hit rate is extremely impressive!
"This game is good. Zhang Xin doesn't hold the ball now. Anyway, he screens without the ball, cuts, and then distributes the ball or scores by himself. That's it. He can get 50+ triple-doubles every game. What can I say? , he may be the most efficient player in the history of the league. He still played jaw-dropping statistics in such a short time with the ball. You must know that if other nba players can play a 50+ triple-double, they can boast For a lifetime, Zhang Xin took it easily!" Sometimes Wang Meng felt a little numb, and made complaints while explaining to Yang Yi.

"This is both normal and unusual. What is normal is that although Zhang Xin does not hold the ball, in fact the entire team revolves around him. Almost every ball will pass through his hands before finding the final shot. Terminator, in this way, Zhang Xin's assists can basically be guaranteed to be more than ten. This is not a deliberate behavior, but Zhang Xin's understanding of running positions is too deep, and he can always run out of threatening spaces. Cut, for the leader who runs out of threats, the other players must have given him without hesitation, and then he can distribute the ball depending on the situation by attracting flanking attacks. It can be seen that Zhang Xin played very easily. Enjoying the game!"

Teacher Yang Yi answered Wang Meng's questions.

"What's unusual is that if another person is placed in Zhang Xin's position, they can't reach this level. Zhang Xin's insight and ability to read the game are top-notch in history. Every screen he has is purposeful. Significantly, each of his shots is the best shot choice, and each of his points is based on the technical characteristics of the open teammates. If he is not good at mid-range shots, he will lead the ball to the empty Cutting in for layups, every pass he made seemed to be calculated."

The Trail Blazers had the ball, and Evan Turner dribbled across the half court under the interference of Bledsoe. Evan Turner is an all-around wing player with excellent rebounds and passes. Although his athletic ability is not good, he is a very good player. A smart player, he observed the Suns lineup, and Zhang Xin actually took the fifth position. He guessed the information of Leonard and Zhang Xin:

Leonard is 216cm tall and weighs 116kg. Zhang Xin is only 206cm and weighs more than 100kg. Leonard should be able to crush Zhang Xin in the low position.

Evan Turner signaled to withdraw the space and moved the ball in. Leonard blocked Zhang Xin to catch the ball and felt Zhang Xin's strength with his back. Leonard looked back at the Suns' defense. No one came to pinch, so Leonard De put down the ball with confidence, and then slapped Zhang Xin with his big buttocks. Zhang Xin refused to give an inch, his feet seemed to be rooted on the ground.This strength is too awesome, no wonder he dared to take the fifth position!

Leonard didn't challenge Zhang Xin, he wasn't in a hurry, he still had his height to rely on, Leonard turned around, and was about to make a small throw, when he just raised his hand, the ball got out of control when his palm hurt, Leonard De was shocked, he knew the ball was cut off, and was about to bend down to pick it up, but Zhang Xin had already scooped up the ball and immediately started the transition!

Tucker, Bledsoe, Knight, and Brogdon all started at the same time, and the five rushed forward like a storm. Poor Leonard was left behind in an instant, and even the fast Aminu could only Following behind, Zhang Xin ran after Evan Turner's ass, Evan Turner secretly groaned, he didn't even dare to turn around to face Zhang Xin, because Zhang Xin might be killed the moment he turned around. Gone.

Turner was able to run forward desperately, and when he was about to reach the basket, Turner could only turn around, and Zhang Xin had already changed his direction and directly dunked!

Thunderous cheers from the Talking Stick Resort Arena shook the roof of the arena, as if the roof had to be lifted before giving up!

"Follow the ass! Zhang Xin didn't give Evan Turner the slightest chance. Turner could only run desperately. As soon as he turned around, Zhang Xin had already dunked successfully. The transition attack was wonderful, but the ball The key is that Zhang Xin defended Leonard's low post singles. Leonard is a heavy center, 216cm tall and 116kg in weight, so he didn't push Zhang Xin.

A player who can defend from position 5 to position [-] is the key to a small lineup. The Warriors’ small lineup uses Green as the core of defense. The current Suns use Zhang Xin as the core of defense. Zhang Xin’s defense is better than Green’s defense Even more threatening, Zhang Xin and Green's weight are about the same, but Zhang Xin is [-]cm taller than Green, and his footsteps are much faster than Green's, so Zhang Xin's defensive range is larger than Green's. With Zhang Xin as the core, The Suns' small lineup has a solid foundation, and the next step is to see when the system will be established. "Wang Meng is very optimistic about the small lineup of the Suns.

(End of this chapter)

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