new lord of the rings

Chapter 361 Tolerance and Harshness!

Chapter 361 Tolerance and Harshness!
The Phoenix Suns arrived in Philadelphia one day before the game day. The Philadelphia 76ers are not a strong team, and the Suns did not pay attention to them. They were more concerned about how to train. After arriving in Philadelphia, they put in a lot of tension in the training.

Of course, is this Zhang Xin's idea? The young people don't think so. After losing two games in a row, the young people are quite frustrated, and they are gearing up to prove themselves by defeating the 76ers.

In the training hall, the sun and his party are training, and the young people are practicing vigorously with the assistance of the assistant coaches. Zhang Xin, Rajon Rondo and Pau Gasol are sitting on the side chatting quietly after training profusely.

"Zhang, after losing two games in a row, don't you stand up and encourage the young people? Aren't you afraid that they will be frustrated and cause their confidence to collapse?" Rondo asked Zhang Xin curiously.

Zhang Xin smiled: "Young people nowadays are not so fragile. We Chinese say that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. They must learn to adjust their mentality. The desire for victory must be desire from the bottom of their hearts. , Only in this way can they fully integrate into the team and always drive them forward, as time goes by, they will slack off."

"Zhang is right. There is a saying in Spain that fate is determined by oneself. We can't push them forward all the time. We must let them fight spontaneously and have the spirit of ownership, so that the team can become a better team." Better." Pau Gasol agreed with Zhang Xin's idea.

Zhang Xin stood up and yelled at Buddy Hield: "Buddy! Shoot faster! Ditch, give Buddy more interference! Your current intensity is from the preseason. Only at the post-match level! The intensity of training must be greater than that of the competition, and you will be able to perform freely on the field!"

"Mal (Malcolm Brogdon)! What's the matter with the soft defense, do you want to defend me! Stand up, don't attack easily, fight with your body, move faster, read, read! Learn Read your opponent's footsteps!"

"Eric, you need to practice three-pointers now! Three-pointers! Brandon, come on, step faster, pay attention to the placement and swing of your arms, yes, that's it!"

"Devin! The lateral movement is too slow! Rossi, please help him practice the lateral movement. Most of Devin's defense is because the lateral movement is too slow, and his speed must be raised!"

Zhang Xin stood up and yelled loudly, almost yelling at all the young people. Whether it was a rookie who had just entered the team, or Bledsoe and others who had played for several years, no one showed dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction. Instead of a patient expression, he showed an excited expression because of Zhang Xin's attention.

Zhang Xin is also strict during training, and quite kind at other times, especially during games, he is very tolerant of his teammates' mistakes. When young people make mistakes, he can at most focus on them, and never because of Blame them for mistakes in the game.

But it was different during the training. If the training was not serious, Zhang Xin would definitely spray that person bloody, so no one dared to slack off during the training.

Zhang Xin often said a word: Mistakes in the game are due to lack of strength, but not working hard in training shows that this person is not aggressive. Players who are not aggressive are not suitable for the development direction of the team. If you have such an idea, you can raise it yourself Well, the team can trade him to a rebuilding team. The Suns want to win the championship, so it's not suitable for old age.

Zhang Xin's words are very realistic and cruel, but the young people's blood boiled when they heard it, yes, we are going to win the championship, our current strength is not enough, we must train more!
"Hey, Mr. Thomas, how is the physical condition of the young people now? Can they bear this kind of intensity?" Zhang Xin asked the Sun team doctor Thomas in a low voice.

It is said that the current NBA league has four treasures, "the Rockets abandoned general, the Spurs assistant coach, the sun doctor, and the thunder rookie". The sun doctor refers to Thomas. Thomas is nicknamed the doctor. They were all rejuvenated by Thomas, and let them restart their careers when others were not optimistic.

The medical level of the Suns has always been praised. Thomas Carter has served as the team doctor since 2000. His philosophy of practicing medicine is: as long as the operation can be avoided, it must be avoided.He has helped Grant Hill and Vince Carter avoid surgery and get rid of some long-term injuries.

In May of this year, Thomas Carter was named Team Physician of the Year by the National Association of Basketball Sports Trainers.

Facing Zhang Xin's consultation, the elegant Thomas Carter smiled slightly:
"Zhang, don't worry, the training manual you made is definitely the most professional I have ever seen. The boys will never get injured due to fatigue. I will help them check their bodies every day. Their bodies are too healthy, and their strength It's also rising! It's amazing, I haven't seen anyone more professional than you in training."

Zhang Xin smiled and nodded: "That's great. Injuries are the enemy. Fortunately, you have Mr. Thomas in charge. Other teams are envious of us."

The sedan chair was carried by everyone, and everyone likes to be praised, even Thomas, who is known as a genius doctor. Thomas Carter laughed heartily: "This is my job, not to mention that I am also a fan of the team, Zhang, I can Waiting for you to bring me a ring too."

Zhang Xin smiled confidently: "Mr. Thomas, I'm afraid it won't be too long. You can prepare the box for storing the championship ring and the cabinet for visiting, because there may be more than one."

The two looked at each other and laughed, and the players who were training around looked over curiously. Thomas Carter felt that Zhang Xin was a very interesting person, and he looked so serious even when he was joking.

This is in line with the habits of Americans. Among American colleagues, they all strive to make themselves the pistachio of their colleagues. For them, it is a great compliment for them to think that you are a humorous and interesting person. In Thomas According to Carter, Zhang Xin is also such a colleague.

Of course Zhang Xin won’t tell the truth. His goal has never been to get a ring in a few years. The reason why he urges the young people to train is to become a fighting force as soon as possible. As for joining the ranks of the championship this season or next season In the ranks of the championship, Zhang Xin will not force, but he will not limit himself.

If this season's young people exceed his expectations, then it is natural to enter the ranks of competition this season. If they fail to meet expectations, this is also understandable. The establishment of a team's system is not so simple Things, he has enough patience to wait for young people to grow up, because he is also young enough!
(End of this chapter)

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