new lord of the rings

Chapter 377 This year's rookie is not good!

Chapter 377 This year's rookie is not good!

The NBA has always had a tradition of teaching rookies a lesson, and it’s not because rookies are easy to bully, how fun rookies are, how cute they are, how cute they are, and playing around is good for physical and mental health.

Seeing Buddy Hilder's immature eyes and his... ugly face, Schroeder immediately gave birth to this rookie who seemed to be well-formed. It's best to play with a rookie, and he is already a third grader. Schroeder felt that he was already a veteran of rookies, and he also wanted to educate rookies.

Schroeder signaled his teammates to pull away. The teammates saw that Schroeder was going to play singles, and they cooperated to help evacuate the space. Everyone knew what Schroeder meant, educating rookies, everyone loves to watch, if they can play rookies The scenes where you pant again and again, shouting at officials that I don't want them, everyone loves to watch them more. After all, everyone has experienced the baptism of their predecessors when they were rookies. Most rookies are without exception... Hey, no, there is one here , everyone looked at Zhang Xin, who was serious about defending.

Zhang Xin is a rare rookie in the league who has no infancy. He has reached the peak after entering the league, and unlike some rookies who are at the peak as soon as they enter the league, they fall into mediocrity after a short peak. Zhang Xin is getting stronger every year. Everyone didn't see where Zhang Xin's extreme was.

Seeing Schroeder making a gesture to withdraw, Buddy Hield didn't understand anything, and his ugly face showed a trace of anger. Being scolded by Zhang Xin in the team is nothing, Zhang Xin is for him to grow up, Even if it is often played around, it is no big deal. If a newcomer can be played by the boss, it is to win the favor of the boss. After gaining the favor of the boss, the position will gradually become stable. Not only is the newcomer not angry, but he has to take the initiative to tease the boss.Let the boss be more interested, but you are a tender melon who has just passed the rookie period, and you are still an opponent, how dare d play such a trick on me!
Hmph, since you want to pretend, you have to be prepared to be fooled!Buddy Hild thought angrily, and the center of gravity sank a little bit, preparing for Schroeder's breakthrough.

Schroeder and other teammates pulled away, and dribbled the ball under the crotch in a few showy ways.

Buddy Hield: Huh, dribbling garbage, much worse than the boss!

Schroeder attacked Buddy Hield's right hand after a few crotches. Buddy Hilder gave way slightly and stood in front of Schroeder. Schroeder didn't care. Of course, someone who can enter the NBA has some strength , if the first breakthrough of the posture can't be blocked, it's better to go home and go fishing.

Schroeder changed direction in front of his body and rushed to one side. Buddy Hilder slid sideways and was still in front of Schroeder. Schroeder was shocked: This kid defended well. It's the footsteps to attack him, the second move is the ultimate move, I didn't expect him to be able to keep up with the second move, I really want to see how many moves you can block.

Buddy Hield: Garbage!The sense of rhythm, speed and stealth are far worse than that of the boss. If the boss does this action, I am afraid that it will be absolutely unstoppable.

Thinking of the fear of being dominated by Zhang Xin, Buddy Hilder suddenly became angry with Schroeder. As for why he was angry, only he knew.

Schroeder didn't break through the second time. He was about to dribble the ball behind his back and then change direction. Suddenly, he felt something hard against his waist, and there was a burst of force. Schroeder could only fight hard, and the speed naturally slowed down. The body slowed down, but the ball that was dribbled hard was still thrown in accordance with the force and direction just made, but the direction of Schroeder's body was already biased to the other side, and the ball was thrown out of his hand.

Schroeder was shocked, and wanted to block Batty Hield and prevent him from snatching it. Although Batty Hield was a rookie, he already had the body to fight in the NBA. Stuck in position, rushed directly to the basketball, picked it up, looked up and saw that the boss Zhang Xin was about to go down, and quickly threw the ball to Zhang Xin, Zhang Xin caught the ball and threw it forward, and made a fast break with a big stride. Already flat, Zhang Xin took off with the ball in both hands and gently put the ball into the basket!
When Zhang Xin returned to the defense, he pointed at Buddy Hild with a smile. Pu Ugly Xiao Hei smiled like a dog's tail grass. If he had a tail, he would probably wag it.

Schroeder felt dull. He didn't think it was the rookie's tough defense, but that he was too careless. Howard served from the baseline, and Schroeder quickly dribbled the ball across the half court without waiting for Howard to get off the ground. Attacking Buddy Hild directly, the speed after rushing up is much faster.

But Hilde was not thrown away. This kind of quick breakthrough was used a lot by Rondo. Rondo often used the ball to attack the opponent's defense line before the inside line crossed the center line, so that the opponent could not calmly defend in the ground. Hilde and Rondo have seen a lot when they are facing each other.

Hilde quickly crossed back and followed Schroeder like a maggot with bones. Schroeder saw that Hilde followed, and made an emergency stop to get rid of Hilde. Hilde backed away slightly. He took two steps, but still raised his hand, and he was not in a hurry to grab the grab, which is easy to be passed. He has been abused by Zhang Xin countless times, and he has already developed antibodies. If Schroeder chooses to make a jump shot, he will follow. It is enough to block the block with the raised left hand to interfere. Whether you can get in or not depends on the opponent's own strength, but if you make a grab, you are likely to be overwhelmed by the opponent, and the success rate of the layup is too high, which is not advisable.

When the boss taught his defensive experience many times, he said that the defense is weak to the offense. It is impossible for the defender to defend every shot of the offensive personnel, but it can make the attacker face the most difficult shot for every shot. Environment, being able to do such a defense is already a very good defender!
Schroeder saw that Hilde didn't go up to grab, but he was a little hesitant, whether to shoot or rush, Schroeder glanced at the inside line, Chandler was staring at him, so Schroeder pulled up and shot, this time Hesitation gave Hilde time to prepare, he took a small step forward and took off, Schroeder was startled, Hilde's long arm almost covered the basketball, Schroeder quickly adjusted the arc and shot.

Hilde didn't pay attention to the basketball. The first thing he did when he went to the ground was to turn around and block Schroeder, so that Schroeder would not have the opportunity to rush for the rebound. Hilde just blocked Schroeder and turned around. When the basketball hit the iron and fell in front of him, Hield quickly controlled the rebound.

Earl Watson secretly applauded: Well done!

Seeing Hilde's solid defensive skills and good defensive habits in these two defenses against Earl Watson, Coach Watson couldn't help feeling that Buddy Hilde was lucky. When he entered the league, he was trained by a defensive master like Zhang Xin. If nothing else, just relying on this defense, Buddy Hield will not have to worry about food, not to mention he has a precise three-pointer!

Schroeder, who was defended twice, was very angry: this year's rookies are not good, they are so immodest, even Jiaozuo people don't give it to them!
(End of this chapter)

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