new lord of the rings

Chapter 389 Contradictions!

Chapter 389 Contradictions!

Zhang secretly said in confidence: Ryan McDonough is just like that. His vision is as bad as ever. Ryan Anderson shined in the sun in the 2018-19 season, but it was a rebuilding team. Now the sun is aiming to win the championship. Yes, Ryan Anderson's three-pointer is pretty good, but the defense is very poor. If it is against a strong opponent on the pick-and-roll, the possibility of becoming a sieve is higher.There are many teams like this in the West. The Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Portland Trail Blazers, and Los Angeles Clippers are all pick-and-roll teams. This is not strengthening, but weakening the team. Ryan McDonough is a fool Is Bi an undercover agent sent by the opponent?
Although Zhang Xin was dark in his heart, he is a person with a very high emotional intelligence, so naturally he would not directly attack Ryan McDonough, he smiled:

"Ryan Anderson and Sam Decker are both good players, but now we cooperate very well with PJ and Malcolm. I don't think there is a need to trade. PJ is very important and Malcolm has great potential. , You can become very good players if you train them well, I am not willing to trade them, Mr. McDonough."

Ryan McDonough was a little anxious and looked at Robert Savor. Robert Savor was a little hesitant. He didn't want to offend Zhang Xin. Zhang Xin was too important to the team, but he had a good relationship with Ryan McDonough , He trusted Ryan McDonough very much, so he bit the bullet and said: "Zhang, Ryan said that the team's current striker height is not enough, and there are too many people on the back line. This deal just supplements the striker line. Look at it. Why don't you think about it?"

Zhang Xin smiled and shook his head: "Mr. Savor, PJ and Malcolm are much better than Ryan Anderson and Sam Decker, not only offensively, but more importantly defensively. After entering the playoffs , We need defense, PJ's weight and enthusiasm can make up for his lack of height, Malcolm is a natural defensive potential stock, he not only has excellent defensive skills on the defensive end, but also has a tenacious defensive attitude, this is the ball What the team needs, after regular season training, I am optimistic that he can shine in the playoffs."

Zhang Xin paused: "Also, who is Morey, and when did he suffer a loss when he made a deal?"

Ryan McDonough was a little angry: "Zhang, do you mean that my vision is not good?"

Ryan McDonough's words were a bit too much, and Zhang Xin's face was full: "Mr. McDonough, I'm not saying that your vision is bad, I'm just discussing the rationality of the transaction from the perspective of team integration. I think PJ and Malcolm are better players and fit the team better than Ryan Anderson and Sam Decker on a tactical level for Phoenix, not bashing your eyes."

Ryan McDonough was not reconciled: "Zhang, I am the general manager of the team. I think I have a say in the transaction. I suggest that Coach Watson and Mr. Savor discuss the possibility of this transaction together. it is good."

Zhang Xin was a little angry. Ryan McDonough actually wanted to take back the trading rights that were written into the contract. Zhang Xin looked back at Robert Savoir calmly: "Mr. Savoy, is this your opinion?"

Bert Savore was flustered when Zhang Xin saw it: "Oh, I have something to discuss slowly! Don't get angry, don't get angry." Bert Savor still wanted to be a peacemaker.

Zhang Xin's face turned serious: "Mr. Savor, this is not a question that can be negotiated. You have given me this right, so it belongs to me. It has been written into the contract. Of course, if Savor Mr. Wall felt that it was not thoughtful at the beginning, so we don't have to follow the contract..."

Ryan McDonough was overjoyed and interrupted before Zhang Xin finished speaking: "Can you?!"

Zhang Xin smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. McDonough can contact other teams. I will apply for the team to trade me."

Ryan McDonough's head buzzed, and his face quickly turned pale. He just wanted to get back some of his rights, so he kept encouraging Bert Savore to come to Zhang Xin to test him out. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xin's counterattack was decisive. All of a sudden he was driven to the edge of the cliff.

Zhang Xin didn't even look at him, he just looked at Bert Sarver's decision, it wasn't that he was ruthless, he didn't think about Ryan McDonough at first, the regular operation of the team is still run by Ryan McDonough , everyone has their own duties, as long as the well water does not interfere with the river water, even a novice coach like Earl Watson Zhang Xin can tolerate it, let alone the general manager, I did not expect Ryan McDonough to have such a strong desire for power. He obviously doesn't have much talent, but he still likes to exercise power. Now Zhang Xin can't spare him.

If someone like Ryan McDonough makes concessions with him this time, he will go too far until he takes away all his rights, and even inserts his hands into the team's daily training. This is something that Zhang Xin cannot tolerate Yes, a team that wins the championship must be concentric and moving in one direction. Of course, those dynasty teams are not counted. Those teams are too strong, and the dynasty team also disintegrated because of team conflicts. Lessons from history!

So since people like Ryan McDonough are facing each other head-on, they can't be merciful, just beat them to death with a stick!
Bert Savor also calmed down. Looking at the calm Zhang letter, he nodded slowly: "It's ok, there's no need to discuss it, just follow Zhang's opinion..."

Ryan McDonough said anxiously: "Mr. Savor..."

"Okay, Ryan, that's it. You've been a little tired recently. Your work will be temporarily handled by James Jones, the vice president of basketball operations, and Trevor Bookstein, the assistant to the general manager. Take a good rest. Time to see and get on with the work, okay?" Bert Savore said calmly.

"Mr. Sarwall..." Ryan McDonough's face was pale, and he was almost on the verge of collapse. Seeing Bert Sarwall, who was leaving, seemed helpless like an abandoned cub, and staggered and went out to chase Bert. Savor went.

Zhang Xin sat firmly in front of the tea table, poured out the cold tea, and boiled the water slowly. After the water was boiled, he removed the tea leaves and brewed another pot. This was for Earlwater, who was trembling on the chair to minimize the target. Sen poured a cup, and Zhang Xin smiled: "Coach, let's have another cup of tea."

Earl Watson took a sip of tea with lingering fear, but was almost scalded. He was glad that he didn't follow Ryan McDonough to express his position just now. I didn't expect Zhang Xin to be kind to others on weekdays, but when he encountered a challenge, his counterattack would be so violent and merciless.

Earl Watson secretly warned himself that he should not be so casual with Zhang Xin in the future, otherwise his position may not be long.

(End of this chapter)

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