new lord of the rings

Chapter 400 Meet Lie Xinxi's Zhang Xin!

Chapter 400 Meet Lie Xinxi's Zhang Xin!
The game has not yet started, and Wang Meng and Yang Yi are making pre-match introductions in the Tencent studio.

"Before this game, the Cleveland Cavaliers were 27 wins and 8 losses, temporarily ranking first in the Eastern Conference, while the Phoenix Suns had a record of 28 wins and 9 losses, temporarily ranking second in the Western Conference. Tonight's matchup can be regarded as a strong dialogue , No. [-] in the West versus No. [-] in the East!" Wang Meng said.

"That's right, Cleveland's momentum is like a rainbow this year. Whether it is the Warriors, Rockets, Spurs, Grizzlies, Raptors, Celtics, Bulls and other strong teams, they have all suffered defeats on riders. LeBron James' personal The statistics are also new highs over the years. Although the scoring is not the highest in the past years, the average is 26.4, while the assists are 8.7 and the rebounds are 8.6.

"Teacher Yang Yi, do you think it's a wise choice for Zhang Xin to make a comeback against the Cleveland Cavaliers?" Wang Meng asked.

"Personally, I don't want Zhang Xin to come back in such an important game, because I haven't played a game for so long, and my physical condition and competitive state will definitely be affected. Once I come back, it is such an important game. Once you don't perform well, you will be under a lot of pressure." Yang Yi shook his head.

"However, geniuses like Zhang Xin are different from mediocre people like me. Since he can choose to come back in such an important game, he must have his consideration." Yang Yi continued.

"Mr. Yang, is there such a possibility that Zhang Xin is happy to see Lie Xin, and seeing the game with James, he can't help but want to fight James?" Wang Meng thought of a possibility.

"Huh? Yo! It's really possible! There are not many people in the league who can match up with Zhang Xin, and James happens to be the strongest among them. It is entirely possible for Zhang Xin to play against James! "Yang Yi patted his thigh.

In the conversation between the two, the game is about to start.

"The game is about to start, and the starting lineup sent by the Cleveland Cavaliers for the away game is:
LeBron James, Kevin Love, Kyrie Irving, Tristan Thompson, DeAndre Liggins;

The starting lineup for the Phoenix Suns at home is:

Zhang Xin, Rajon Rondo, Pau Gasol, Devin Booker, Tyson Chandler. "Wang Meng was introducing the game.

Gasol and Thompson picked the ball in the middle circle, Gasol got the ball for the first time for Phoenix, Rondo dribbled the ball steadily across the half court, Zhang Xin and Devin Booker started running, Zhang Xin felt very comfortable in the running position He didn't play for nearly a month, but he was suffocated. After running on the court again, he realized how happy the days of playing games are!
Liggins came to defend Zhang Xin. Liggins is 198cm tall and weighs 95kg. Apart from James, Liggins should be the most suitable player to defend Zhang Xin. Love and Thompson are too busy, and Irving is too young, so Liggins Kings had to take on this heavy responsibility, Liggins complained secretly just after playing, Zhang Xin looked very excited today!Even a running position without the ball can run like a deer bumping around, this is not a good momentum!

Zhang Xin slipped from the bottom line and found Chandler to block it. Liggins was delayed a step. Zhang Xin rushed out of the three-point line and received a pass from Rondo. So it was very fast. Liggins was only one step slower and could only look at the ball and sigh. Zhang Xin is 206cm tall, which is 8cm taller than him.

There was a burst of very enthusiastic cheers in the arena. The leader who had been away for a month finally returned and hit the first goal. He seemed to be in very good condition and very healthy. The fans cheered one by one!

Seeing that Zhang Xin was in good condition, James couldn't help frowning. Although James looked as if nothing had happened every time he met Zhang Xin, secretly James was definitely not comfortable with Zhang Xin. After all, Zhang Xin entered the league for three years, almost every year from James took away the championship ring. If James has a victim, then Zhang Xin must be the biggest one.

James catches the ball and dribbles through half court, but Kyrie Irving, who is called the point guard, plays off the ball. As long as James is around, Kyrie Irving can only be the second in charge. This may be one of the reasons why Irving left later. But it is undeniable that Irving is suitable for playing without the ball, and James is most suitable for holding the ball. This has nothing to do with controlling power, but a problem of technical characteristics.

James will let his teammates defend the opponent's sharp-edged characters, but Zhang Xin has always been the first and the first, and he directly confronts James when he comes up, but James is unwilling to hit Zhang Xin hard. The efficiency is not high, so when it comes up, it is a pick-and-roll. James beckons Love to come to the pick-and-roll. Love has a three-pointer.

Love quickly lifted up to block Zhang Xin. James first dribbled the ball to one side, forcing Zhang Xin to shrink back, and then moved shoulder to shoulder in the direction of Love's pick-and-roll, holding Love's jersey with his hand to prevent Zhang Xin from entering. Xin squeezes over, this is a very standard pick-and-roll action. During the pick-and-roll, the ball handler cannot directly dribble, because the defender will use the way of squeezing to break the pick-and-roll. This kind of movement is the real trick, but Zhang Xin didn't even think about squeezing past, he just went around!

Because James generally doesn't shoot three-pointers!

Zhang Xin went around, but Love had a chance. Zhang Xin went around to defend, and Gasol had to do a delayed job, otherwise James would just rush in, so after Love popped out, Gasol I couldn't keep up. Of course, James' judgment was very fast. Seeing that Love was empty, he immediately sent the ball over. Love made a three-pointer and hit it!
Rondo dribbled the ball steadily through halftime. Rondo is the top player in the league in controlling the rhythm. He is very good at judging the situation. From this, he decides whether to speed up or stabilize the rhythm. After halftime, how long does Ron keep the ball Hand it over to Zhang Xin. Zhang Xin just came back, so he needs to regain the feeling of controlling the situation.

Zhang Xin smiled at Rondo, Rondo nodded and turned around, Zhang Xin thanked Rondo for his concern, why didn't Rondo thank Zhang Xin for bringing him back to the eyes of the world, and being with Zhang Xin, although most people The eyes are focused on Zhang Xin, but the teammates around him are also exposed to the eyes of the world. With Zhang Xin, the world will remember what an excellent point guard Rajon Rondo is!
What's more, once Zhang Xin brings the Phoenix Suns into the playoffs, that place is where I, Rajon Rondo, should exist. After all, Rondo in the playoffs is a different kind of fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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