Chapter 411
On January 2017, 1, BJ time, the NBA officially announced that Phoenix Suns coach Earl Watson and his coaching staff will coach the New Orleans All-Star West team.

According to the regulations, the All-Star coach of the East and West will be the coach of the team with the highest record in the East and West. The same coach cannot serve for two consecutive years.

On February 2017, 2, BJ time, due to the Raptors' away loss to the Magic, the record before the 4th could not catch up with the Celtics.

The Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue has already coached last year's All-Stars, so the Celtics coach Brad Stevens will be determined to be the coach of this year's Eastern Conference All-Stars.

For most of this season, the Raptors were second in the East, but as the team lost 10 of the past 8 games, their record was overtaken by the Celtics.

Stevens became the first Celtics coach to coach an All-Star since Doc Rivers in 2011, and his opponent will be Phoenix Suns coach Earl Watson.

Apart from participating in the All-Star Game, Zhang Xin did not participate in the rest of the games. As the No.1 in the league, he does not need to compete with others for these titles, so he can take a full rest.

In 2014, the league adopted the suggestion of LeBron James and others to extend the All-Star Intermission. Other stars may have to shoot commercials or prepare to participate in other activities, but Zhang Xin does not need it at all. Waiting for the All-Star Game Just come to the game when it's time, so he can take a leisurely rest.

Earl Watson, who can coach the All-Star Game, has been proud of himself recently. He is happy to see everyone. After all, this is very rare. Now there are two of the three youngest coaches in the league, Lu Kewo Dunton is 80 years old, Earl Watson is 79 years old, and Stevens is 76 years old. Watson and Stevens coached the East and West respectively. Basketball experts exclaimed incredible.

Pau Gasol is also very happy. It’s not that he has never been in the All-Star, but it is really rare to be in the All-Star at this age. Zhang Xin is in the All-Star for the fourth time. He is estimated to be in the All-Star every year in the future. , I didn't take it too seriously, I just enjoyed the rare holiday to my heart's content.

Zhang Xin arrived in New Orleans a few days earlier, and brought Taylor Swift with him. They had made a love affair with New Orleans, and this time it was a refreshment. Taylor Swift was very happy. She walked over and over again to win the unique French area:

The streets in the French Quarter are very narrow, and the houses are closely connected. On the mottled old walls, the small balconies with carved railings on the second floor are often covered with green hanging flowers and plants, which are gorgeous all year round.

For more ostentatious houses, colorful carnival beads should be hung in the green, and a few bird and animal statues should be dotted among the flowers and plants. The tropical city is filled with small suspended tropical rainforests, adding countless charms out of thin air.

The gates of residents on the first floor on the street are mostly protected by carved iron anti-theft doors, and the windows are often covered by brightly colored wooden boards.

Walking through the street, Zhang Xin and Taylor Swift thought that the inside was also a small, airtight and low-slung bungalow, and their eyes were only on those antique shops with gorgeous decoration or weird clothes shops.

After entering, you will find the most unbelievable and gorgeous scene in the French-speaking area, often hidden behind the most inconspicuous brick walls—or flashy Spanish-style mansions, or patios like BJ courtyard houses. , where the strange flowers and plants are vying for beauty, what a secret garden!
The two of them also visited the "City of the Dead" in New Orleans. The burials in New Orleans are completely different from other places in the United States, and all of them are "hanging coffins" on the ground.

In this area of ​​New Orleans, there is a swamp under the surface of the earth, and if the grave is dug a few feet more, it must be poured back. In order not to soak the body of the ancestors in the water, they can only hang on the ground, but it has also become a very characteristic "dead grave". City of Spirits".

Living people visiting "City of the Dead" are generally very shocked, because death is very easy to touch the fear in people's hearts. After watching "City of the Dead", Taylor Swift and Zhang Xin have different thoughts, but They all have more thoughts on cherishing the days they are alive now.

As a human being, Zhang Xin II has his own understanding of death. After visiting the "City of the Dead", his whole body becomes clear. The setbacks encountered in life and the challenges encountered in the competition have a deeper understanding. understand.

Zhang Xin and his lover wandered around the city for a few days, and the All-Star game came on time. This is also an opportunity to meet with friends. Iguodala and others were not selected for the All-Star, but most of them came to join in the fun. Zhang Xin hosted a banquet to entertain They got together well, and they were all very happy. Although they were their masters, it didn't hinder the fact that they were good friends.

With the approaching of the All-Star Game, the number of tourists in New Orleans has increased sharply. Most of them are fans from other places who come to join in the fun. They want to meet their idols. The closer they are, Zhang Xin and Taylor Swift often meet them. Fans and fans, often causing a sensation, until later they had to find a place to live the two-person world.

The media from all over the world also gathered in New Orleans. The NBA All-Star Game is a grand event for basketball fans around the world. After all, it is very interesting to gather all the most popular stars together to play a game.

China's Tencent Sports also sent commentators to the scene. This time it was Wang Meng and Yang Yi, the old partners. They not only commented during the game, but also broadcast live in the city for fans to see this exotic New Orleans amorous feelings.

Both of these two are familiar with Zhang Xin. After coming here, they contacted Zhang Xin and wanted to do an interview with Zhang Xin. Of course, Zhang Xin did not refuse. Tencent also supported him quite a lot. All his games will be ranked. The elite soldier will broadcast live, so that more fans in the country can watch his game.

This is to be appreciated. Zhang Xin is not a cold-tempered person, and he understands the ways of the world, not to mention that he was a colleague of Wang Meng and Yang Yi in his previous life. Communicating with his colleagues will make him feel like returning to his previous life. It's not as brilliant as it is today, but people are nostalgic.

They chatted very happily. Wang Meng and Yang Yi were both sophisticated people. They knew very well whether Zhang Xin was sincerely communicating with them. No.1, but being able to communicate with them sincerely, they couldn't help being moved.

I have always heard that Zhang Xin is modest and kind. Zhang Xin is a very real and down-to-earth person, but how can you know the truth if you don’t have a real conversation. This time you come here to truly understand. Both Yang Yi and Wang Meng feel that this trip is worthwhile.

In the anticipation of the world, after the warm-up of the skill contest, three-point contest and slam dunk contest, the All-Star Game is officially here!
(End of this chapter)

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