Chapter 10
Feng Yuan took Yaoguang's icy veil and wiped her face.

After waking up, I heard the voice of the original owner of the front yard arguing with someone again.

Really noisy.

Feng Yuan sat up and walked towards the front yard impatiently.

The system muttered in a low voice: "If you're worried, just worry, why are you still pretending to be impatient!"

Feng Yuan's expression froze, and she asked it back: "Do you really think I can't do anything about you if I lose my spiritual power?"

She won't worry about weak humans!
The system was as quiet as a chicken, and didn't dare to come out to bubble along the way.


"Brother Feng, with the relationship between our two families, do you still need to talk about this?" A man who was about the same age as Feng Xian said with a smile.

"What's the relationship between our two families? Don't make connections with me!" Feng Xian looked very ugly, and said: "If my precious daughter did not like your son, I would never have agreed to the engagement of the two at the beginning."

Hearing the word 'engagement' from Fengxian, Yaoguang's complexion changed, and he clenched his fists calmly.

So many things happened in the past two days that he even forgot that Miss has a fiancé-in-law, Wu Yuan from the Wu family.

Obviously the person who was betrothed to Wu Yuan was Miss, but he went to Feng's house all day long to look for Feng Ling.

This matter was obviously Wu Yuan's fault, but many people in the clan laughed at the eldest lady behind her back, even her fiancé-in-law couldn't keep it.

That man is not worthy of the eldest lady at all!
Feng Yuan sensed the emotional fluctuations of the people around her, glanced sideways at Yao Guang, and asked, "What's going on?"

Yaoguang thought that Feng Yuan didn't want him to meddle in her affairs, his eyes were gloomy, and he shook his head.

really weird.

Feng Yuan walked into the courtyard with strides.

"Yuaner!" A man's eager voice came.

Feng Yuan looked at the source of the voice.

A man of about twenty was walking quickly towards her.

He looks like a human being, why does this voice sound like it is coming out of his throat?
The injured Feng Yuan trembled, goose bumps all over her body.

When the man got closer, Feng Yuan remembered who he was.

Wu Yuan, the youngest son of the Wu family, is the original owner's fiancé-in-law. During the days when she cannot practice, her only hope is Wu Yuan.

There is definitely something wrong with the original owner's mind.

Why can't I think about trusting the man's mouth that can only talk about it.

A man is only honest when he hangs on a tree.

Wu Yuan smiled warmly and stood still in front of Feng Yuan. When he didn't speak, he was still worthy of the title of gentle man from the outside world.

"I heard that you were not feeling well, so I hurried to see you. Are you okay? Didn't you get hurt yesterday?"

Feng Yuan: ...

If something really happened to her, the day lily might be cold after one night.

What are you here for?
Collect her (original owner) corpse?

"It was Feng Ling who was injured yesterday, not me." Feng Yuan said.

The atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Wu Yuan laughed a few times, and said rather 'lovely': "Sister Yuan, stop joking, I don't care about her, as long as you are fine, my heart can be put back in my stomach."

"Stop talking." Feng Yuan frowned.

When Wu Yuan heard this, he thought Feng Yuan was jealous, so he didn't care at all.

She, it's best to coax her.

Thus, Wu Yuan smiled even more 'gentlely'.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Feng Yuan covered his mouth and raised his hand.

There was a boy standing next to her, who immediately took out a handkerchief and gave it to her.

"Ouch—" Feng Yuan seemed to retch a bit, and before he could express his concern, he said first: "Listen to you, I'm sick."

 Modified Chapter 6, and wrote the reason why Yaoguang is the first in the clan. Haha

(End of this chapter)

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