Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 102 The rich man who called for the actor 41

Chapter 102 The rich daughter who called for the actor 41
After hearing what he said, Feng Yuan felt relieved.

After the two returned to the hotel, Feng Yuan skillfully picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, choosing a recent popular movie.

Zhongcheng was going to take off his make-up and take a shower, so she was playing with her phone while waiting for him to come out.

During the period, the barbecue ordered by the two also arrived.

When Zhong Cheng came out of the shower, he had already changed into simple home clothes.

Seeing this, Feng Yuan quickly flashed regret in her eyes.

She thought that Zhong Cheng would come out wrapped in a bath towel like in the TV drama.

I want to check if he is real.

It went wrong.

After Zhong Cheng came out, he walked to the small table, opened the box and took out the barbecue.

The two watched a movie while eating barbecue.

Occasionally, Zhong Cheng would chat with Feng Yuan about the strange things in the film and television industry and the hearts of the people in the entertainment industry.

In order to completely dispel Feng Yuan's plan to enter the circle.

When the two of them ate, they ate a whole movie.

"Ah... I'm full." Feng Yuan lazily leaned on the sofa, watching Zhong Cheng consciously put all the bamboo sticks into the bag, and then threw the garbage bag to the door.

No matter which small world she is in, she always seems to be the one who is taken care of.

After Zhong Cheng came back, Feng Yuan suddenly said, "Do you have any more home clothes?"

Zhong Cheng didn't understand, so he nodded.

"Let me see." Feng Yuan said.

Confused, Zhong Cheng went to the closet to take out home clothes.

Could it be that Feng Yuan thinks his home clothes are too ugly?
He also thought about whether to change into casual clothes just now.

But he was afraid that the atmosphere would be awkward, so he thought about ordering casually.

Who knows, after Zhong Cheng took it out, Feng Yuan took it directly, then stood up and gestured to her body, saying: "Do you mind if I wear it for one night?"

Zhong Cheng:? ? ?
His mind shut down instantly, and he could only shake his head mechanically.

Seeing this, Feng Yuan took home clothes and walked into the bathroom.

It's past ten o'clock.

When she went home again, it was eleven or twelve o'clock.

Why are you making such a fuss.

How nice to just sleep here.

Save trouble.

Anyway, isn't her boyfriend's residence the same as her residence?

She can spend nearly ten more hours with her boyfriend, perfect.

Feng Yuan didn't think about it at all, and went directly to the bathroom to wash up.


Zhong Cheng is much taller than her.

She couldn't wear his pants anymore, so she could only walk out wearing Zhong Cheng's top, which looked like a skirt to her.

"Your shower gel smells really good." Feng Yuan said while wiping her hair.

Fresh and not overpowering.

It's her favorite flavor.

It was only when Zhong Cheng heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom that he gradually regained his senses.

Is Feng Yuan going to rest at his place?

It seems normal for male and female friends to stay together.

But he was still beating nervously like a drum.

He had already thought about it, he had to pretend to be calm, and he couldn't be too nervous in front of Feng Yuan.

But the moment Feng Yuan appeared in front of him, his mind went down again.

He suddenly understood...

Why is there always a heroine in the script who wears the shirt of the hero, and then the two of them can't control the indescribable behavior.

Feng Yuan's hair was wet, her little face was rosy, her eyes seemed to be filled with mist, and her whole body exuded the fragrance of shower gel, and his top was hanging loosely on Feng Yuan's body, as if there was too much love between them. Just a touch of connection.

The whole atmosphere instantly became ambiguous.


  I definitely didn't mean to get stuck here.

(End of this chapter)

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