Chapter 12
"Don't compare me to him."

my people.

As soon as Feng Yuan's words came out, Yao Guang's pupils trembled.

He was smashed to pieces in this humble hope just now, and now he came back to life because of Feng Yuan's words.

He pursed his lips, trying to suppress the corners of his mouth that wanted to raise.

In the end, Yaoguang still lowered his head and hooked the corners of his lips.

"Yes, yes, yes! He is not worthy of being compared with the people around me, Yuan'er!"

Fengxian is a typical daughter slave.

As long as it is Feng Yuan's words, he regards them as treasures.

It's just that the original owner was too insane and broke her parents' hearts for no reason.

But even if Feng Yuan said so, there was still worry hidden deep in the eyes of Feng Yuan's parents.

In the past, they could see Feng Yuan's feelings for Wu Yuan clearly, otherwise they would not have agreed to be engaged to the Wu family.

How can you say that you are not sad if you are not sad?

"I only like men who are stronger than me." Feng Yuan said with deep meaning.

Her words did not mean to deceive Feng Xian and his wife.

It's just, a man stronger than her?
I'm afraid he hasn't been born yet.

No, of course there is no need to marry!

Hearing her daughter's words, Feng Xian saw her clear eyes, as if she really let go of Wu Yuan's past.

Feng Xian and his wife looked at each other with a smile that couldn't be concealed.

"Yes! My daughter must find a strong man!" After Feng Xian finished speaking, he added: "However, he must love you like a father loves your mother."

"What are you talking about!" Lu Yao patted Feng Xian's arm coquettishly.

Feng Yuan trembled silently.

Human beings get tired and crooked, which is really unbearable.

The three of them stopped talking about Wu Yuan, but about tomorrow's sacrifice to the gods and beasts.

After the chat, the sky was completely dark, covering the entire house like thick ink.

Feng Yuan walked in front, Yao Guang took a step behind her and followed behind.

When passing through the small dark garden, Yaoguang suddenly spoke, saying:
"Miss will definitely meet a man who loves you with his life."

"En." Feng Yuan responded perfunctorily.

This kind of thing can't help her practice, and it can't fill her stomach. What do you want to do?
Are you free?
"I will also work hard to cultivate and become a strong person." Yaoguang said again.

This sounds like a child asking a parent for encouragement.

Only Yaoguang himself understood that he omitted a paragraph.

What he wants to be is a strong man who can protect her for life.

Even if the person who accompanied her in the end was not him, it didn't matter.

"Yes." Feng Yuan affirmed Yao Guang.

He has excellent bones.

Becoming strong is just a matter of time.

Yaoguang heard Feng Yuan's words, but under the cover of night, he finally showed the smile he suppressed for a long time.

But he didn't know that in Feng Yuan's eyes, even in the middle of the night, there was nothing to hide from any of his expressions.

Seeing Yaoguang overjoyed, Fengyuan thought about a question for the first time.

Don't children praise a lot?

In the past, she often praised Xiao Feng'er, and every time it would sweetly call her master.

But since Xiao Feng'er blocked the fatal blow for her in the battle between gods and demons, she has not been with children for tens of thousands of years.

"Starting tomorrow, you will practice with the master in the clan." Feng Yuan said.

"I can do it myself!" Yaoguang hurriedly said.

He was unwilling to leave Feng Yuan's side.

"Follow Master, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and you can become a strong person sooner." Feng Yuan said again.

It was the first time he heard Feng Yuan say so many words.


Did she also look forward to the day when he would become a strong man?
Yaoguang pursed his lips, couldn't hide his smile from the corners of his eyes, and responded.

Putting Yaoguang's reaction back into her eyes, Feng Yuan thought to herself, children are really easy to coax.

 Yaoguang: I am not young! ! !
  Chu: I didn't drive (innocent face)
(End of this chapter)

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