Chapter 21
I don't know if it's because the family's sense of honor is overwhelming, which makes them feel even more proud that Feng Yuan has awakened her spiritual power.

Feng Yuan just stood and watched the play, and gained the power of faith from several clansmen.

Yaoguang stood behind Feng Yuan, listening to everyone's shouts beside her ears, staring straight at her back, secretly made up her mind.

The family has jointly organized the experience and went to the bitter cold place to practice, and it should benefit a lot.

It's just that there are many dangers on the road of experience, and it may not be there that he will confess his life.

So after he heard the news, he has been hesitating.

But at this moment, he made a decision.

Only when he becomes an absolute strong man can he stand by Feng Yuan's side and not be underestimated by anyone.

Now that Feng Yuan is accompanied by Feng Zu, and has been recognized by most of the clan, she is safe and sound, and he doesn't have to worry that she will be bullied by anyone.

In the end, Wu Yuan's family was forced to hand over Feng Yuan's Geng Tie, and then rolled out of Feng's house in despair.

Feng Ling, who was still at the gate and hadn't returned to her room, heard that Feng Yuan had not only awakened her spiritual power, but was also recognized by Feng Zu as her master.

She clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were scarlet, and her silver teeth were about to be crushed, but now she couldn't help Feng Yuan.

"Feng Yuan, I must let you live or die!"

If it wasn't for Feng Yuan, she wouldn't have ended up in such a situation.


"Experience?" Feng Yuan looked at Yao Guang who was kneeling there after returning to the courtyard, and didn't quite understand, "Why do you want to go?"

"I want to become stronger." Yaoguang said.

"With your fundamental talent, it will be a matter of time before you persist in practicing." Feng Yuan said objectively.

"I want to become a strong man as soon as possible." Yao Guang looked at Feng Yuan firmly.

This reason seems to be irresistible.

She hasn't had a good time in this small world yet, so it's okay to let him experience it.

"Save your life, you haven't repaid me yet."

She still remembered what her little thug had said to repay her.

She has never encountered such a thing in the devil world, and it would be a pity not to experience it.

"I will!" Yaoguang clenched his fists.

No matter what kind of danger he encountered, he would definitely come back alive.

With his life gone, his 'delusions' are even less likely to come true.

After obtaining Feng Yuan's consent, Yaoguang went to find the master of ethnology.

As for his mother...

After taking the decoction made from deer antler grass, her body has recovered at an amazing speed, and now she can take care of herself.

After he followed Feng Yuan, the Patriarch learned about his situation and sent someone to take care of his mother.

Now he has no worries.

Depart after half a month.

Feng Yuan thought that Yaoguang would use this half month to rest, or to intensify his cultivation.

who knows……

It took him half a month to remodel her small courtyard.

Two big trees that he moved from nowhere were planted in the courtyard. The branches extended above the roof of her house, so the sun could not penetrate through it, and naturally the temperature in the house dropped.

Fearing that she would be bitten by mosquitoes, a lot of mugwort was planted in the yard to drive away mosquitoes.

There are also many lights hanging on the way from the main courtyard to her courtyard.

Every night, the lamps are lit, and the road under our feet is clearly illuminated.

Is this treating her like a child?
By the time Yaoguang set off with the team, Fengyuan's summer life had already been clearly arranged.

Even if she hadn't stopped her, Yaoguang would have planned to put her winter clothes and charcoal stove back properly.

 Is it a puppy or a daddy boyfriend?
(End of this chapter)

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