Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 286 Tied the Immortal Venerable Taste 1 Taste 28

Chapter 286 Tied the Immortal Venerable and Tasted 28
Ever since the people in the demon world heard that Feng Yuan was going to marry the immortal in the fairy world, they all cheered and shouted that Feng Yuan is mighty.

You know, people in the fairy world are the most arrogant.

But their Immortal Venerables are now conquered by Demon Venerables.

What a face to say this!
That's right.

For people in the devil world, face is more important than life.

No one objected to the marriage of Feng Yuan and Qing Huai.


From time to time, there will be some weird things outside Fengyuan Hall.

I don't know who sent it.

Anyway, everyone who goes out and finds something interesting will send it to Feng Yuan, and it will be her wedding gift.

Feng Yuan was also adored by such unreasonable magic generals.

A few days is just a blink of an eye for them.

Soon came the day when Feng Yuan and Qing Huai got married.

Feng Yuan thought everything would go well.

After all, everything is under their control, and there should be no accidents.

But just before the two of them paid homage...

Qing Huai fainted suddenly.

As an immortal in the fairy world, it is a big deal for him to faint.

With his body...

Unless it is a major accident, it is possible to fall into a coma.

Or they were drugged.

But Feng Yuan is already married to him, so there is absolutely no reason to drug him.

Everyone panicked.

Fortunately, Qing Huai's dizziness didn't last long, and he woke up about a quarter of an hour later.


The moment he woke up, Feng Yuan smiled clearly.

She could tell from the look in his eyes.

He remembered everything.

And from his complex and loving eyes, she understood... He should have recalled all his memories from the first world.

"Are you OK?"

"Is there any discomfort for Xianzun?"

"Why did the Immortal Venerable suddenly faint? Could it be that there is something wrong with his cultivation?"

As soon as Qing Huai and Feng Yuan looked at each other, the people around them spoke with concern and asked questions about Qing Huai's body.

"I'm fine." Qing Huai said: "It's just that I was too excited last night and couldn't sleep. There was a little problem with my errands during cultivation. It's okay. Please worry about it."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when he said he was fine.

Someone checked his pulse, and everyone was completely relieved when they saw that there was really no serious problem.

The marriage ceremony continues.

Qing Huai held Feng Yuan's hand, looking at Feng Yuan who was wearing a phoenix coronet and xiapei, his eyes were very gentle.

"Thank you." Qing Huai said.

"Thank me for what?" Feng Yuan asked.

"Thank you for finding me in so many worlds." Thank you for never thinking of giving up on me.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Feng Yuan smiled and said, "After waiting for a lifetime, do you really not hate me?"

Qing Huai knew that she was talking about the world they first met.

He shook his head and said, "Never. For me, waiting for you is also a kind of happiness."

He never hated Feng Yuan for a moment.

For him, the waiting in that life was very painful, but at the same time very sweet.

not to mention……

In every small world behind, he and Feng Yuan will grow old together.

Where does he have the slightest grievance?
Feng Yuan smiled sweetly, but there was an imperceptible scrutiny hidden deep in her eyes.

For some reason, she always felt that Qing Huai was a bit strange.

It's not surprising that he recovered memories from so many worlds.


She suspected that he had awakened his first memory, the memory before entering the small world.

(End of this chapter)

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