Chapter 29
The shield formed by Chen Zhonghai running all his spiritual power instantly became as thin as a cicada's wing when Fengzu's attack came.


Chen Zhonghai, the head of the Chen family who was also considered somewhat famous on the mainland, was directly hit by Feng Zu's light blow, until he vomited blood.

The people from the Chen family all took a small step back in horror.

"Apologize!" Xiao Feng'er said angrily.

Knocking Chen Ming into the air with one move is not the same as knocking Chen Zhonghai into the air with one move.

Now, no one dared to ignore Feng Zu and Feng Yuan's words.

The same goes for the Chen family.

Chen Ming gritted his teeth, and took off all his coats under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"The wattle." Xiao Feng'er somehow conjured up a thick and long thorn... the stick and handed it to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming took it, and admitted his mistake with red eyes: "I know I was wrong, and I will never offend the Feng family again in the future. I also ask the Feng family to forgive me for what I did when I was ignorant."

"What if this happens again in the future?" Feng Xian asked aloud.

"What the Feng family says is what they say." Chen Zhonghai held his chest and coughed twice, agreeing.

After seeing Feng Zu's strength, Chen Zhonghai can be sure that from now on, the Feng family will probably be able to dominate the mainland.

Then the humiliation he suffered today is considered to have surrendered to the Feng family on behalf of the Chen family.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Zhonghai felt much more at ease.

He said: "In the future, if there is any place in the Feng family that can be used by our Chen family, we only need to send someone to let us know."

Feng Xian laughed twice, came out to act as a 'peacemaker' and said: "It used to be a joke between children, so there is no need to hurt the harmony of our Fengchen family. I think this matter is settled like this .”

Chen Zhonghai moved his mouth, but finally nodded.

The swear words almost came out.

Why didn't Feng Xian stand up and speak out when he was beaten by Feng Zu and insulted by his daughter?
Feng Xian stood up now because he was satisfied with the conditions he gave.

After the Chen family sent the artifact to Feng's house, they all left.

How could there be any trace of their usual arrogant and domineering appearance?
"Watching the Chen family being teased by the eldest lady is so refreshing!"

"Look at how arrogant and domineering they are to bully people in the future!"

"We will beat the dog in the water today!"

As soon as the Chen family left, Feng Yuan and Xiao Feng'er were surrounded by the Feng family.

Feng Yuan received a lot of reminders from the power of faith.

"Half of it." The system said sullenly.

Why hasn't the system space been punished yet?

How can it have the dignity to restrain Fengyuan in the future?

Other people's systems always find a host who coaxes them every day, but it turns out that it is fine, and finds a father who can wipe it out if there is a disagreement.

These days, making a system is so difficult.

"Your sister can't practice?" Feng Yuan suddenly looked at Feng Qi and asked.

The smile on Feng Qi's face suddenly dimmed a lot, he nodded and said yes.

"Let her find me later." Feng Yuan said.

As soon as Feng Qi heard Feng Yuan's words, she knew that his sister might have a good fortune coming, so she quickly kowtowed to Feng Yuan excitedly.

A burst of spiritual power interrupted his movement and lifted him up.

When he raised his head, what he saw was the back of Feng Yuan leaving.

Who said the eldest lady is not approachable?
"What are you going to do?" the system asked curiously.

Feng Yuan was silent.

"Are you going to help his sister? But you can only use your spiritual power for a short time!"

Based on Feng Yuan's performance in the past two days, the system has deduced Feng Yuan's current state.

System space constraints still work.

Even if Feng Yuan manages to break through the confinement and use her spiritual power, it can only be done for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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