Chapter 39
The power of the Thundercaller Beast's self-destruct is not something that Yaoguang's body can bear.

The energy generated by the self-detonation of beasts is related to the number of years they have cultivated. This Thundercaller obviously has been cultivating for a long time.

Feng Yuan reluctantly took out Xiao Feng'er's phoenix feather from her sleeve at the last moment.

no way.

Yaoguang really protected her so well that she didn't even have room to display her actions.

Therefore, Feng Yu only resisted part of the energy of the Thundercaller Beast's self-detonation.

A part of the energy still hit Yaoguang's back.

Yaoguang didn't say a word, and firmly protected Fengyuan.

It wasn't until all the energy fluctuations disappeared that Yaoguang turned over, revealing the completely uninjured Fengyuan underneath.

"It's okay." Yao Guang said.

Feng Yuan stood on the ground expressionlessly, sat up, and looked at Yaoguang.

Yaoguang was chilled all over by Feng Yuan's stare.

He said, "What's the matter, miss?"

"Does your back hurt?" Feng Yuan asked.

"It doesn't hurt." Yaoguang didn't even think about it, and said, "Miss, did you use a magic weapon just now? I wasn't injured."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Yaoguang's face froze, and he said, "It's a small injury, it really doesn't hurt."

"Turn around." Feng Yuan said incredulously.

Yaoguang and Feng Yuan looked at each other for a while, then turned around silently, exposing his wound in front of Feng Yuan.

Feng Yu's strength has not been exerted to the extreme, it only offset most of the fluctuations in ability.

But even so, Yaoguang's back was still covered with scars one after another, and the scars were all traces of flesh and blood.

He didn't say a word of pain from the beginning to the end.

"I don't need you to do this kind of thing." Feng Yuan said coldly.

She wanted to see how he would repay his kindness, and she wanted to raise him as a thug.

But she never thought of letting him use his life to protect her.

Yaoguang scratched his head, but grinned his teeth because of the pain.

"Do you know?" Feng Yuan asked again.

Yaoguang still pursed his lips and remained silent.

The next time something like this happens, he will do his best to protect Feng Yuan.

As long as she is unharmed, even his death is worth it.

Even if there was a better solution, as long as she would get hurt, it would not be a good solution for him.

"Take off your shirt!" Feng Yuan said angrily.

Yaoguang was a little shy, but he also knew that his injury could be healed, so he could only obediently listen to Fengyuan's words and take off his shirt.

Feng Yuan slowly took out the wound medicine from the ring and sprinkled it on Yaoguang's wound.

With such a simple movement, Feng Yuan was out of breath.

If she hasn't played enough, she must make the system space look good!
"I'll do it myself." Yaoguang said.

"You have eyes behind your back?" Feng Yuan said angrily.

Yaoguang couldn't help laughing.

I don't know why, he should be very afraid of Feng Yuan losing his temper, but now seeing Feng Yuan losing his temper, he feels very happy in his heart.


The young lady who lost her temper is just too cute.

It was obvious that the two of them were sitting in the icy and snowy forest, looking embarrassed, but he exuded a steady stream of warmth from the depths of his heart.

"Okay." Feng Yuan really didn't have the strength to bandage Yaoguang, so she had to put some good medicine on him first, and let him bandage himself.

The environment the two of them lived in had undergone earth-shaking changes before the Thundercaller blew itself up.

The blood mist finally dissipated.

Feng Yuan looked at the dots of Thundercaller blood on her coat and exposed skin, she turned her head away in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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